How to use the botbuilder-dialogs.ChoicePrompt function in botbuilder-dialogs

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few botbuilder-dialogs examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / 06.using-cards / dialogs / mainDialog.js View on Github external
constructor(logger) {

        if (!logger) {
            logger = console;
            logger.log('[MainDialog]: logger not passed in, defaulting to console');

        this.logger = logger;

        // Define the main dialog and its related components.
        this.addDialog(new ChoicePrompt('cardPrompt'));
        this.addDialog(new WaterfallDialog(MAIN_WATERFALL_DIALOG, [

        // The initial child Dialog to run.
        this.initialDialogId = MAIN_WATERFALL_DIALOG;
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / 81.skills-skilldialog / dialogRootBot / dialogs / mainDialog.js View on Github external
if (!conversationIdFactory) throw new Error('[MainDialog]: Missing parameter \'conversationIdFactory\' is required');

        if (!process.env.MicrosoftAppId) throw new Error('[MainDialog]: Missing parameter \'MicrosoftAppId\' is required');
        if (!process.env.SkillHostEndpoint) throw new Error('[MainDialog]: Missing parameter \'SkillHostEndpoint\' is required');

        this.activeSkillPropertyName = `${ MAIN_DIALOG }.activeSkillProperty`;
        this.activeSkillProperty = conversationState.createProperty(this.activeSkillPropertyName);
        this.skillsConfig = skillsConfig;
        this.selectedSkillKey = `${ MAIN_DIALOG }.selectedSkillKey`;

        // Use helper method to add SkillDialog instances for the configured skills.
        this.addSkillDialogs(conversationState, conversationIdFactory, skillClient, skillsConfig, process.env.MicrosoftAppId);

        // Define the main dialog and its related components.
        // Add ChoicePrompt to render available skills.
        this.addDialog(new ChoicePrompt(SKILL_PROMPT))
            // Add ChoicePrompt to render skill actions.
            .addDialog(new ChoicePrompt(SKILL_ACTION_PROMPT, this.skillActionPromptValidator))
            // Add main waterfall dialog for this bot.
            .addDialog(new WaterfallDialog(WATERFALL_DIALOG, [

        this.initialDialogId = WATERFALL_DIALOG;
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / samples / dialogs / prompts-ts / src / app.ts View on Github external
// Continue the current dialog
            await dc.continueDialog();

            // Show menu if no response sent
            if (!context.responded) {
                await dc.beginDialog('mainMenu');

const dialogs = new DialogSet();
// Add prompts
dialogs.add('choicePrompt', new ChoicePrompt());
dialogs.add('confirmPrompt', new ConfirmPrompt());
dialogs.add('datetimePrompt', new DatetimePrompt());
dialogs.add('numberPrompt', new NumberPrompt());
dialogs.add('textPrompt', new TextPrompt());
dialogs.add('attachmentPrompt', new AttachmentPrompt());

// Main Menu

dialogs.add('mainMenu', [
    async function(dc) {
        function choice(title: string, value: string): Choice {
            return {
                value: value,
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / samples / dialogs / alarmbot-ts / lib / dialogs / deleteAlarmDialog.js View on Github external
yield dc.context.sendActivity(`ok...`);
            return yield dc.endDialog();
        // waterfall dialog for dealing with multiple dialogs
        this.addDialog(new botbuilder_dialogs_1.WaterfallDialog(DELETE_MULTI_DIALOG, [
        // waterfall dialog for deleting a single dialog
        this.addDialog(new botbuilder_dialogs_1.WaterfallDialog(DELETE_SINGLE_DIALOG, [
        // Add support prompts
        this.addDialog(new botbuilder_dialogs_1.ChoicePrompt(CHOOSE_ALARM_PROMPT));
        this.addDialog(new botbuilder_dialogs_1.ConfirmPrompt(CONFIRM_DELETE_PROMPT));
    // NOTE: since waterfall steps are passed in as a function to the waterfall dialog 
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / 05.multi-turn-prompt / bot.js View on Github external
constructor(conversationState, userState) {
        // Create a new state accessor property. See to learn more about bot state and state accessors.
        this.conversationState = conversationState;
        this.userState = userState;

        this.dialogState = this.conversationState.createProperty(DIALOG_STATE_PROPERTY);

        this.userProfile = this.userState.createProperty(USER_PROFILE_PROPERTY);

        this.dialogs = new DialogSet(this.dialogState);

