How to use the @yarnpkg/core.structUtils.prettyLocator function in @yarnpkg/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @yarnpkg/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-node-modules / sources / NodeModulesLinker.ts View on Github external
async findPackageLocation(locator: Locator, opts: LinkOptions) {
    const pnpPath = getPnpPath(opts.project);
    if (!xfs.existsSync(pnpPath))
      throw new UsageError(`The project in ${opts.project.cwd}/package.json doesn't seem to have been installed - running an install there might help`);

    const physicalPath = npath.fromPortablePath(pnpPath);
    const pnpFile = miscUtils.dynamicRequire(physicalPath);
    delete require.cache[physicalPath];

    const packageLocator = {name: structUtils.requirableIdent(locator), reference: locator.reference};
    const packageInformation = pnpFile.getPackageInformation(packageLocator);

    if (!packageInformation)
      throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find ${structUtils.prettyLocator(opts.project.configuration, locator)} in the currently installed PnP map - running an install might help`);

    return npath.toPortablePath(packageInformation.packageLocation);
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-essentials / sources / commands / why.ts View on Github external
const resolution = project.storedResolutions.get(dependency.descriptorHash);
      if (!resolution)
        throw new Error(`Assertion failed: The resolution should have been registered`);

      const nextPkg = project.storedPackages.get(resolution);
      if (!nextPkg)
        throw new Error(`Assertion failed: The package should have been registered`);

      if (nextPkg.identHash !== identHash)

      if (node === null) {
        node = {} as TreeNode;

        const label = `${structUtils.prettyLocator(configuration, pkg)}`;
        tree[label] = node;

      const label = `${structUtils.prettyLocator(configuration, nextPkg)} (via ${structUtils.prettyRange(configuration, dependency.range)})`;
      node[label] = {};

  return tree;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-essentials / sources / commands / run.ts View on Github external
let candidateWorkspaces = await Promise.all( workspace => {
        return workspace.manifest.scripts.has(this.scriptName) ? workspace : null;

      let filteredWorkspaces = candidateWorkspaces.filter(workspace => {
        return workspace !== null;
      }) as Array;

      if (filteredWorkspaces.length === 1) {
        return await scriptUtils.executeWorkspaceScript(filteredWorkspaces[0], this.scriptName, this.args, {stdin: this.context.stdin, stdout: this.context.stdout, stderr: this.context.stderr});

    if (this.topLevel) {
      if (this.scriptName === `node-gyp`) {
        throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find a script name "${this.scriptName}" in the top-level (used by ${structUtils.prettyLocator(configuration, locator)}). This typically happens because some package depends on "node-gyp" to build itself, but didn't list it in their dependencies. To fix that, please run "yarn add node-gyp" into your top-level workspace. You also can open an issue on the repository of the specified package to suggest them to use an optional peer dependency.`);
      } else {
        throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find a script name "${this.scriptName}" in the top-level (used by ${structUtils.prettyLocator(configuration, locator)}).`);
    } else {
      throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find a script named "${this.scriptName}".`);
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-essentials / sources / commands / bin.ts View on Github external
async execute() {
    const configuration = await Configuration.find(this.context.cwd, this.context.plugins);
    const {project, locator} = await Project.find(configuration, this.context.cwd);

    const binaries = await scriptUtils.getPackageAccessibleBinaries(locator, {project});

    if ( {
      const binary = binaries.get(;
      if (!binary)
        throw new UsageError(`Couldn't find a binary named "${}" for package "${structUtils.prettyLocator(configuration, locator)}"`);

      const [/*pkg*/, binaryFile] = binary;
    } else {
      const keys = Array.from(binaries.keys());
      const maxKeyLength = keys.reduce((max, key) => Math.max(max, key.length), 0);

      if (this.verbose) {
        for (const [name, [pkg]] of binaries) {
          this.context.stdout.write(`${name.padEnd(maxKeyLength, ` `)}   ${structUtils.prettyLocator(configuration, pkg)}\n`);
      } else {
        for (const name of binaries.keys()) {
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-pnp / sources / PnpLinker.ts View on Github external
private getPackageInformation(locator: Locator) {
    const key1 = structUtils.requirableIdent(locator);
    const key2 = locator.reference;

    const packageInformationStore = this.packageRegistry.get(key1);
    if (!packageInformationStore)
      throw new Error(`Assertion failed: The package information store should have been available (for ${structUtils.prettyIdent(this.opts.project.configuration, locator)})`);

    const packageInformation = packageInformationStore.get(key2);
    if (!packageInformation)
      throw new Error(`Assertion failed: The package information should have been available (for ${structUtils.prettyLocator(this.opts.project.configuration, locator)})`);

    return packageInformation;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-git / sources / GitFetcher.ts View on Github external
async () => {, `${structUtils.prettyLocator(opts.project.configuration, locator)} can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote repository`);
        return await this.cloneFromRemote(locator, opts);