How to use the alloy._ function in alloy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few alloy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / ALOY-1519 / _generated / windows / alloy / controllers / index.js View on Github external
id: "__alloyId0"
    $.__views.__alloyId2 = Ti.UI.createLabel({
        text: "Hello",
        id: "__alloyId2"
    exports.destroy = function() {};
    _.extend($, $.__views);
    __defers["$.__views.__alloyId1!refreshstart!doRefresh"] && $.addListener($.__views.__alloyId1, "refreshstart", doRefresh);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / ALOY-983 / _generated / android / alloy / controllers / popover.js View on Github external
backgroundColor: "green",
        height: 100,
        width: 250
    $.__views.__alloyId1 = Ti.UI.createLabel({
        text: "Popover with a View",
        id: "__alloyId1"
    $.__views.popover.contentView = $.__views.popView;
    exports.destroy = function() {};
    _.extend($, $.__views);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / advanced / themes / _generated / android / alloy / controllers / index.js View on Github external
width: 180,
        title: "Test Patience",
        id: "testButton"
    testPatience ? $.__views.testButton.addEventListener("click", testPatience) : __defers["$.__views.testButton!click!testPatience"] = true;
    exports.destroy = function() {};
    _.extend($, $.__views);
    __defers["$.__views.slider!change!updateLabel"] && $.__views.slider.addEventListener("change", updateLabel);
    __defers["$.__views.testButton!click!testPatience"] && $.__views.testButton.addEventListener("click", testPatience);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / ALOY-897 / _generated / mobileweb / alloy / controllers / LandingPage.js View on Github external
$.__views.__alloyId1 = Ti.UI.createButton({
        top: 200,
        width: 200,
        height: 50,
        title: "CLOSE WINDOW",
        id: "__alloyId1"
    closeWindow ? $.addListener($.__views.__alloyId1, "click", closeWindow) : __defers["$.__views.__alloyId1!click!closeWindow"] = true;
    exports.destroy = function() {};
    _.extend($, $.__views);
    __defers["$.__views.__alloyId1!click!closeWindow"] && $.addListener($.__views.__alloyId1, "click", closeWindow);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / ALOY-826 / _generated / mobileweb / alloy / controllers / section.js View on Github external
title: "Required",
            id: "__alloyId14"
    $.__views.section = Ti.UI.createListSection({
        id: "section"
    $.__views.section.items = __alloyId13;
    $.__views.section && $.addTopLevelView($.__views.section);
    exports.destroy = function() {};
    _.extend($, $.__views);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / ALOY-884 / _generated / android / alloy / widgets / / controllers / widget.js View on Github external
$.b.addEventListener("click", function() {
        $.t.text = "You clicked B";
    $.c.addEventListener("click", function() {
        $.t.text = "You clicked C";
    exports.setText = function(text) {
        $.t.text = text;
    exports.getText = function() {
        return $.t.text;
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / underscore / _generated / android / alloy / controllers / index.js View on Github external
backgroundColor: "#fff",
        id: "index"
    $.__views.index && $.addTopLevelView($.__views.index);
    $.__views.__alloyId0 = Ti.UI.createWebView({
        url: "/index.html",
        id: "__alloyId0"
    exports.destroy = function() {};
    _.extend($, $.__views);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / ALOY-440c / _generated / windows / alloy / controllers / index.js View on Github external
height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
        color: "black",
        font: {
            fontSize: "15dp"
        text: "Sample is meant for Android only",
        id: "__alloyId0"
    exports.destroy = function() {};
    _.extend($, $.__views);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator / titanium_mobile_windows / Examples / RSSReader / src / Assets / alloy / controllers / master.js View on Github external
!function() {
        "use strict";
        $.refreshButton = Ti.UI.Windows.createAppBarButton({
            icon: Ti.UI.Windows.SystemIcon.REFRESH
        $.refreshButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
        $.commandBar.items = [ $.refreshButton ];
    }(arguments[0] || {});
    __defers["$.__views.__alloyId2!itemclick!select"] && $.addListener($.__views.__alloyId2, "itemclick", select);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;
github appcelerator-se / InfiniteListView / Resources / android / alloy / controllers / index.js View on Github external
        sectionIndex: 0,
        itemIndex: 15
    __defers["$.__views.listView!itemclick!onItemClick"] && $.__views.listView.addEventListener("itemclick", onItemClick);
    __defers["$.__views.listView!marker!onMarkerEvent"] && $.__views.listView.addEventListener("marker", onMarkerEvent);
    _.extend($, exports);

var Alloy = require("alloy"), Backbone = Alloy.Backbone, _ = Alloy._;

module.exports = Controller;