How to use the bodec.fromUnicode function in bodec

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few bodec examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github creationix / tedit / src / data / pull-serve.js View on Github external
function respond(code, headers, body) {
        // Log the request
        notify(item.method + " " + pathname + " " + code);

        if (typeof body === "string") body = binary.fromUnicode(body);
        var contentType, contentLength;
        headers.forEach(function (pair) {
          var key = pair[0].toLowerCase();
          if (key === "content-type") contentType = pair[1];
          else if (key === "content-length") contentLength = pair[1];
        if (!contentType) headers.push(["Content-Type", "text/plain"]);
        if (!contentLength) headers.push(["Content-Length", body.length]);
          code: code,
          headers: headers
github creationix / wheaty / server.js View on Github external
return [301, { Location: url + "/" }];
    // Load the actual tree listing, this should be cached by mem-cache.
    var tree = yield repo.loadAs("tree", meta.hash);
    // Look for a index file
    if (tree["index.html"] && modes.isFile(tree["index.html"].mode)) {
      meta = tree["index.html"];
      url = pathJoin(url, "index.html");
      // Fall through down to static file handler.
    // Otherwise render a index file
    else {
      return [200, {
        "ETag": '"' + meta.hash + '-html"',
        "Content-Type": "text/html",
      }, bodec.fromUnicode(formatTree(tree))];

  if (modes.isFile(meta.mode)) {
    var body = yield repo.loadAs("blob", meta.hash);

    if (meta.mode === modes.exec) {
      // #! but not #!/
      if (body[0] === 0x23 && body[1] === 0x21 && body[2] !== 0x2f) {
        var i = 2;
        var language = "";
        while (i < body.length && body[i] !== 0x0d && body[i] !== 0x0a) {
          language += String.fromCharCode(body[i++]);
        var runtime = runtimes[language];
        if (!runtime) {
github creationix / tedit / src / runtimes / http-server.js View on Github external
function respond(code, headers, body) {
        // Log the request
        notify(item.method + " " + pathname + " " + code);

        if (typeof body === "string") body = bodec.fromUnicode(body);
        var contentType, contentLength;
        headers.forEach(function (pair) {
          var key = pair[0].toLowerCase();
          if (key === "content-type") contentType = pair[1];
          else if (key === "content-length") contentLength = pair[1];
        if (typeof body === "string") {
          body = bodec.fromUnicode(body);
        if (!contentType) headers.push(["Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"]);
        if (!contentLength) headers.push(["Content-Length", body.length]);
          code: code,
          headers: headers
github es-git / es-git / test / test-object-codec.js View on Github external
function testEncodeBlob() {
    blob = bodec.fromUnicode("Hello World\n");
    blobBin = codec.frame({type: "blob", body: blob});
    blobHash = sha1(blobBin);
    if (blobHash !== '557db03de997c86a4a028e1ebd3a1ceb225be238') {
      throw new Error("Invalid blob hash");
  function testEncodeBlobInvalidType() {
github es-git / es-git / ts / lib / pkt-line.ts View on Github external
return (item : string | Uint8Array | undefined | null) => {
    if (item === undefined) return emit();
    if (item === null) {
      return emit(bodec.fromRaw("0000"));
    if (typeof item === "string") {
      item = bodec.fromUnicode(item);
    return emit(bodec.join([frameHead(item.length + 4), item]));
github creationix / wheaty / server.js View on Github external
paths: {},
    headers: {},

  function* load(path) {
    var meta = yield repo.pathToEntry(root, path);
    if (meta) {
      recording.paths[path] = meta.hash;
      meta.repo = repo;
    return meta;
  var result = yield* render(load, url);
  if (result) {
    if (typeof result[2] === "string") {
      result[2] = bodec.fromUnicode(result[2]);
    if (!result[1].ETag && bodec.isBinary(result[2])) {
      result[1].ETag = '"' + sha1(result[2]) + '"';
    recording.headers = result[1];
    records[url] = recording;
  return result;