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it('should generate dynamic bootstrap', async () => {
process.env.APPIUM_BOOTSTRAP_DIR = path.resolve('/', 'tmp', 'appium-uiauto', 'test', 'unit', 'bootstrap');
if (await fs.exists(process.env.APPIUM_BOOTSTRAP_DIR)) {
await fs.rimraf(process.env.APPIUM_BOOTSTRAP_DIR);
// first call: should create new bootstrap file
let bootstrapFile = await uiauto.prepareBootstrap();
let code = await fs.readFile(bootstrapFile, 'utf8');
await checkCode(code);
log.debug.calledWithMatch(/Creating or overwriting dynamic bootstrap/);
// second call: should reuse bootstrap file
bootstrapFile = await uiauto.prepareBootstrap();
code = await fs.readFile(bootstrapFile, 'utf8');
await checkCode(code);
log.debug.calledWithMatch(/Reusing dynamic bootstrap/);
// third call using custom socket path: should create different bootstrap file
bootstrapFile = await uiauto.prepareBootstrap({sock: '/tmp/abcd/sock'});
code = await fs.readFile(bootstrapFile, 'utf8');
it('should pull a folder from filesystem as a base64 zip, extract the zip and have same contents as in filesystem', async function () {
// Create a temporary directory with one file in it
const tempPath = await tempDir.openDir();
await fs.writeFile(path.resolve(tempPath, 'a.txt'), 'Hello World!');
const getSimPathStub = sinon.stub(driver, 'getSimFileFullPath').returns(tempPath);
// Zip the directory to base64 and write it to ''
const zippedData = await driver.pullFolder('/does/not/matter');
const zippedFilepath = path.resolve(tempPath, '');
await fs.writeFile(zippedFilepath, zippedData, {encoding: 'base64'});
// Unzip it and check it matches original file contents
const unzippedDir = path.resolve(tempPath, 'unzipped');
await zip.extractAllTo(zippedFilepath, unzippedDir);
await fs.readFile(path.resolve(unzippedDir, 'a.txt'), {encoding: 'utf8'}).should.eventually.equal('Hello World!');
log(`Extracting ${tempFile.path} to ${tempUnzipped}`);
await mkdirp(tempUnzipped);
await zip.extractAllTo(tempFile.path, tempUnzipped);
let extractedBin = path.resolve(tempUnzipped, 'chromedriver');
if (platform === 'win') {
extractedBin += '.exe';
// make build dirs that will hold the chromedriver binary
log(`Creating ${path.resolve(CD_BASE_DIR, platform)}...`);
await mkdirp(path.resolve(CD_BASE_DIR, platform));
// copy the extracted binary to the correct build dir
const newBin = await getChromedriverBinaryPath(platform, arch);
log(`Copying unzipped binary, reading from ${extractedBin}...`);
const binContents = await fs.readFile(extractedBin, {encoding: 'binary'});
log(`Writing to ${newBin}...`);
await fs.writeFile(newBin, binContents, {encoding: 'binary', mode: 0o755});
log(`${newBin} successfully put in place`);
it('can get a subject from a PEM certificate', async function () {
let subject = await certificate.getSubject(`${assetsDir}/test-pem.pem`);
let testSubject = await fs.readFile(`${assetsDir}/Library/certificates/test-subj.txt`, 'utf-8');
async function encodeBase64OrUpload (localFile, remotePath = null, uploadOptions = {}) {
if (!await fs.exists(localFile)) {
log.errorAndThrow(`The file at '${localFile}' does not exist or is not accessible`);
const {size} = await fs.stat(localFile);
log.debug(`The size of the file is ${util.toReadableSizeString(size)}`);
if (_.isEmpty(remotePath)) {
const maxMemoryLimit = v8.getHeapStatistics().total_available_size / 2;
if (size >= maxMemoryLimit) {`The file might be too large to fit into the process memory ` +
`(${util.toReadableSizeString(size)} >= ${util.toReadableSizeString(maxMemoryLimit)}). ` +
`Provide a link to a remote writable location for video upload ` +
`(http(s) and ftp protocols are supported) if you experience Out Of Memory errors`);
const content = await fs.readFile(localFile);
return content.toString('base64');
const remoteUrl = url.parse(remotePath);
let options = {};
const {user, pass, method} = uploadOptions;
if (remoteUrl.protocol.startsWith('http')) {
options = {
url: remoteUrl.href,
method: method || 'PUT',
multipart: [{ body: _fs.createReadStream(localFile) }],
if (user && pass) {
options.auth = {user, pass};
} else if (remoteUrl.protocol === 'ftp:') {
async function replaceInFile (file, find, replace) {
let contents = await fs.readFile(file, 'utf8');
let newContents = contents.replace(find, replace);
if (newContents !== contents) {
await fs.writeFile(file, newContents, 'utf8');
async function localPrepareBootstrap (opts = {}) {
if (opts.bootstrap === 'basic') {
let env = uiauto.getEnv();
let postImports = [];
if (opts.imports && {
postImports =;
postImports = => {
return `#import "${path.resolve(rootDir , item)}"`;
let code = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(
rootDir, 'test', 'assets', 'base-bootstrap.js'), 'utf8');
let vars = {
'': rootDir,
'""': postImports.join('\n'),
'': env.commandProxyClientPath,
'': env.nodePath,
'': env.instrumentsSock
for (let [key, value] of _.toPairs(vars)) {
code = code.replace(new RegExp(key, 'g'), value);
return await uiauto.prepareBootstrap({
code: code,
isVerbose: true
} else {
async function patchApksigner (originalPath) {
const originalContent = await fs.readFile(originalPath, 'ascii');
const patchedContent = originalContent.replace('-Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%"',
'-cp "%frameworkdir%\\*"');
if (patchedContent === originalContent) {
return originalPath;
log.debug(`Patching '${originalPath}...`);
const patchedPath = await tempDir.path({prefix: 'apksigner', suffix: '.bat'});
await mkdirp(path.dirname(patchedPath));
await fs.writeFile(patchedPath, patchedContent, 'ascii');
return patchedPath;
async function main () {
const shrinkwrapPath = path.resolve('npm-shrinkwrap.json');
if (!(await fs.exists(shrinkwrapPath))) {'No shrinkwrap found. Skipping shrinkwrap check');
const shrinkwrap = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(shrinkwrapPath));
const backupShrinkwrap = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(path.resolve('npm-shrinkwrap-backup.json')));'Checking that pruned shrinkwrap is a subset of primary shrinkwrap');
if (!_.isMatch(backupShrinkwrap, shrinkwrap)) {
log.errorAndThrow('Pruned shrinkwrap (shrinkwrap with dev dependencies removed) is not a subset of the original npm-shrinkwrap.json');
}'Shrinkwrap check passed');