How to use the aurelia-slickgrid.Formatters.multiple function in aurelia-slickgrid

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github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / client-cli / src / examples / slickgrid / example3.js View on Github external
// however if you pass the "decimalPlaces", it will validate with that maximum
        model: Editors.float,
        minValue: 0,
        maxValue: 365,
        // the default validation error message is in English but you can override it by using "errorMessage"
        // errorMessage:'INVALID_FLOAT', { maxDecimal: 2 }),
        params: { decimalPlaces: 2 },
      minWidth: 100
    }, {
      id: 'complete',
      name: '% Complete',
      field: 'percentComplete',
      filterable: true,
      formatter: Formatters.multiple,
      type: FieldType.number,
      editor: {
        // We can also add HTML text to be rendered (any bad script will be sanitized) but we have to opt-in, else it will be sanitized
        enableRenderHtml: true,
        collection: Array.from(Array(101).keys()).map(k =&gt; ({ value: k, label: k, symbol: '<i style="color:cadetblue" class="fa fa-percent"></i>' })),
        customStructure: {
          value: 'value',
          label: 'label',
          labelSuffix: 'symbol'
        collectionSortBy: {
          property: 'label',
          sortDesc: true
        collectionFilterBy: {
          property: 'value',
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / client-cli / src / examples / slickgrid / example4.js View on Github external
        id: 'usDateShort', name: 'US Date Short', field: 'usDateShort', sortable: true, minWidth: 70, width: 70,
        type: FieldType.dateUsShort, filterable: true, filter: { model: Filters.compoundDate }
        id: 'utcDate', name: 'UTC Date', field: 'utcDate', formatter: Formatters.dateTimeIsoAmPm, sortable: true, minWidth: 115,
        type: FieldType.dateUtc, outputType: FieldType.dateTimeIsoAmPm, filterable: true, filter: { model: Filters.compoundDate }
        id: 'effort-driven', name: 'Effort Driven', field: 'effortDriven.isEffort', minWidth: 85, maxWidth: 95,
        type: FieldType.boolean,
        sortable: true,

        // to pass multiple formatters, use the params property
        // also these formatters are executed in sequence, so if you want the checkmark to work correctly, it has to be the last formatter defined
        formatter: Formatters.multiple,
        params: { formatters: [Formatters.complexObject, Formatters.checkmark] },

        // when the "field" string includes the dot "." notation, the library will consider this to be a complex object and Filter accordingly
        filterable: true,
        filter: {
          // We can also add HTML text to be rendered (any bad script will be sanitized) but we have to opt-in, else it will be sanitized
          // enableRenderHtml: true,
          // collection: [{ value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'True', labelPrefix: `<i class="fa fa-check"></i> ` }, { value: false, label: 'False' }],

          collection: [{ isEffort: '', label: '' }, { isEffort: true, label: 'True' }, { isEffort: false, label: 'False' }],
          customStructure: {
            value: 'isEffort',
            label: 'label'
          model: Filters.singleSelect,
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / doc / github-demo / src / examples / slickgrid / example4.ts View on Github external
model: Filters.compoundDate,
          // override any of the Flatpickr options through "filterOptions"
          // please note that there's no TSlint on this property since it's generic for any filter, so make sure you entered the correct filter option(s)
          filterOptions: {
            minDate: 'today'
        id: 'effort-driven', name: 'Effort Driven', field: 'effortDriven.isEffort', minWidth: 85, maxWidth: 95,
        type: FieldType.boolean,
        sortable: true,

        // to pass multiple formatters, use the params property
        // also these formatters are executed in sequence, so if you want the checkmark to work correctly, it has to be the last formatter defined
        formatter: Formatters.multiple,
        params: { formatters: [Formatters.complexObject, Formatters.checkmark] },

