How to use the bodec.toUnicode function in bodec

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bodec examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github creationix / git-tree / git-tree.js View on Github external
hash: ruleEntry.hash

          if (!entry) {
            // If you get here, the entry didn't match
            // In raw-mode this is a no-find.
            if (!bake) break;
            // In bake mode, look for rule that may serve this path.
            return searchRules();

          if (bake && (entry.mode === modes.sym)) {
             if (!check("blob", entry.hash)) return;
             var blob = storage.get(entry.hash);
             var link = binary.toUnicode(blob);
             var rest = parts.slice(index + 1).join("/");
             var linkPath = pathJoin(partial, link, rest);
             return resolvePath(linkPath, bake, callback);

          // We're good, move on!
          mode = entry.mode;
          hash = entry.hash;
          partial = newPath;
          if (mode === modes.commit) root = partial;
        } else {
github creationix / wheaty / samples / node-mount.js View on Github external
if (meta.mode === modes.sym) {
        var target = bodec.toUnicode(yield repo.loadAs("blob", meta.hash));
        target = pathJoin(base, subPath, '..', target, subRest);
        return yield* pathToEntry(target);

      // Check for .gitmodules file
      meta = yield repo.pathToEntry(root, ".gitmodules");
      if (!(meta && modes.isFile(meta.mode))) {
        throw new Error("Missing .gitmodules file");

      // Load and parse the .gitmodules file.
      // TODO: cache this in memory by path and hash
      var config = configCodec.decode(bodec.toUnicode(yield repo.loadAs("blob", meta.hash)));
      config = config.submodule[subPath];
      if (!config) {
        throw new Error("Missing .gitmodules entry for " + subPath);

      // Iterate the search loop with the new repo and path.
      ref = config.ref || "refs/heads/master";
      repo = yield* getRepo(config.url, ref);
      base = subPath;
      path = subRest;
github creationix / wheaty / wheaty.js View on Github external
function* render(pathToEntry, url, runtimes) {

  // Strip of query string from url to get pathname.
  var pathname = getPathname(url);

  var meta = yield* pathToEntry(pathname);
  if (!meta) return;
  var repo = meta.repo;

  // Send redirects for symlinks
  if (meta.mode === modes.sym) {
    var target = yield repo.loadAs("blob", meta.hash);
    target = bodec.toUnicode(target);
    if (target[0] !== "/") target = pathJoin(url, "..", target);
    return [302, {Location: target}];

  // Special rules for tree requests.
  if (meta.mode === modes.tree) {
    // Make sure requests for trees end in trailing slashes.
    if (pathname[pathname.length - 1] !== "/") {
      return [301, { Location: pathname + "/" }];
    // Load the actual tree listing, this should be cached by mem-cache.
    var tree = yield repo.loadAs("tree", meta.hash);
    // Look for a index file
    if (tree["index.html"] && modes.isFile(tree["index.html"].mode)) {
      meta = tree["index.html"];
      meta.repo = repo;
github creationix / git-cms / filters / page-generator.js View on Github external
function onBody(err, body) {
      if (err) return callback(err);
      var text;
      try { text = binary.toUnicode(body); }
      catch (err) { return callback(err); }
      callback(null, text);
github es-git / es-git / ts / lib / object-codec.ts View on Github external
let key;
  const tag : any = {};
  while (body[i] !== 0x0a) {
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x20, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing space");
    key = bodec.toRaw(body, start, i++);
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x0a, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing linefeed");
    let value : any = bodec.toUnicode(body, start, i++);
    if (key === "tagger") value = decodePerson(value);
    tag[key] = value;
  tag.message = bodec.toUnicode(body, i, body.length);
  return tag as TagBody;
github digidem / react-mapfilter / app / js / lib / backbone-github.js View on Github external
function decodeTag(body) {
  var i = 0;
  var start;
  var key;
  var tag = {};
  while (body[i] !== 0x0a) {
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x20, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing space");
    key = bodec.toRaw(body, start, i++);
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x0a, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing linefeed");
    var value = bodec.toUnicode(body, start, i++);
    if (key === "tagger") value = decodePerson(value);
    tag[key] = value;
  tag.message = bodec.toUnicode(body, i, body.length);
  return tag;
github es-git / es-git / ts / lib / object-codec.ts View on Github external
function decodeTag(body : Uint8Array) {
  let i = 0;
  let start;
  let key;
  const tag : any = {};
  while (body[i] !== 0x0a) {
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x20, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing space");
    key = bodec.toRaw(body, start, i++);
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x0a, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing linefeed");
    let value : any = bodec.toUnicode(body, start, i++);
    if (key === "tagger") value = decodePerson(value);
    tag[key] = value;
  tag.message = bodec.toUnicode(body, i, body.length);
  return tag as TagBody;
github digidem / react-mapfilter / app / js / lib / backbone-github.js View on Github external
var commit = {
    tree: "",
    parents: parents,
    author: "",
    committer: "",
    message: ""
  while (body[i] !== 0x0a) {
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x20, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing space");
    key = bodec.toRaw(body, start, i++);
    start = i;
    i = indexOf(body, 0x0a, start);
    if (i < 0) throw new SyntaxError("Missing linefeed");
    var value = bodec.toUnicode(body, start, i++);
    if (key === "parent") {
    else {
      if (key === "author" || key === "committer") {
        value = decodePerson(value);
      commit[key] = value;
  commit.message = bodec.toUnicode(body, i, body.length);
  return commit;
github digidem / react-mapfilter / app / js / lib / backbone-github.js View on Github external
function onLoad(err, body, hash) {
      if (body === undefined) return callback(err);
      if (type === "text") body = bodec.toUnicode(body);
      if (type === "array") body = toArray(body);
      return callback(err, body, hash);