How to use the alloy.CFG function in alloy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few alloy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github pedropalmero / alloy-unit-test / app / lib / tests_runner.js View on Github external
function run() {
    var Alloy = require('alloy');

    Alloy.CFG.db_name = 'my_db_test';

    // remove and create and empty database
    var db =;

    var tijasmine = require("tijasmine/tijasmine"),
        reporter = new (require("tijasmine/tijasmine-console").ConsoleReporter);

github shouse / To-Do-Demo / app / lib / logging / logging.js View on Github external
function writeToRemote(level, message, data) {
        remoteProvider = Alloy.CFG.logger.remoteProvider;'[lLOGGER] :: Writing log to remote provider: ' +
        switch (remoteProvider) {
            case "acs":
                //acs(level, message, data);
                // This will be where to change to interface with our own backend
            case "custom":
                alert("You have to edit config.json to supply your remote provider.");

github timanrebel / RebelFrame / Cloud.js View on Github external
// Prepare the data (if required)
				var url = config.url,
					method = config.method || 'GET',
					data, query;

				if (method == 'GET' || method == 'DELETE') {
					query = toQueryString(;

					if (query)
						url = url + (url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?') + query;
				} else
					data = || {};

				// Add base Url if url does not start with http
				if(url.substr(0, 4) !== 'http')
					url = Alloy.CFG.baseUrl + url;

				Ti.API.debug(method + ': ' + url);

				// Open connection, url);

				// Set headers after opening connection
				for (var key in config.headers) {
					this.httpClient.setRequestHeader(key, config.headers[key]);

				if(config.json) {
					this.httpClient.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

github trimethyl / trimethyl / framework / firebase / cloudmessaging.js View on Github external
var _ = require('alloy/underscore')._;

 * @property config
 * @property {String} 	[config.driver="http"] 			The driver to use.
 * @property {Boolean} 	[config.autoReset=true] 		If true, set the badge count to 0 when you open/resume the application.
 * @property {Boolean} 	[config.fakeDeviceToken=false] 	A fake device token.
 * @property {Object[]} [config.channels] 				**Android only** A list of channels to create when subscribing to Firebase notifications.
 * @property {String[]} [config.dataFields] 			A list of data fields to check when receiving a data message.
 * @type {Object}
exports.config = _.extend({
	driver: null,
	autoReset: true,
	fakeDeviceToken: false
}, (Alloy.CFG.T && Alloy.CFG.T.firebase) ? Alloy.CFG.T.firebase.cloudmessaging : {});

var MODULE_NAME = 'firebase/cloudmessaging';

var Event = require('T/event');
var Q = require('T/ext/q');
var FCM = require('firebase.cloudmessaging');

var registered_for_push_notifications = false;

var dataFields = {};

