How to use the @yarnpkg/core.ReportError function in @yarnpkg/core

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github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-npm / sources / NpmSemverResolver.ts View on Github external
const version = semver.clean(selector);
    if (version === null)
      throw new ReportError(MessageName.RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND, `The npm semver resolver got selected, but the version isn't semver`);

    const registryData = await npmHttpUtils.get(npmHttpUtils.getIdentUrl(locator), {
      configuration: opts.project.configuration,
      ident: locator,
      json: true,

    if (!, `versions`))
      throw new ReportError(MessageName.REMOTE_INVALID, `Registry returned invalid data for - missing "versions" field`);

    if (!, version))
      throw new ReportError(MessageName.REMOTE_NOT_FOUND, `Registry failed to return reference "${version}"`);

    const manifest = new Manifest();

    // Manually add node-gyp dependency if there is a script using it and not already set
    // This is because the npm registry will automatically add a `node-gyp rebuild` install script
    // in the metadata if there is not already an install script and a binding.gyp file exists.
    // Also, node-gyp is not always set as a dependency in packages, so it will also be added if used in scripts.
    if (!manifest.dependencies.has(NODE_GYP_IDENT.identHash) && !manifest.peerDependencies.has(NODE_GYP_IDENT.identHash)) {
      for (const value of manifest.scripts.values()) {
        if (value.match(NODE_GYP_MATCH)) {
          manifest.dependencies.set(NODE_GYP_IDENT.identHash, structUtils.makeDescriptor(NODE_GYP_IDENT, `latest`));
, `${structUtils.prettyLocator(opts.project.configuration, locator)}: Implicit dependencies on node-gyp are discouraged`);
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-npm-cli / sources / commands / npm / publish.ts View on Github external
}, async report => {
      // Not an error if --tolerate-republish is set
      if (this.tolerateRepublish) {
        try {
          const registryData = await npmHttpUtils.get(npmHttpUtils.getIdentUrl(ident), {
            json: true,

          if (!, `versions`))
            throw new ReportError(MessageName.REMOTE_INVALID, `Registry returned invalid data for - missing "versions" field`);

          if (, version)) {
            report.reportWarning(MessageName.UNNAMED, `Registry already knows about version ${version}; skipping.`);
        } catch (error) {
          if ( !== `HTTPError`) {
            throw error;
          } else if (error.response.statusCode !== 404) {
            throw new ReportError(MessageName.NETWORK_ERROR, `The remote server answered with HTTP ${error.response.statusCode} ${error.response.statusMessage}`);

      await packUtils.prepareForPack(workspace, {report}, async () => {
        const files = await packUtils.genPackList(workspace);
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-constraints / sources / Constraints.ts View on Github external
function extractError(val: any) {
  let err;
  try {
    err = extractErrorImpl(val);
  } catch (caught) {
    if (typeof caught === `string`) {
      throw new ReportError(MessageName.PROLOG_UNKNOWN_ERROR, `Unknown error: ${val} (note: ${caught})`);
    } else {
      throw caught;

  if (typeof err.line !== `undefined` && typeof err.column !== `undefined`)
    err.message += ` at line ${err.line}, column ${err.column}`;

  return err;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-npm / sources / npmHttpUtils.ts View on Github external
function getAuthenticationHeader(registry: string, {authType = AuthType.CONFIGURATION, configuration}: {authType?: AuthType, configuration: Configuration}) {
  const registryConfiguration = npmConfigUtils.getRegistryConfiguration(registry, {configuration});
  const effectiveConfiguration = registryConfiguration || configuration;

  const mustAuthenticate = shouldAuthenticate(effectiveConfiguration, authType);
  if (!mustAuthenticate)
    return null;

  if (effectiveConfiguration.get(`npmAuthToken`))
    return `Bearer ${effectiveConfiguration.get(`npmAuthToken`)}`;
  if (effectiveConfiguration.get(`npmAuthIdent`))
    return `Basic ${effectiveConfiguration.get(`npmAuthIdent`)}`;

  if (mustAuthenticate && authType !== AuthType.BEST_EFFORT) {
    throw new ReportError(MessageName.AUTHENTICATION_NOT_FOUND ,`No authentication configured for request`);
  } else {
    return null;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-constraints / sources / Constraints.ts View on Github external
if (value instanceof pl.type.Term) {
    if (value.args.length === 0)

