How to use async - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few async examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github GUI / http-stale-cache-proxy / test / proxy.js View on Github external
it('caches concurrent requests to the appropriate file', function(done) {
    // Fire off 20 concurrent requests and ensure that all the cached responses
    // end up in the appropriate place.
    async.times(20, function(index, next) {
      var randomInput = Math.random().toString();
      var url = '/echo_chunked?input=' + randomInput;

      var cacheKey = ['GET', 'localhost:9333', url].join('');
      var cacheBase = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(cacheKey).digest('hex');

      request.get('http://localhost:9333' + url, function(error, response, body) {
        next(null, {
          url: url,
          input: randomInput,
          output: body,
          cacheBase: cacheBase,
    }, function(error, requests) {
      setTimeout(function() {
github NREL / api-umbrella / test / legacy / integration / rate_limiting.js View on Github external
it('returns 429 over rate limit error when the requests per second exceeds the rate limit plus burst', function(done) {

        async.times(40, function(index, callback) {
          request.get('http://localhost:9080/info/', this.options, function(error, response) {
            callback(error, response.statusCode);
        }.bind(this), function(error, responseCodes) {
          var successes = _.filter(responseCodes, function(code) { return code === 200; });
          var overLimits = _.filter(responseCodes, function(code) { return code === 429; });


          // The rate limiting and burst handling is a bit fuzzy since we
          // don't know exactly when the initial rate limit has been exceeded
          // (since nginx limits aren't based on hard counts, but instead the
          // average rate of requests, and we also don't know how fast the
          // nodejs tests are actually making requests). Since we don't know
          // when the burst kicks in, just make sure we generally start
github Rcomian / bunyan-rotating-file-stream / lib / datestampedfileops.js View on Github external
function findUnusedFile(nonce, next) {
        var filepath = internalGetStreamFilepath(false, nonce);
        var filepathgz = internalGetStreamFilepath(true, nonce);

        ], function (potentialpath, pathresult) {
            fs.stat(potentialpath, function (err, stats) {
                if (err && err.code === 'ENOENT') {
                    // File doesn't already exist, this is good
                } else if (err) {
                    // Something else failed
                } else {
                    // Path existed, use something else
        }, function (err) {
github bitpay / bitcore-wallet-service / test / integration / helpers.js View on Github external
helpers.createAddresses = function(server, wallet, main, change, cb) {
  // var clock = sinon.useFakeTimers('Date');
  async.mapSeries(_.range(main + change), function(i, next) {
    // clock.tick(1000);
    var address = wallet.createAddress(i >= main);, address, function(err) {
      next(err, address);
  }, function(err, addresses) {
    // clock.restore();
    return cb(_.take(addresses, main), _.takeRight(addresses, change));
github NREL / api-umbrella / test / legacy / server / rate_limiting.js View on Github external
setTimeout(function() {
                // Perform a number of requests to make sure any local worker
                // cache is cleared across all possible worker processes.
                async.times(20, function(index, timesCallback) {
                  request.get(url, function(error, response) {
                }.bind(this), done);
              }.bind(this), 2100);
github bitpay / insight-api / app / controllers / addresses.js View on Github external
txs.sort(function(a, b) {
      var b = (b.firstSeenTs || b.ts)+ b.txid;
      var a = (a.firstSeenTs || a.ts)+ a.txid;
      if (a > b) return -1;
      if (a < b) return 1;
      return 0;
    txs = txs.slice(from, to);

    var txIndex = {};
    _.each(txs, function(tx) {
      txIndex[tx.txid] = tx;

    async.eachLimit(txs, RPC_CONCURRENCY, function(tx2, callback) {
      tDb.fromIdWithInfo(tx2.txid, function(err, tx) {
        if (err) {
          return common.handleErrors(err, res);
        if (tx && {

          if (tx2.firstSeenTs)
   = tx2.firstSeenTs;

          txIndex[tx.txid].info =;
        } else {
          // TX no longer available
          txIndex[tx2.txid].info = {
            txid: tx2.txid,
            possibleDoubleSpend: true,
github rdfjs / N3.js / spec / SpecTester.js View on Github external
function executeTests(manifest, callback) {
      async.mapLimit(manifest.tests, workers,
        // 1.2.1 Execute an individual test
        function (test, callback) {
            actionStream: self._fetch.bind(self, test.action),
            resultStream: self._fetch.bind(self, test.result),
          function (error, results) {
            if (error) return callback(error);
            self._performTest(test, results.actionStream, callback);
        // 1.2.2 Show the summary of all performed tests
        function showSummary(error, tests) {
          var score = tests.reduce(function (sum, test) { return sum + test.success; }, 0);
          manifest.skipped.forEach(function (test) { self._verifyResult(test); });
          console.log(('* passed ' + score +
github soajs / soajs.dashboard / utils / drivers / ci / drone / index.js View on Github external
"getBuildLogs": (mCb) => {
										// jobLogs: '/api/repos/#OWNER#/#REPO#/logs/#BUILD_NUMBER#/#JOB_ID#'
										async.eachSeries(jobIds, (oneJobId, fCb) => {
											params = {
												uri: utils.getDomain(opts.settings.domain + config.api.url.jobLogs).replace('#JOB_ID#', oneJobId).replace("#BUILD_NUMBER#", oneBranch.number).replace("#OWNER#", opts.settings.owner).replace("#REPO#", opts.params.repo.split("/")[1]),
												headers: config.headers,
												json: true
											params.headers['Authorization'] = opts.settings.ciToken;
											if (opts.settings.domain) {
												params.headers['Host'] = opts.settings.domain.replace(/https?:\/\//, "");
											request.get(params, (error, resp, body) => {
												if (body && body.error) {
												utils.checkError(error, { code: 997 }, cb, () => {
													if (body && Array.isArray(body) && body.length > 0){
github TheAdrianProject / AdrianSmartAssistant / Library / googleSpeech / stream.js View on Github external
function main ( host) {
    function (cb) {
      getSpeechService(host, cb);
    // [START send_request]

    function sendRequest (speechService, cb) {

        console.log('GOOGLE SPEACH DEAMON : Analyzing speech...'));

        var startOfSpeech   = false;
        var responses       = [];
        var responseTimeout = null;
        var call            = speechService.streamingRecognize();

        // Listen for various responses
github awslabs / lambda-refarch-mapreduce / src / nodejs / reducerCoordinator.js View on Github external
bucket: bucket,
                                keys: _get_keys(batch),
                                jobBucket: bucket,
                                jobId: jobId,
                                nReducers: nReducers, 
                                stepId: stepId, 
                                reducerId: i 

                console.log("LBR", lambdaBatchParams);

                /// Stream the files from S3 & Reduce
      , invokeLambda, function (err, rResults){
                    if (err){
                        callback(null, 'Reducer invocation error');

                    var fname = jobId + "/reducerstate." + stepId;
                    writeReducerState(nReducers, nS3, bucket, fname, function(err, data){
                        callback(null, 'Invoked Reducer Step');