        // Add prompts that will be used by the main dialogs.
        this.dialogs.add(new TextPrompt(NAME_PROMPT));
        this.dialogs.add(new ChoicePrompt(CONFIRM_PROMPT));
        this.dialogs.add(new NumberPrompt(AGE_PROMPT, async (prompt) => {
            if (prompt.recognized.succeeded) {
                if (prompt.recognized.value <= 0) {
                    await prompt.context.sendActivity(`Your age can't be less than zero.`);
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return true;

            return false;

        // Create a dialog that asks the user for their name.
        this.dialogs.add(new WaterfallDialog(WHO_ARE_YOU, [
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / language-generation / 06.using-cards / dialogs / mainDialog.js View on Github external
constructor() {

        // Define the main dialog and its related components.
        this.addDialog(new ChoicePrompt('cardPrompt'));
        this.addDialog(new WaterfallDialog(MAIN_WATERFALL_DIALOG, [

        // The initial child Dialog to run.
        this.initialDialogId = MAIN_WATERFALL_DIALOG;

        this.lgTemplates = Templates.parseFile('./resources/MainDialog.lg');
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / samples / rich-cards-es6 / bot.js View on Github external
module.exports = function createBotLogic(conversationState) {

    const dialogs = new DialogSet();

    // Create a choice prompt and change the list style
    const cardPrompt = new ChoicePrompt().style(ListStyle.list);

    // Create our prompt's choices
    const cardOptions = [
            value: 'Adaptive card',
            synonyms: ['1', 'adaptive card']
            value: 'Animation card',
            synonyms: ['2', 'animation card']
            value: 'Audio card',
            synonyms: ['3', 'audio card']
github hinojosachapel / CorePlus / typescript_nodejs / src / dialogs / qna / index.ts View on Github external

        // validate what was passed in
        if (!userDataAccessor) throw new Error('QnA constructor missing parameter: userDataAccessor is required.');
        if (!qnaRecognizers) throw new Error('QnA constructor missing parameter: qnaRecognizers is required.');

        this.userDataAccessor = userDataAccessor;
        this.qnaRecognizers = qnaRecognizers;

        this.addDialog(new WaterfallDialog(QNA_DIALOG, [

        this.addDialog(new ChoicePrompt(ASK_FEEDBACK_PROMPT, this.validateFeedback));
github microsoft / botbuilder-js / samples / dialogs / prompts-ts / lib / app.js View on Github external
const utterance = (context.activity.text || '').trim().toLowerCase();
            if (utterance === 'menu' || utterance === 'cancel') {
                yield dc.endAll();
            // Continue the current dialog
            yield dc.continueDialog();
            // Show menu if no response sent
            if (!context.responded) {
                yield dc.beginDialog('mainMenu');
const dialogs = new botbuilder_dialogs_1.DialogSet();
// Add prompts
dialogs.add('choicePrompt', new botbuilder_dialogs_1.ChoicePrompt());
dialogs.add('confirmPrompt', new botbuilder_dialogs_1.ConfirmPrompt());
dialogs.add('datetimePrompt', new botbuilder_dialogs_1.DatetimePrompt());
dialogs.add('numberPrompt', new botbuilder_dialogs_1.NumberPrompt());
dialogs.add('textPrompt', new botbuilder_dialogs_1.TextPrompt());
dialogs.add('attachmentPrompt', new botbuilder_dialogs_1.AttachmentPrompt());
// Main Menu
dialogs.add('mainMenu', [
    function (dc) {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            function choice(title, value) {
                return {
                    value: value,
                    action: { type: botbuilder_1.ActionTypes.ImBack, title: title, value: title }
github microsoft / BotBuilder-Samples / samples / javascript_nodejs / 23.facebook-events / bot.js View on Github external
constructor(conversationState, userState) {
        this.conversationState = conversationState;
        this.userState = userState;

        this.dialogState = this.conversationState.createProperty(DIALOG_STATE_PROPERTY);

        this.dialogs = new DialogSet(this.dialogState);
        this.dialogs.add(new ChoicePrompt(SAMPLE_PROMPT));