How to use the @tanker/errors.PreconditionFailed function in @tanker/errors

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @tanker/errors examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Tanker.js View on Github external
async getVerificationMethods(): Promise> {
    // Note: sadly this.assert() does not assert "one in a list"
    if ([statuses.READY, statuses.IDENTITY_VERIFICATION_NEEDED].indexOf(this.status) === -1) {
      const { name: ready } = statusDefs[statuses.READY];
      const { name: verification } = statusDefs[statuses.IDENTITY_VERIFICATION_NEEDED];
      const message = `Expected status ${ready} or ${verification} but got ${this.statusName} trying to get verification methods.`;
      throw new PreconditionFailed(message);

    return this._session.getVerificationMethods();
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / ProvisionalIdentity / ProvisionalIdentityManager.js View on Github external
async verifyProvisionalIdentity(verification: EmailVerification | OIDCVerification) {
    if (!('email' in verification) && !('oidcIdToken' in verification))
      throw new InternalError(`Assertion error: unsupported verification method for provisional identity: ${JSON.stringify(verification)}`);

    if (!this._provisionalIdentity)
      throw new PreconditionFailed('Cannot call verifyProvisionalIdentity() without having called attachProvisionalIdentity() before');

    if ( && this._provisionalIdentity.value !==
      throw new InvalidArgument('"" does not match provisional identity');

    if (verification.oidcIdToken) {
      let jwtPayload;
      try {
        jwtPayload = JSON.parse(utils.toString(utils.fromBase64(verification.oidcIdToken.split('.')[1])));
      } catch (e) {
        throw new InvalidArgument('Failed to parse "verification.oidcIdToken"');
      if (this._provisionalIdentity.value !==
        throw new InvalidArgument('"verification.oidcIdToken" does not match provisional identity');

    const tankerKeys = await this._verifyAndGetProvisionalIdentityKeys(verification);
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Tanker.js View on Github external
assert(status: number, to: string): void {
    if (this.status !== status) {
      const { name } = statusDefs[status];
      const message = `Expected status ${name} but got ${this.statusName} trying to ${to}.`;
      throw new PreconditionFailed(message);