        // when the "field" string includes the dot "." notation, the library will consider this to be a complex object and Filter accordingly
        filterable: true,
        filter: {
          // We can also add HTML text to be rendered (any bad script will be sanitized) but we have to opt-in, else it will be sanitized
          // enableRenderHtml: true,
          // collection: [{ value: '', label: '' }, { value: true, label: 'True', labelPrefix: `<i class="fa fa-check"></i> ` }, { value: false, label: 'False' }],

          collection: [{ isEffort: '', label: '' }, { isEffort: true, label: 'True' }, { isEffort: false, label: 'False' }],
          customStructure: {
            value: 'isEffort',
            label: 'label'
          model: Filters.singleSelect,
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / doc / github-demo / src / examples / slickgrid / example3.ts View on Github external
// default is 0 decimals, if no decimals is passed it will accept 0 or more decimals
          // however if you pass the "decimalPlaces", it will validate with that maximum
          model: Editors.float,
          minValue: 0,
          maxValue: 365,
          // the default validation error message is in English but you can override it by using "errorMessage"
          // errorMessage:'INVALID_FLOAT', { maxDecimal: 2 }),
          params: { decimalPlaces: 2 },
      }, {
        id: 'complete',
        name: '% Complete',
        field: 'percentComplete',
        filterable: true,
        formatter: Formatters.multiple,
        type: FieldType.number,
        editor: {
          // We can also add HTML text to be rendered (any bad script will be sanitized) but we have to opt-in, else it will be sanitized
          enableRenderHtml: true,
          collection: Array.from(Array(101).keys()).map(k =&gt; ({ value: k, label: k, symbol: '<i style="color:cadetblue" class="fa fa-percent"></i>' })),
          customStructure: {
            value: 'value',
            label: 'label',
            labelSuffix: 'symbol'
          collectionSortBy: {
            property: 'label',
            sortDesc: true
          collectionFilterBy: {
            property: 'value',
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / doc / github-demo / src / examples / slickgrid / example6.ts View on Github external
model: Filters.multipleSelect,
          collection: [{ value: 'acme', label: 'Acme' }, { value: 'abc', label: 'Company ABC' }, { value: 'xyz', label: 'Company XYZ' }],
          filterOptions: {
            filter: true // adds a filter on top of the multi-select dropdown
      { id: 'billing.address.street', field: 'billing.address.street', headerKey: 'BILLING.ADDRESS.STREET', width: 60, filterable: true, sortable: true },
        id: '', field: '', headerKey: 'BILLING.ADDRESS.ZIP', width: 60,
        type: FieldType.number,
        filterable: true, sortable: true,
        filter: {
          model: Filters.compoundInput
        formatter: Formatters.multiple, params: { formatters: [Formatters.complexObject, Formatters.translate] }

    this.gridOptions = {
      enableAutoResize: false,
      enableFiltering: true,
      enableCellNavigation: true,
      enableCheckboxSelector: true,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableTranslate: true,
      i18n: this.i18n,
      gridMenu: {
        resizeOnShowHeaderRow: true,
      pagination: {
        pageSizes: [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100],
github ghiscoding / aurelia-slickgrid / client-cli / src / examples / slickgrid / example6.js View on Github external
sortable: true,
        filterable: true,
        filter: {
          model: Filters.multipleSelect,
          collection: [{ value: 'acme', label: 'Acme' }, { value: 'abc', label: 'Company ABC' }, { value: 'xyz', label: 'Company XYZ' }]
      { id: 'billing.address.street', field: 'billing.address.street', headerKey: 'BILLING.ADDRESS.STREET', width: 60, filterable: true, sortable: true },
        id: '', field: '', headerKey: 'BILLING.ADDRESS.ZIP', width: 60,
        type: FieldType.number,
        filterable: true, sortable: true,
        filter: {
          model: Filters.compoundInput
        formatter: Formatters.multiple, params: { formatters: [Formatters.complexObject, Formatters.translate] }

    this.gridOptions = {
      enableAutoResize: false,
      enableFiltering: true,
      enableCellNavigation: true,
      enableCheckboxSelector: true,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enableTranslate: true,
      i18n: this.i18n,
      gridMenu: {
        resizeOnShowHeaderRow: true
      pagination: {
        pageSizes: [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100],