How to use the async.eachSeries function in async

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few async examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github soajs / soajs.dashboard / utils / drivers / ci / drone / index.js View on Github external
"getBuildLogs": (mCb) => {
										// jobLogs: '/api/repos/#OWNER#/#REPO#/logs/#BUILD_NUMBER#/#JOB_ID#'
										async.eachSeries(jobIds, (oneJobId, fCb) => {
											params = {
												uri: utils.getDomain(opts.settings.domain + config.api.url.jobLogs).replace('#JOB_ID#', oneJobId).replace("#BUILD_NUMBER#", oneBranch.number).replace("#OWNER#", opts.settings.owner).replace("#REPO#", opts.params.repo.split("/")[1]),
												headers: config.headers,
												json: true
											params.headers['Authorization'] = opts.settings.ciToken;
											if (opts.settings.domain) {
												params.headers['Host'] = opts.settings.domain.replace(/https?:\/\//, "");
											request.get(params, (error, resp, body) => {
												if (body && body.error) {
												utils.checkError(error, { code: 997 }, cb, () => {
													if (body && Array.isArray(body) && body.length > 0){
github jhuckaby / Cronicle / lib / engine.js View on Github external
glob(job_spec, {}, function (err, files) {
			// got job json files
			if (!files) files = [];
			async.eachSeries( files, function(file, callback) {
				// foreach job file
				if (file.match(/\/(\w+)(\-detached)?\.json$/)) {
					var job_id = RegExp.$1;
					fs.readFile( file, { encoding: 'utf8' }, function(err, data) {
						var job = null;
						try { job = JSON.parse(data); } catch (e) {;}
						if (job) {
							self.logDebug(5, "Recovering job data: " + job_id + ": " + file, job);
							if (job.detached && && self.isProcessRunning( {
								// detached job is still running, resume it!
								self.logDebug(5, "Detached PID " + + " is still alive, resuming job as if nothing happened");
								self.activeJobs[ job_id ] = job;[ ] = { pid: };
								return callback();
github solid / node-solid-server / lib / acl.js View on Github external
ACL.prototype.can = function (user, mode, resource, callback, options) {
  debug('Can ' + (user || 'an agent') + ' ' + mode + ' ' + resource + '?')
  var self = this
  var accessType = 'accessTo'
  var acls = possibleACLs(resource, self.suffix)
  options = options || {}

  // If it is an ACL, only look for control this resource
  if (self.isAcl(resource)) {
    mode = 'Control'

    // Looks for ACL, if found, looks for a rule
    function (acl, next) {
      debug('Check if acl exist: ' + acl)

      // Let's see if there is a file..
      self.fetch(acl, function (err, graph) {
        if (err || !graph || graph.statements.length === 0) {
          // TODO
          // If no file is found and we want to Control,
          // we should not be able to do that!
          // Control is only to Read and Write the current file!
          // if (mode === 'Control') {
          //   return next(new Error('You can\'t Control an unexisting file'))
          // }
          if (err) debug('Error: ' + err)
github gruntjs / grunt-contrib-clean / tasks / clean.js View on Github external
grunt.registerMultiTask('clean', 'Clean files and folders.', function() {
    // Merge task-specific and/or target-specific options with these defaults.
    var options = this.options({
      force: grunt.option('force') === true,
      'no-write': grunt.option('no-write') === true

    var done = this.async();

    // Clean specified files / dirs.
    var files = this.filesSrc;
    async.eachSeries(files, function (filepath, cb) {
      clean(filepath, options, cb);
    }, function (err) {
      grunt.log.ok(files.length + ' ' + grunt.util.pluralize(files.length, 'path/paths') + ' cleaned.');
github ngageoint / mage-server / migrations / 011-multiple-forms.js View on Github external
ObservationModel.find({}).lean().exec(function(err, observations) {
    async.eachSeries(observations, function(observation, done) {
      var form = {
        formId: formId

      // TODO don't move properties that are not in the form, ie accuracy
      for (var property in {
        if (property === 'timestamp' || !fieldMap[property]) continue;

        form[property] =[property];
      } = [form];

      ObservationModel.findByIdAndUpdate(observation._id, observation, {overwrite: true, new: true}, function(err) {
github bebraw / swagger-todo / tests / index.js View on Github external
async.eachSeries(zip(testSuites), function(suite, cb) {
                var suiteName = suite[0];
                var tests = suite[1];

                async.eachSeries(zip(tests), function(test, cb) {
                    var name = suiteName + '.' + test[0];
                    var fn = test[1];

                        force: true
                    }), fn).then(function() {
                        console.log( + ' ' + 'PASSED'));

                    }).catch(function() {
                        console.error( + ' ' + 'FAILED'));

                }, cb);
            }, function() {
github olragon / gtts.js / lib / gTTS.js View on Github external = function (save_file, callback) {
  var self = this;
  async.eachSeries(self.text_parts, function (part, cb) {
    var idx = self.text_parts.indexOf(part);
    var headers = self.getHeader();
    var payload = self.getPayload(part, idx);

    if (self.debug) {

    var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(save_file, { flags: idx > 0 ? 'a' : 'w' });
      uri: self.GOOGLE_TTS_URL,
      headers: headers,
      qs: payload,
      method: 'GET'
github schlotg / node-aws-deploy / createAMI.js View on Github external
EC2.describeInstances(function(error, data) {
            console.log ("Filtering instances");
            if (error) { cb && cb (error);}
            else {
                async.eachSeries (data.Reservations, function (reservation, done){
                    async.eachSeries (reservation.Instances, function (instance, _done){
                        if (instance.PublicDnsName){
                            EC2.describeInstanceAttribute ({Attribute: "userData", InstanceId:instance.InstanceId}, function (err, data){
                                if (!err && data.UserData && data.UserData.Value){
                                    var user_data = new Buffer(data.UserData.Value, 'base64').toString ();
                                    if (user_data) {
                                        try{user_data = JSON.parse (user_data);}
                                        catch (err){}
                                    if (user_data.type && instance_user_data.type && user_data.type === instance_user_data.type){
                                        var id = instance.InstanceId;
                                        if (!instance_map[id]){
                                            instances.push ({id:id, dns:instance.PublicDnsName,
                                            instance_map[id] = true;
github kenrick95 / c4bot / node_modules / botbuilder / lib / DefaultLocalizer.js View on Github external
entry.loaded = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                async.eachSeries(_this.localePaths, function (path, cb) {
                    _this.loadLocalePath(locale, path).done(function () { return cb(); }, function (err) { return cb(err); });
                }, function (err) {
                    if (err) {
                    else {
github Breeze / / build / gulpfile.js View on Github external
gulp.task('breezeServerBuild', function(done) {
  var solutionFileNames = [];
  _buildSlnDirs.forEach(function(bsd) {
    [].push.apply(solutionFileNames, glob.sync(bsd + "*.sln"));
  async.eachSeries(solutionFileNames, function(sfn, cb1) {
    sfn = path.normalize(sfn);
    gutil.log('Building solution: ' + sfn );
    msBuildSolution(sfn, cb1);
  }, done);