How to use the botbuilder-dialogs.DialogTurnStatus.waiting function in botbuilder-dialogs

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github howdyai / botkit / packages / botkit / src / conversation.ts View on Github external
const ebot = await this._controller.spawn(dc);

            await ebot.replaceDialog(path.execute.script, {
                thread: path.execute.thread,

            return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };
        case 'beginDialog':
            let rbot = await this._controller.spawn(dc);

            await rbot.beginDialog(path.execute.script, {
                thread: path.execute.thread,
            return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };
        case 'repeat':
            return await this.runStep(dc, step.index - 1, step.thread, DialogReason.nextCalled);
        case 'wait':
            // reset the state so we're still on this step.
            step.state.stepIndex = step.index - 1;
            // send a waiting status
            return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };
            // the default behavior for unknown action in botkit is to gotothread
            if (this.script[path.action]) {
                return await this.gotoThreadAction(path.action, dc, step);
            console.warn('NOT SURE WHAT TO DO WITH THIS!!', path);
github hinojosachapel / CorePlus / typescript_nodejs / src / dialogs / main / index.ts View on Github external
// Basic code for intents and dialogs binding
                        // case SOME_OTHER_INTENT:
                        // turnResult = await dc.beginDialog(, stepOptions);
                        // break;

                    case NONE_INTENT:
                        // None or no intent identified, either way, let's query the QnA service.
                        turnResult = await dc.beginDialog(;


                case DialogTurnStatus.waiting:
                    // The active dialog is waiting for a response from the user, so do nothing.

                case DialogTurnStatus.complete:
                    // All child dialogs have ended. so do nothing.

                    // Unrecognized status from child dialog. Cancel all dialogs.
                    await dc.cancelAllDialogs();

        return turnResult;
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / libraries / botbuilder-ai / samples / 13.basic-bot / bot.js View on Github external
// dc.continueDialog() returns DialogTurnStatus.empty if there are no active dialogs
                case DialogTurnStatus.empty:
                    // Determine what we should do based on the top intent from LUIS.
                    switch (topIntent) {
                    case GREETING_INTENT:
                        await dc.beginDialog(GREETING_DIALOG);
                    case NONE_INTENT:
                        // None or no intent identified, either way, let's provide some help
                        // to the user
                        await dc.context.sendActivity(templateReferences.confusion);
                case DialogTurnStatus.waiting:
                    // The active dialog is waiting for a response from the user, so do nothing.
                case DialogTurnStatus.complete:
                    // All child dialogs have ended. so do nothing.
                    // Unrecognized status from child dialog. Cancel all dialogs.
                    await dc.cancelAllDialogs();
        } else if (context.activity.type === ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate) {
            // Handle ConversationUpdate activity type, which is used to indicates new members add to
            // the conversation.
            // see to learn more about the message and other activity types
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / 70.qnamaker-multiturn-sample / dialogs / qnamakerMultiturnDialog.js View on Github external
previousContextData = dialogOptions[QnAContextData];

                answer.context.prompts.forEach(prompt => {
                    previousContextData[prompt.displayText.toLowerCase()] = prompt.qnaId;

                dialogOptions[QnAContextData] = previousContextData;
                dialogOptions[PreviousQnAId] =;
                stepContext.activeDialog.state.options = dialogOptions;

                // Get multi-turn prompts card activity.
                var message = QnACardBuilder.GetQnAPromptsCard(answer);
                await stepContext.context.sendActivity(message);

                return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };

        return await;
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / libraries / botbuilder-dialogs-adaptive / src / adaptiveDialog.ts View on Github external
let result = await action.continueDialog();

            // Start action if not continued
            if (result.status == DialogTurnStatus.empty && this.getUniqueInstanceId(sequence) == instanceId) {
                const nextAction = action.actions[0];
                result = await action.beginDialog(nextAction.dialogId, nextAction.options);

            // Increment turns action count
            // - This helps dialogs being resumed from an interruption to determine if they
            //   should re-prompt or not.
            const actionCount = sequence.state.getValue('turn.actionCount').value;
            sequence.state.setValue('turn.actionCount', typeof actionCount == 'number' ? actionCount + 1 : 1);

            // Is the action waiting for input or were we cancelled?
            if (result.status == DialogTurnStatus.waiting || this.getUniqueInstanceId(sequence) != instanceId) {
                return result;

            // End current action
            await this.endCurrentAction(sequence);

            // Execute next action
            // - We call continueDialog() on the root dialog to ensure any changes queued up
            //   by the previous actions are applied.
            let root: DialogContext = sequence;
            while (root.parent) {
                root = root.parent;
            return await root.continueDialog();
        } else {
            return await this.onEndOfActions(sequence);
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / / dialogs / dispatcher / mainDispatcher.js View on Github external
async mainDispatch(dc) {
            let dialogTurnResult;
            // get on turn property through the property accessor
            let onTurnProperty = await this.onTurnAccessor.get(dc.context);

