How to use appium-support - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few appium-support examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / commands / context.js View on Github external
// add if this is a new page
    if (!_.includes(this.contexts, contextId)) {

  if (!keyId) {
    // if there is no key id, pull the first id from the page array and use that
    // as a stand in
    log.debug('No key id found. Choosing first id from page array');
    keyId = newIds[0] || null;

  if (!util.hasValue(this.curContext)) {
    log.debug('We do not appear to have window set yet, ignoring');

  const [curAppIdKey, curPageIdKey] = this.curContext.split('.');

  if (curAppIdKey !== appIdKey) {
    log.debug('Page change not referring to currently selected app, ignoring.');

  let newPage = null;
  if (newPages.length) {
    newPage = _.last(newPages);
    log.debug(`We have new pages, selecting page '${newPage}'`);
  } else if (!_.includes(newIds, curPageIdKey)) {
github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / device-log / safari-network-log.js View on Github external
for (const line of (initiator.stackTrace || [])) {
      const functionName = line.functionName || '(anonymous)';

      const url = (!line.url || line.url === '[native code]')
        ? ''
        : `@${_.last((URL.parse(line.url).pathname || '').split('/'))}:${line.lineNumber}`;
      this.log.debug(`    ${_.padEnd(_.truncate(functionName, {length: 20}), 21)} ${url}`);
    // get `memory-cache` or `disk-cache`, etc., right
    const sizeStr = source.includes('cache') ? ` (from ${source.replace('-', ' ')})` : `${size}B`;
    this.log.debug(`  Size: ${sizeStr}`);
    this.log.debug(`  Time: ${Math.round(time)}ms`);
    if (errorText) {
      this.log.debug(`  Error: ${errorText}`);
    if (util.hasValue(cancelled)) {
      this.log.debug(`  Cancelled: ${cancelled}`);
github appium / appium-ios-driver / test / e2e / driver / uiauto / dynamic-bootstrap-specs.js View on Github external
it('should generate dynamic bootstrap', async () => {
    process.env.APPIUM_BOOTSTRAP_DIR = path.resolve('/', 'tmp', 'appium-uiauto', 'test', 'unit', 'bootstrap');
    if (await fs.exists(process.env.APPIUM_BOOTSTRAP_DIR)) {
      await fs.rimraf(process.env.APPIUM_BOOTSTRAP_DIR);

      // first call: should create new bootstrap file
    let bootstrapFile = await uiauto.prepareBootstrap();
    let code = await fs.readFile(bootstrapFile, 'utf8');
    await checkCode(code);
    log.debug.calledWithMatch(/Creating or overwriting dynamic bootstrap/);

    // second call: should reuse bootstrap file
    bootstrapFile = await uiauto.prepareBootstrap();
    code = await fs.readFile(bootstrapFile, 'utf8');
    await checkCode(code);
    log.debug.calledWithMatch(/Reusing dynamic bootstrap/);

    // third call using custom socket path: should create different bootstrap file
    bootstrapFile = await uiauto.prepareBootstrap({sock: '/tmp/abcd/sock'});
    code = await fs.readFile(bootstrapFile, 'utf8');
github appium / appium-ios-driver / test / unit / file-movement-specs.js View on Github external
it('should pull a folder from filesystem as a base64 zip, extract the zip and have same contents as in filesystem', async function () {
      // Create a temporary directory with one file in it
      const tempPath = await tempDir.openDir();
      await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(tempPath, 'a.txt'), 'Hello World!');

      const getSimPathStub = sinon.stub(driver, 'getSimFileFullPath').returns(tempPath);

      // Zip the directory to base64 and write it to ''
      const zippedData = await driver.pullFolder('/does/not/matter');
      const zippedFilepath = path.resolve(tempPath, '');
      await fs.writeFile(zippedFilepath, zippedData, {encoding: 'base64'});

      // Unzip it and check it matches original file contents
      const unzippedDir = path.resolve(tempPath, 'unzipped');
      await zip.extractAllTo(zippedFilepath, unzippedDir);
      await fs.readFile(path.resolve(unzippedDir, 'a.txt'), {encoding: 'utf8'}).should.eventually.equal('Hello World!');

github appium / node-teen_process / test / subproc-specs.js View on Github external
// transpile:mocha

import B from 'bluebird';
import path from 'path';
import { exec, SubProcess } from '..';
import chai from 'chai';
import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';
import { getFixture } from './helpers';
import { system } from 'appium-support';

const should = chai.should();

// Windows doesn't understand SIGHUP
const stopSignal = system.isWindows() ? 'SIGTERM' : 'SIGHUP';

describe('SubProcess', function () {
  it('should throw an error if initialized without a command', function () {
    should.throw(() => {
      new SubProcess();
  it('should throw an error if initialized with a bad command', function () {
    should.throw(() => {
      new SubProcess({lol: true});
    should.throw(() => {
      new SubProcess(1);
  it('should throw an error if initialized with bad args', function () {
github appium / appium-android-driver / test / functional / commands / file-movement-e2e-specs.js View on Github external
it('should pull a folder', async function () {
    const stringData = `random string data ${Math.random()}`;
    const base64Data = Buffer.from(stringData).toString('base64');

