How to use the aurelia-slickgrid.OperatorType.notEqual function in aurelia-slickgrid

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github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / client-cli / src / examples / slickgrid / example4.js View on Github external
// 1- USE HttpClient from "aurelia-http-client" to load collection asynchronously
          collectionAsync: this.http.createRequest(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA).asGet().send(),

          // OR 2- use "aurelia-fetch-client", they are both supported
          // collectionAsync: this.httpFetch.fetch(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA),

          // collectionFilterBy & collectionSortBy accept a single or multiple options
          // we can exclude certains values 365 & 360 from the dropdown filter
          collectionFilterBy: [{
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 360
          }, {
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 365

          // sort the select dropdown in a descending order
          collectionSortBy: {
            property: 'value',
            sortDesc: true,
            fieldType: FieldType.number
          customStructure: {
            value: 'value',
            label: 'label',
            optionLabel: 'value', // if selected text is too long, we can use option labels instead
            labelSuffix: 'text'
          collectionOptions: {
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / doc / github-demo / src / examples / slickgrid / example4.ts View on Github external
// 1- USE HttpClient from "aurelia-http-client" to load collection asynchronously
          // collectionAsync: this.http.createRequest(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA).asGet().send(),

          // OR 2- use "aurelia-fetch-client", they are both supported
          collectionAsync: this.httpFetch.fetch(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA),

          // collectionFilterBy & collectionSortBy accept a single or multiple options
          // we can exclude certains values 365 & 360 from the dropdown filter
          collectionFilterBy: [{
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 360
          }, {
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 365

          // sort the select dropdown in a descending order
          collectionSortBy: {
            property: 'value',
            sortDesc: true,
            fieldType: FieldType.number
          customStructure: {
            value: 'value',
            label: 'label',
            optionLabel: 'value', // if selected text is too long, we can use option labels instead
            labelSuffix: 'text',
          collectionOptions: {
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / doc / github-demo / src / examples / slickgrid / example3.ts View on Github external
// We can also add HTML text to be rendered (any bad script will be sanitized) but we have to opt-in, else it will be sanitized
          enableRenderHtml: true,
          collection: Array.from(Array(101).keys()).map(k =&gt; ({ value: k, label: k, symbol: '<i style="color:cadetblue" class="fa fa-percent"></i>' })),
          customStructure: {
            value: 'value',
            label: 'label',
            labelSuffix: 'symbol'
          collectionSortBy: {
            property: 'label',
            sortDesc: true
          collectionFilterBy: {
            property: 'value',
            value: 0,
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual
          model: Editors.singleSelect,
        minWidth: 100,
        params: {
          formatters: [Formatters.collectionEditor, Formatters.percentCompleteBar],
      }, {
        id: 'start',
        name: 'Start',
        field: 'start',
        filterable: true,
        filter: { model: Filters.compoundDate },
        formatter: Formatters.dateIso,
        sortable: true,
        minWidth: 100,
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / doc / github-demo / src / examples / slickgrid / example4.ts View on Github external
filter: {
          model: Filters.multipleSelect,
          // We can load the "collection" asynchronously (on first load only, after that we will simply use "collection")
          // 3 ways are supported (aurelia-http-client, aurelia-fetch-client OR even Promise)

          // 1- USE HttpClient from "aurelia-http-client" to load collection asynchronously
          // collectionAsync: this.http.createRequest(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA).asGet().send(),

          // OR 2- use "aurelia-fetch-client", they are both supported
          collectionAsync: this.httpFetch.fetch(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA),

          // collectionFilterBy & collectionSortBy accept a single or multiple options
          // we can exclude certains values 365 & 360 from the dropdown filter
          collectionFilterBy: [{
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 360
          }, {
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 365

          // sort the select dropdown in a descending order
          collectionSortBy: {
            property: 'value',
            sortDesc: true,
            fieldType: FieldType.number
          customStructure: {
            value: 'value',
            label: 'label',
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / client-cli / src / examples / slickgrid / example3.js View on Github external
// We can also add HTML text to be rendered (any bad script will be sanitized) but we have to opt-in, else it will be sanitized
        enableRenderHtml: true,
        collection: Array.from(Array(101).keys()).map(k =&gt; ({ value: k, label: k, symbol: '<i style="color:cadetblue" class="fa fa-percent"></i>' })),
        customStructure: {
          value: 'value',
          label: 'label',
          labelSuffix: 'symbol'
        collectionSortBy: {
          property: 'label',
          sortDesc: true
        collectionFilterBy: {
          property: 'value',
          value: 0,
          operator: OperatorType.notEqual
        model: Editors.singleSelect
      minWidth: 100,
      params: {
        formatters: [Formatters.collectionEditor, Formatters.percentCompleteBar]
    }, {
      id: 'start',
      name: 'Start',
      field: 'start',
      filterable: true,
      filter: { model: Filters.compoundDate },
      formatter: Formatters.dateIso,
      sortable: true,
      minWidth: 100,
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / client-cli / src / examples / slickgrid / example4.js View on Github external
filter: {
          model: Filters.multipleSelect,
          // We can load the "collection" asynchronously (on first load only, after that we will simply use "collection")
          // 3 ways are supported (aurelia-http-client, aurelia-fetch-client OR even Promise)

          // 1- USE HttpClient from "aurelia-http-client" to load collection asynchronously
          collectionAsync: this.http.createRequest(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA).asGet().send(),

          // OR 2- use "aurelia-fetch-client", they are both supported
          // collectionAsync: this.httpFetch.fetch(URL_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_DATA),

          // collectionFilterBy & collectionSortBy accept a single or multiple options
          // we can exclude certains values 365 & 360 from the dropdown filter
          collectionFilterBy: [{
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 360
          }, {
            property: 'value',
            operator: OperatorType.notEqual,
            value: 365

          // sort the select dropdown in a descending order
          collectionSortBy: {
            property: 'value',
            sortDesc: true,
            fieldType: FieldType.number
          customStructure: {
            value: 'value',
            label: 'label',