    switch (value.indicator) {
      case `throw/1`:
        return extractErrorImpl(value.args[0]);
      case `error/1`:
        return extractErrorImpl(value.args[0]);
      case `error/2`:
        return Object.assign(extractErrorImpl(value.args[0]), ...extractErrorImpl(value.args[1]));
      case `syntax_error/1`:
        return new ReportError(MessageName.PROLOG_SYNTAX_ERROR, `Syntax error: ${extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])}`);
      case `existence_error/2`:
        return new ReportError(MessageName.PROLOG_EXISTENCE_ERROR, `Existence error: ${extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])} ${extractErrorImpl(value.args[1])} not found`);
      case `line/1`:
        return {line: extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])};
      case `column/1`:
        return {column: extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])};
      case `found/1`:
        return {found: extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])};
      case `./2`:
        return [extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])].concat(extractErrorImpl(value.args[1]));
      case `//2`:
        return `${extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])}/${extractErrorImpl(value.args[1])}`;

  throw `couldn't pretty print because of unsupported node ${value}`;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-essentials / sources / commands / install.ts View on Github external
if (!file.includes(MERGE_CONFLICT_START))
    return false;

  if (immutable)
    throw new ReportError(MessageName.AUTOMERGE_IMMUTABLE, `Cannot autofix a lockfile when running an immutable install`);

  const [left, right] = getVariants(file);

  let parsedLeft;
  let parsedRight;

  try {
    parsedLeft = parseSyml(left);
    parsedRight = parseSyml(right);
  } catch (error) {
    throw new ReportError(MessageName.AUTOMERGE_FAILED_TO_PARSE, `The individual variants of the lockfile failed to parse`);

  const merged = Object.assign({}, parsedLeft, parsedRight);
  const serialized = stringifySyml(merged);

  await xfs.changeFilePromise(lockfilePath, serialized);

  return true;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-npm / sources / NpmSemverFetcher.ts View on Github external
static getLocatorUrl(locator: Locator) {
    const version = semver.clean(locator.reference.slice(PROTOCOL.length));
    if (version === null)
      throw new ReportError(MessageName.RESOLVER_NOT_FOUND, `The npm semver resolver got selected, but the version isn't semver`);

    return `${npmHttpUtils.getIdentUrl(locator)}/-/${}-${version}.tgz`;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-constraints / sources / Constraints.ts View on Github external
if (value instanceof pl.type.Num)
    return value.value;

  if (value instanceof pl.type.Term) {
    if (value.args.length === 0)

    switch (value.indicator) {
      case `throw/1`:
        return extractErrorImpl(value.args[0]);
      case `error/1`:
        return extractErrorImpl(value.args[0]);
      case `error/2`:
        return Object.assign(extractErrorImpl(value.args[0]), ...extractErrorImpl(value.args[1]));
      case `syntax_error/1`:
        return new ReportError(MessageName.PROLOG_SYNTAX_ERROR, `Syntax error: ${extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])}`);
      case `existence_error/2`:
        return new ReportError(MessageName.PROLOG_EXISTENCE_ERROR, `Existence error: ${extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])} ${extractErrorImpl(value.args[1])} not found`);
      case `line/1`:
        return {line: extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])};
      case `column/1`:
        return {column: extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])};
      case `found/1`:
        return {found: extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])};
      case `./2`:
        return [extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])].concat(extractErrorImpl(value.args[1]));
      case `//2`:
        return `${extractErrorImpl(value.args[0])}/${extractErrorImpl(value.args[1])}`;

  throw `couldn't pretty print because of unsupported node ${value}`;
github yarnpkg / berry / packages / plugin-npm / sources / NpmTagResolver.ts View on Github external
async getCandidates(descriptor: Descriptor, dependencies: unknown, opts: ResolveOptions) {
    const tag = descriptor.range.slice(PROTOCOL.length);

    const registryData = await npmHttpUtils.get(npmHttpUtils.getIdentUrl(descriptor), {
      configuration: opts.project.configuration,
      ident: descriptor,
      json: true,

    if (!, `dist-tags`))
      throw new ReportError(MessageName.REMOTE_INVALID, `Registry returned invalid data - missing "dist-tags" field`);

    const distTags = registryData[`dist-tags`];

    if (!, tag))
      throw new ReportError(MessageName.REMOTE_NOT_FOUND, `Registry failed to return tag "${tag}"`);

    const version = distTags[tag];
    const versionLocator = structUtils.makeLocator(descriptor, `${PROTOCOL}${version}`);

    const archiveUrl = registryData.versions[version].dist.tarball;

    if (NpmSemverFetcher.isConventionalTarballUrl(versionLocator, archiveUrl, {configuration: opts.project.configuration})) {
      return [versionLocator];
    } else {
      return [structUtils.bindLocator(versionLocator, {__archiveUrl: archiveUrl})];