    // send the files, then pull the whole folder
    const remoteDir = getRandomDir();
    await driver.pushFile(`${remoteDir}/remote0.txt`, base64Data);
    await driver.pushFile(`${remoteDir}/remote1.txt`, base64Data);
    const data = await driver.pullFolder(remoteDir);

    const tmpRoot = await tempDir.openDir();
    try {
      const zipPath = path.resolve(tmpRoot, '');
      await fs.writeFile(zipPath, Buffer.from(data, 'base64'));
      const extractedDataPath = path.resolve(tmpRoot, 'extracted_data');
      await fs.mkdir(extractedDataPath);
      await zip.extractAllTo(zipPath, extractedDataPath);
      const itemsCount = (await fs.readdir(extractedDataPath)).length;
    } finally {
      await fs.rimraf(tmpRoot);
github appium / appium-ios-driver / test / unit / file-movement-specs.js View on Github external
it('should pull a folder from filesystem as a base64 zip, extract the zip and have same contents as in filesystem', async function () {
      // Create a temporary directory with one file in it
      const tempPath = await tempDir.openDir();
      await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(tempPath, 'a.txt'), 'Hello World!');

      const getSimPathStub = sinon.stub(driver, 'getSimFileFullPath').returns(tempPath);

      // Zip the directory to base64 and write it to ''
      const zippedData = await driver.pullFolder('/does/not/matter');
      const zippedFilepath = path.resolve(tempPath, '');
      await fs.writeFile(zippedFilepath, zippedData, {encoding: 'base64'});

      // Unzip it and check it matches original file contents
      const unzippedDir = path.resolve(tempPath, 'unzipped');
      await zip.extractAllTo(zippedFilepath, unzippedDir);
      await fs.readFile(path.resolve(unzippedDir, 'a.txt'), {encoding: 'utf8'}).should.eventually.equal('Hello World!');

github appium / appium-adb / test / functional / android-manifest-e2e-specs.js View on Github external
it.skip('should compile and insert manifest', async function () {
    let appPackage = '',
        newServerPath = path.resolve(tmpDir, `selendroid.${appPackage}.apk`),
        newPackage = '',
        dstDir = path.resolve(tmpDir, appPackage),
        dstManifest = path.resolve(dstDir, 'AndroidManifest.xml');
    // deleting temp directory if present
    try {
      await fs.rimraf(tmpDir);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log(`Unable to delete temp directory. It might not be present. ${e.message}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
    await fs.mkdir(tmpDir);
    await fs.mkdir(dstDir);
    await fs.writeFile(dstManifest, await fs.readFile(srcManifest, 'utf8'), 'utf8');
    await adb.compileManifest(dstManifest, newPackage, appPackage);
    (await util.fileExists(dstManifest));
    await adb.insertManifest(dstManifest, serverPath, newServerPath);
    (await util.fileExists(newServerPath));
    // deleting temp directory
    try {
      await fs.rimraf(tmpDir);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log(`Unable to delete temp directory. It might not be present. ${e.message}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
github appium / appium-adb / test / functional / android-manifest-e2e-specs.js View on Github external
it.skip('should compile and insert manifest', async function () {
    let appPackage = '',
        newServerPath = path.resolve(tmpDir, `selendroid.${appPackage}.apk`),
        newPackage = '',
        dstDir = path.resolve(tmpDir, appPackage),
        dstManifest = path.resolve(dstDir, 'AndroidManifest.xml');
    // deleting temp directory if present
    try {
      await fs.rimraf(tmpDir);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log(`Unable to delete temp directory. It might not be present. ${e.message}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
    await fs.mkdir(tmpDir);
    await fs.mkdir(dstDir);
    await fs.writeFile(dstManifest, await fs.readFile(srcManifest, 'utf8'), 'utf8');
    await adb.compileManifest(dstManifest, newPackage, appPackage);
    (await util.fileExists(dstManifest));
    await adb.insertManifest(dstManifest, serverPath, newServerPath);
    (await util.fileExists(newServerPath));
    // deleting temp directory
    try {
      await fs.rimraf(tmpDir);
    } catch (e) {
      console.log(`Unable to delete temp directory. It might not be present. ${e.message}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
github appium / appium-xcuitest-driver / lib / webdriveragent.js View on Github external
async launch (sessionId) {
    if (this.webDriverAgentUrl) {`Using provided WebdriverAgent at '${this.webDriverAgentUrl}'`);
      this.url = this.webDriverAgentUrl;
      return this.webDriverAgentUrl;
    }'Launching WebDriverAgent on the device');


    if (!await fs.exists(this.agentPath)) {
      throw new Error(`Trying to use WebDriverAgent project at '${this.agentPath}' but the ` +
                      'file does not exist');

    // make sure that the WDA dependencies have been built
    await checkForDependencies(this.bootstrapPath, this.useCarthageSsl);

    // if necessary, update the bundleId to user's specification
    if (this.realDevice && this.updatedWDABundleId) {
      await updateProjectFile(this.agentPath, this.updatedWDABundleId);

    //kill all hanging processes
    await this.killHangingProcesses();

    if (this.xcodeVersion.major === 7 || (this.xcodeVersion.major === 8 && this.xcodeVersion.minor === 0)) {