// The listener for all received notification messages
function notificationsCallback(e) {
	// Auto-reset the badge when a notification is received
	if (exports.config.autoReset === true) {
github appcelerator / alloy / test / apps / testing / grammar / _generated / ios / alloy / controllers / index.js View on Github external
__processArg(arguments[0], "$model");
            __processArg(arguments[0], "__itemTemplate");
    var $ = this;
    var exports = {};
    $.__views.index = Ti.UI.createWindow({
        backgroundColor: "#ff0",
        id: "index"
    $.__views.index && $.addTopLevelView($.__views.index);
    $.__views.label = Ti.UI.createLabel({
        backgroundColor: "black",
        text: L(Alloy.CFG.someText, Alloy.CFG.someText),
        height: Ti.UI.SIZE,
        font: {
            fontSize: 24,
            fontWeight: "bold"
        width: Ti.UI.SIZE,
        color: "red",
        top: 10,
        textAlign: Titanium.UI.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_LEFT,
        id: "label"
    $.__views.__alloyId0 = Alloy.createWidget("com.test.hellobutton", "widget", {
        id: "__alloyId0",
        __parentSymbol: $.__views.index
github trimethyl / trimethyl / framework / firebase / core.js View on Github external
* @property {Object} 	config.ios 						The properties reserved to the Ti.Firebase iOS module.
 * @property {String} 	config.ios.googleAppID 			Corresponds to the `GOOGLE_APP_ID` key in GoogleService-Info.plist.
 * @property {String} 	[config.ios.bundleID] 			Corresponds to the `BUNDLE_ID` key in GoogleService-Info.plist.
 * @property {String} 	[config.ios.clientID] 			Corresponds to the `CLIENT_ID` key in GoogleService-Info.plist.
 * @property {String} 	config.ios.trackingID 			**Deprecated** Needed to use Google Analytics.
 * @property {String} 	config.ios.androidClientID 		**Deprecated** Needed to use Firebase Invites.
 * @property {String} 	config.ios.deepLinkURLScheme 	**Deprecated** Needed to use the Durable Deep Link service.
 * @property {String} 	[config.ios.APIKey] 			Needed to use Auth. Corresponds to the `API_KEY` key in GoogleService-Info.plist.
 * @property {String} 	[config.ios.logLevel]
 * @property {String} 	config.GCMSenderID 				Needed to use Cloud Messaging. Corresponds to the `project_info.project_number` key in google-services.json and to the `GCM_SENDER_ID` key in GoogleService-Info.plist.
 * @property {String} 	[config.databaseURL] 			Needed to use Real Time Database.
 * @property {String} 	[config.storageBucket] 			Needed to use Storage Bucket.
 * @property {String} 	[config.file] 					The name of the configuration file to read. If used, all the other parameters are ignored.
 * @type {Object}
exports.config = _.extend({}, (Alloy.CFG.T && Alloy.CFG.T.firebase) ? Alloy.CFG.T.firebase.core : {});

var FCore = require('firebase.core');
var mainConfig = _.omit(exports.config, ['android', 'ios']);
FCore.configure(_.extend({}, mainConfig, exports.config[OS_IOS ? 'ios' : 'android']));

module.exports = FCore;
github tipsy-and-tumbler-ltd / TripLogr / Resources / iphone / alloy / controllers / ReportGenerator.js View on Github external
maxDate: "",
        value: "",
        title: " End Date",
        icon: "fa-clock-o",
        id: "toDate",
        __parentSymbol: __parentSymbol
    $.__views.__alloyId26 = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({
        id: "__alloyId26"
    $.__views.__alloyId27 = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
        height: "70",
        backgroundColor: "#fff",
        font: {
            fontFamily: Alloy.CFG.fontNormal,
            fontSize: 16
        selectionStyle: Titanium.UI.iPhone.TableViewCellSelectionStyle.NONE,
        id: "__alloyId27"
    $.__views.__alloyId28 = Ti.UI.createLabel({
        font: {
            fontFamily: Alloy.CFG.fontItalic,
            fontSize: "12dp"
        color: "#333",
        text: "TripLogr can automatically backup your Trip data to the Cloud for free if you wish. Cloud backup is necessary if you want to generate PDF trip reports.",
        textAlign: "center",
        left: "10",
        right: "10",
github trimethyl / trimethyl / framework / firebase / analytics.js View on Github external
 * @module  firebase/analytics
 * @author  Andrea Jonus 

var Alloy = require('alloy');
var _ = require('alloy/underscore')._;

 * @property config
 * @property {String} [config.log=false] 	Set to true to display log messages for each call
 * @type {Object}
exports.config = _.extend({
	log: false,
}, (Alloy.CFG.T && Alloy.CFG.T.firebase) ? : {});

var MODULE_NAME = 'firebase/analytics';

var Util = require('T/util');
var FC = Util.requireOrNull('firebase.core');
var FA = Util.requireOrNull('');

function checkModules() {
	if (FC === null) {
		Ti.API.error(MODULE_NAME + ': firebase.core module not initialized.');
		return false;
	} else if (FA === null) {
		Ti.API.error(MODULE_NAME + ': module not initialized.');
		return false;
github matomo-org / matomo-mobile-2 / specs / models / piwikLastVisitDetails_spec.js View on Github external
(function () {

var Alloy = require('alloy');
var filterLimit = Alloy.CFG.piwik.filterLimit;
var initialVisitorsToLoad = 15;

function getFixtures()
    return require('specs/fixtures/piwikLastVisitDetails');

function getLast10Visitors()
    return getFixtures().getLast10Visitors();

function getValidAccount()
    return require('specs/utils/account').getValidAccount();