            // Evaluate if the requested operation is possible/ allowed.
            const reqOpStatus = await this.isRequestedOperationPossible(dc.activeDialog, onTurnProperty.intent);
            if (!reqOpStatus.allowed) {
                await dc.context.sendActivity(reqOpStatus.reason);
                // Initiate re-prompt for the active dialog.
                await dc.repromptDialog();
                return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };
            } else {
                // continue any outstanding dialogs
                dialogTurnResult = await dc.continueDialog();

            // This will only be empty if there is no active dialog in the stack.
            if (!dc.context.responded && dialogTurnResult !== undefined && dialogTurnResult.status !== DialogTurnStatus.complete) {
                // If incoming on turn property does not have an intent, call LUIS and get an intent.
                if (onTurnProperty === undefined || onTurnProperty.intent === '') {
                    // Call to LUIS recognizer to get intent + entities
                    const LUISResults = await this.luisRecognizer.recognize(dc.context);

                    // Return new instance of on turn property from LUIS results.
                    // Leverages static fromLUISResults method
                    onTurnProperty = OnTurnProperty.fromLUISResults(LUISResults);
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / 13.basic-bot / bot.js View on Github external
// dc.continueDialog() returns DialogTurnStatus.empty if there are no active dialogs
                case DialogTurnStatus.empty:
                    // Determine what we should do based on the top intent from LUIS.
                    switch (topIntent) {
                    case GREETING_INTENT:
                        await dc.beginDialog(GREETING_DIALOG);
                    case NONE_INTENT:
                        // None or no intent identified, either way, let's provide some help
                        // to the user
                        await dc.context.sendActivity(`I didn't understand what you just said to me.`);
                case DialogTurnStatus.waiting:
                    // The active dialog is waiting for a response from the user, so do nothing.
                case DialogTurnStatus.complete:
                    // All child dialogs have ended. so do nothing.
                    // Unrecognized status from child dialog. Cancel all dialogs.
                    await dc.cancelAllDialogs();
        } else if (context.activity.type === ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate) {
            // Handle ConversationUpdate activity type, which is used to indicates new members add to
            // the conversation.
            // see to learn more about the message and other activity types
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_typescript / 13.basic-bot / src / bot.ts View on Github external
// dc.continueDialog() returns DialogTurnStatus.empty if there are no active dialogs
                    case DialogTurnStatus.empty:
                        // Determine what we should do based on the top intent from LUIS.
                        switch (topIntent) {
                            case GREETING_INTENT:
                                await dc.beginDialog(GREETING_DIALOG);
                            case NONE_INTENT:
                                // help or no intent identified, either way, let's provide some help
                                // to the user
                                await dc.context.sendActivity(`I didn't understand what you just said to me.`);
                    case DialogTurnStatus.waiting:
                        // The active dialog is waiting for a response from the user, so do nothing.
                    case DialogTurnStatus.complete:
                        // All child dialogs have ended. so do nothing.
                        // Unrecognized status from child dialog. Cancel all dialogs.
                        await dc.cancelAllDialogs();
        } else if (context.activity.type === ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate) {
            // When activity type is "conversationUpdate" and the member joining the conversation is the bot
            // we will send our Welcome Adaptive Card.  This will only be sent once, when the Bot joins conversation
            // To learn more about Adaptive Cards, see for more details.
            // Do we have any new members added to the conversation?
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / experimental / qnamaker-prompting / javascript_nodejs / dialogs / functionDialogBase.js View on Github external
async runStateMachine(dc) {
        var oldState = this.getPersistedState(dc.activeDialog);
        var processResult = await this.processAsync(oldState, dc.context.activity);
        var newState = processResult[0];
        var output = processResult[1];
        var result = processResult[2];
        await dc.context.sendActivity(output);

        if(newState != null){
            dc.activeDialog.state[functionStateName] = newState;
            return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };
            return await dc.endDialog();
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / typescript_nodejs / 13.core-bot / src / dialogs / cancelAndHelpDialog.ts View on Github external
private async interrupt(innerDc: DialogContext): Promise {
        if (innerDc.context.activity.text) {
            const text = innerDc.context.activity.text.toLowerCase();

            switch (text) {
                case 'help':
                case '?':
                    const helpMessageText = 'Show help here';
                    await innerDc.context.sendActivity(helpMessageText, helpMessageText, InputHints.ExpectingInput);
                    return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };
                case 'cancel':
                case 'quit':
                    const cancelMessageText = 'Cancelling...';
                    await innerDc.context.sendActivity(cancelMessageText, cancelMessageText, InputHints.IgnoringInput);
                    return await innerDc.cancelAllDialogs();