How to use the @webassemblyjs/ast.callInstruction function in @webassemblyjs/ast

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @webassemblyjs/ast examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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return t.funcParam(importedGlobal.descr.valtype, id);

	const funcBody = importedGlobals.reduce((acc, importedGlobal, index) => {
		const args = [t.indexLiteral(index)];
		const body = [
			t.instruction("get_local", args),
			t.instruction("set_global", args)

		return [...acc, ...body];
	}, []);

	if (typeof startAtFuncOffset === "number") {

	for (const instr of additionalInitCode) {


	const funcResults = [];

	// Code section
	const funcSignature = t.signature(funcParams, funcResults);
	const func = t.func(initFuncId, funcSignature, funcBody);

	// Type section
	const functype = t.typeInstruction(undefined, funcSignature);
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        var _instr2 = [];
        parseInstructionBlock(_instr2); // preserve anonymous

        var _label = t.withRaw(t.identifier(getUniqueName("block")), "");

        var blockNode = t.blockInstruction(_label, _instr2, _blocktype2);
        instructionAlreadyCreated = true;
      } else if ( === "call") {
        var indexu32 = readU32();
        var index = indexu32.value;
        dump([index], "index");
        var callNode = t.callInstruction(t.indexLiteral(index));
        instructionAlreadyCreated = true;
      } else if ( === "call_indirect") {
        var indexU32 = readU32();
        var typeindex = indexU32.value;
        dump([typeindex], "type index");
        var signature = state.typesInModule[typeindex];

        if (typeof signature === "undefined") {
          throw new CompileError("call_indirect signature not found (".concat(typeindex, ")"));

        var _callNode = t.callIndirectInstruction(t.signature(signature.params, signature.result), []);

        var flagU32 = readU32();
github xtuc / webassemblyjs / packages / wast-parser / src / grammar.js View on Github external
const instrArgs = [];

        // Nested instruction
        while (token.type === tokens.openParen) {


        if (typeof index === "undefined") {
          throw new Error("Missing argument in call instruciton");

        if (instrArgs.length > 0) {
          return t.callInstruction(index, instrArgs);
        } else {
          return t.callInstruction(index);
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.if)) {
        eatToken(); // Keyword

        return parseIf();
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.module) && hasPlugin("wast")) {

        // In WAST you can have a module as an instruction's argument
        // we will cast it into a instruction to not break the flow
        // $FlowIgnore
        const module: Instruction = parseModule();

        return module;
github M0nica / React-Ladies / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wast-parser / lib / grammar.js View on Github external

        var instrArgs = []; // Nested instruction

        while (token.type === tokens.openParen) {

        if (typeof index === "undefined") {
          throw new Error("Missing argument in call instruciton");

        if (instrArgs.length > 0) {
          return t.callInstruction(index, instrArgs);
        } else {
          return t.callInstruction(index);
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.if)) {
        eatToken(); // Keyword

        return parseIf();
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.module) && hasPlugin("wast")) {
        eatToken(); // In WAST you can have a module as an instruction's argument
        // we will cast it into a instruction to not break the flow
        // $FlowIgnore

        var module = parseModule();
        return module;
      } else {
        throw function () {
github M0nica / React-Ladies / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wast-parser / lib / grammar.js View on Github external
var instrArgs = []; // Nested instruction

        while (token.type === tokens.openParen) {

        if (typeof index === "undefined") {
          throw new Error("Missing argument in call instruciton");

        if (instrArgs.length > 0) {
          return t.callInstruction(index, instrArgs);
        } else {
          return t.callInstruction(index);
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.if)) {
        eatToken(); // Keyword

        return parseIf();
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.module) && hasPlugin("wast")) {
        eatToken(); // In WAST you can have a module as an instruction's argument
        // we will cast it into a instruction to not break the flow
        // $FlowIgnore

        var module = parseModule();
        return module;
      } else {
        throw function () {
          return new Error("\n" + (0, _helperCodeFrame.codeFrameFromSource)(source, token.loc) + "\n" + "Unexpected instruction in function body" + ", given " + tokenToString(token));
github M0nica / React-Ladies / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / lib / decoder.js View on Github external

        var _instr2 = [];
        parseInstructionBlock(_instr2); // preserve anonymous

        var _label = t.withRaw(t.identifier(getUniqueName("block")), "");

        var blockNode = t.blockInstruction(_label, _instr2, _blocktype2);
        instructionAlreadyCreated = true;
      } else if ( === "call") {
        var indexu32 = readU32();
        var index = indexu32.value;
        dump([index], "index");
        var callNode = t.callInstruction(t.indexLiteral(index));
        instructionAlreadyCreated = true;
      } else if ( === "call_indirect") {
        var indexU32 = readU32();
        var typeindex = indexU32.value;
        dump([typeindex], "type index");
        var signature = state.typesInModule[typeindex];

        if (typeof signature === "undefined") {
          throw new _helperApiError.CompileError("call_indirect signature not found (".concat(typeindex, ")"));

        var _callNode = t.callIndirectInstruction(t.signature(signature.params, signature.result), []);

        var flagU32 = readU32();
github xtuc / webassemblyjs / packages / wast-parser / src / grammar.js View on Github external
// Nested instruction
        while (token.type === tokens.openParen) {


        if (typeof index === "undefined") {
          throw new Error("Missing argument in call instruciton");

        if (instrArgs.length > 0) {
          return t.callInstruction(index, instrArgs);
        } else {
          return t.callInstruction(index);
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.if)) {
        eatToken(); // Keyword

        return parseIf();
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.module) && hasPlugin("wast")) {

        // In WAST you can have a module as an instruction's argument
        // we will cast it into a instruction to not break the flow
        // $FlowIgnore
        const module: Instruction = parseModule();

        return module;
      } else {
        throw createUnexpectedToken("Unexpected instruction in function body");
github zc910704 / Vue.js-personal-note / www / day6.1.webpack的url-loader与babel / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wast-parser / esm / grammar.js View on Github external

        var instrArgs = []; // Nested instruction

        while (token.type === tokens.openParen) {

        if (typeof index === "undefined") {
          throw new Error("Missing argument in call instruciton");

        if (instrArgs.length > 0) {
          return t.callInstruction(index, instrArgs);
        } else {
          return t.callInstruction(index);
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.if)) {
        eatToken(); // Keyword

        return parseIf();
      } else if (isKeyword(token, keywords.module) && hasPlugin("wast")) {
        eatToken(); // In WAST you can have a module as an instruction's argument
        // we will cast it into a instruction to not break the flow
        // $FlowIgnore

        var module = parseModule();
        return module;
      } else {
        throw function () {
github xtuc / webassemblyjs / packages / proposal-sign-extension-ops / src / index.js View on Github external
replaceWith(path, instrName) {
    if (this.index[instrName] === -1) {
      this.index[instrName] = this.startIndex++;

    const index = this.index[instrName];
    path.replaceWith(callInstruction(numberLiteral(index, String(index))));
github flaviuse / mern-authentication / client / node_modules / @webassemblyjs / wasm-parser / esm / decoder.js View on Github external
var callNode = function () {
          var endLoc = getPosition();
          return t.withLoc(t.callInstruction(t.indexLiteral(index)), endLoc, _startLoc6);