How to use the bytebuffer.Long function in bytebuffer

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bytebuffer examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github bitshares / bitshares-ui / plasma / libraries / @graphene / wallet-client / src / ConfidentialWallet.js View on Github external
import assert from "assert"
import { fromJS, Map, List, Set } from "immutable"
import { PrivateKey, PublicKey, Aes, brainKey, hash, key } from "@graphene/ecc"
import { fetchChain, config, chain_types, Apis, TransactionBuilder, number_utils } from "@graphene/chain"
import { ops, Serializer } from "@graphene/serializer"
import AddressIndex from "./AddressIndex"
import ByteBuffer from "bytebuffer"

var bs58 = require("bs58")
let { stealth_memo_data, stealth_confirmation, blind_transfer, transfer_from_blind } = ops
let { toImpliedDecimal } = number_utils
let Long = ByteBuffer.Long

/** This class is used for stealth transfers.

    Anytime you send to an external stealth address, you will need to capture the `confirmation_receipt` hex in the returned promise.  This must be sent to the recipient so they may claim their balance.   
    separated out change_receipts and confirmation receipts.  So, only if your sending to another blind address do you need to grab the 1 and only "confirmation_receipt" .. The wallet should store everything so you normally would not need any change_receipts.

    Serilizable persisterent state (JSON serilizable types only)..  This is the data used by this class and kept in walletStorage.wallet_object:

    const empty_wallet = fromJS({
        blind_receipts: [ see this.receiveBlindTransfer()  ],
        keys: {
            "pubkey": {
                //  No two keys can have the same label, no two labels can have the same key
                label: t.maybe(t.Str),
github steemit / steem-js / src / auth / ecc / src / aes.js View on Github external
import secureRandom from 'secure-random';
import ByteBuffer from 'bytebuffer';
import crypto from 'browserify-aes';
import assert from 'assert';
import PublicKey from './key_public';
import PrivateKey from './key_private';
import hash from './hash';

const Long = ByteBuffer.Long;

    Spec: http://localhost:3002/steem/@dantheman/how-to-encrypt-a-memo-when-transferring-steem
    @throws {Error|TypeError} - "Invalid Key, ..."
    @arg {PrivateKey} private_key - required and used for decryption
    @arg {PublicKey} public_key - required and used to calcualte the shared secret
    @arg {string} [nonce = uniqueNonce()] - assigned a random unique uint64

    @return {object}
    @property {string} nonce - random or unique uint64, provides entropy when re-using the same private/public keys.
    @property {Buffer} message - Plain text message
    @property {number} checksum - shared secret checksum
export function encrypt(private_key, public_key, message, nonce = uniqueNonce()) {
    return crypt(private_key, public_key, nonce, message)
github seishun / node-steam / lib / steamID.js View on Github external
SteamID.prototype.encode = function() {
  return new Long(this.accountID, this.accountInstance | this.accountType << 20 | this.accountUniverse << 24);
github freedomexio / rocketx-condenser / src / app / components / pages / Witnesses.jsx View on Github external
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { Link } from 'react-router';
import links from 'app/utils/Links';
import Icon from 'app/components/elements/Icon';
import * as transactionActions from 'app/redux/TransactionReducer';
import ByteBuffer from 'bytebuffer';
import { is, Set } from 'immutable';
import * as globalActions from 'app/redux/GlobalReducer';
import tt from 'counterpart';

const Long = ByteBuffer.Long;
const { string, func, object } = PropTypes;

const DISABLED_SIGNING_KEY = 'STM1111111111111111111111111111111114T1Anm';

function _blockGap(head_block, last_block) {
    if (!last_block || last_block < 1) return 'forever';
    const secs = (head_block - last_block) * 3;
    if (secs < 120) return 'recently';
    const mins = Math.floor(secs / 60);
    if (mins < 120) return mins + ' mins ago';
    const hrs = Math.floor(mins / 60);
    if (hrs < 48) return hrs + ' hrs ago';
    const days = Math.floor(hrs / 24);
    if (days < 14) return days + ' days ago';
    const weeks = Math.floor(days / 7);
    if (weeks < 104) return weeks + ' weeks ago';