How to use the @webassemblyjs/ast.sectionMetadata function in @webassemblyjs/ast

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @webassemblyjs/ast examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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var _nodes11 = parseDataSection(_numberOfElements2);

            return {
              nodes: _nodes11,
              metadata: _metadata11,
              nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

      case constants.sections.custom:
          dumpSep("section Custom");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");
          var _metadata12 = [t.sectionMetadata("custom", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode)];
          var sectionName = readUTF8String();
          dump([], "section name (".concat(sectionName.value, ")"));

          var _remainingBytes2 = sectionSizeInBytes - sectionName.nextIndex;

          if (sectionName.value === "name") {
            try {
              _metadata12.push.apply(_metadata12, _toConsumableArray(parseNameSection(_remainingBytes2)));
            } catch (e) {
              console.warn("Failed to decode custom \"name\" section @".concat(offset, "; ignoring (").concat(e.message, ")."));
          } else {
            // We don't parse the custom section
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var _nodes10 = parseMemorySection(_numberOfElements);

          return {
            nodes: _nodes10,
            metadata: _metadata10,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

          dumpSep("section Data");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _metadata11 = t.sectionMetadata("data", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode);

          var _startPosition10 = getPosition();

          var _numberOfElementsu2 = readU32();

          var _numberOfElements2 = _numberOfElementsu2.value;

          var _endPosition9 = getPosition();

          _metadata11.vectorOfSize = t.withLoc(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(_numberOfElements2), _endPosition9, _startPosition10);

          if (opts.ignoreDataSection === true) {
            var _remainingBytes = // $FlowIgnore
            sectionSizeInBytes - _numberOfElements2.nextIndex;
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return { nodes, metadata, nextSectionIndex };

      case {
        dumpSep("section Global");
        dump([sectionId], "section code");
        dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

        const startLoc = getPosition();

        const numberOfGlobalsu32 = readU32();
        const numberOfGlobals = numberOfGlobalsu32.value;

        const metadata = t.sectionMetadata(
          WITH_LOC(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(numberOfGlobals), startLoc)

        const nodes = parseGlobalSection(numberOfGlobals);

        return { nodes, metadata, nextSectionIndex };

      case constants.sections.memory: {
        dumpSep("section Memory");
        dump([sectionId], "section code");
        dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");
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dumpSep("section Table");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _startPosition2 = getPosition();

          var _u2 = readU32();

          var numberOfTable = _u2.value;

          var _endPosition = getPosition();

          dump([numberOfTable], "num tables");

          var _metadata2 = t.sectionMetadata("table", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode, t.withLoc(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(numberOfTable), _endPosition, _startPosition2));

          var _nodes2 = parseTableSection(numberOfTable);

          return {
            nodes: _nodes2,
            metadata: _metadata2,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

      case sections.import:
          dumpSep("section Import");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");
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      case constants.sections.memory:
          dumpSep("section Memory");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _startLoc21 = getPosition();

          var _numberOfElementsu = readU32();

          var _numberOfElements = _numberOfElementsu.value;

          var _metadata10 = t.sectionMetadata("memory", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode, function () {
            var endLoc = getPosition();
            return t.withLoc(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(_numberOfElements), endLoc, _startLoc21);

          var _nodes10 = parseMemorySection(_numberOfElements);

          return {
            nodes: _nodes10,
            metadata: _metadata10,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

          dumpSep("section Data");
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      case constants.sections.import: {
        dumpSep("section Import");
        dump([sectionId], "section code");
        dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

        const startLoc = getPosition();

        const numberOfImportsu32 = readU32();
        const numberOfImports = numberOfImportsu32.value;

        dump([numberOfImports], "number of imports");

        const metadata = t.sectionMetadata(
          WITH_LOC(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(numberOfImports), startLoc)

        const nodes = parseImportSection(numberOfImports);

        return { nodes, metadata, nextSectionIndex };

      case constants.sections.func: {
        dumpSep("section Function");
        dump([sectionId], "section code");
        dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");
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case sections.memory:
          dumpSep("section Memory");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _startPosition9 = getPosition();

          var _numberOfElementsu = readU32();

          var _numberOfElements = _numberOfElementsu.value;

          var _endPosition8 = getPosition();

          var _metadata10 = t.sectionMetadata("memory", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode, t.withLoc(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(_numberOfElements), _endPosition8, _startPosition9));

          var _nodes10 = parseMemorySection(_numberOfElements);

          return {
            nodes: _nodes10,
            metadata: _metadata10,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

          dumpSep("section Data");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");
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      case constants.sections.element:
          dumpSep("section Element");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _startLoc19 = getPosition();

          var numberOfElementsu32 = readU32();
          var numberOfElements = numberOfElementsu32.value;

          var _metadata8 = t.sectionMetadata("element", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode, function () {
            var endLoc = getPosition();
            return t.withLoc(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(numberOfElements), endLoc, _startLoc19);

          var _nodes8 = parseElemSection(numberOfElements);

          return {
            nodes: _nodes8,
            metadata: _metadata8,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

          dumpSep("section Global");
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switch (sectionId) {
      case constants.sections.type:
          dumpSep("section Type");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _startLoc13 = getPosition();

          var _u = readU32();

          var numberOfTypes = _u.value;

          var _metadata = t.sectionMetadata("type", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode, function () {
            var endLoc = getPosition();
            return t.withLoc(t.numberLiteralFromRaw(numberOfTypes), endLoc, _startLoc13);

          var _nodes = parseTypeSection(numberOfTypes);

          return {
            nodes: _nodes,
            metadata: _metadata,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

      case constants.sections.table:
          dumpSep("section Table");
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var _nodes6 = [];
          return {
            nodes: _nodes6,
            metadata: _metadata6,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

      case constants.sections.start:
          dumpSep("section Start");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _metadata7 = t.sectionMetadata("start", startOffset, sectionSizeInBytesNode);

          var _nodes7 = [parseStartSection()];
          return {
            nodes: _nodes7,
            metadata: _metadata7,
            nextSectionIndex: nextSectionIndex

      case constants.sections.element:
          dumpSep("section Element");
          dump([sectionId], "section code");
          dump([sectionSizeInBytes], "section size");

          var _startLoc19 = getPosition();