How to use the @tanker/errors.InternalError function in @tanker/errors

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @tanker/errors examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Trustchain / TrustchainVerifier.js View on Github external
async _unlockedVerifySingleUser(user: ?User, entry: UserEntry): Promise {
    switch (natureKind(entry.nature)) {
      case NATURE_KIND.device_creation: {
        // $FlowIKnow The type is checked by the switch
        const deviceEntry: DeviceCreationEntry = entry;
        return this._unlockedVerifySingleUserDeviceCreation(user, deviceEntry);
      case NATURE_KIND.device_revocation: {
        // $FlowIKnow Type is checked by the switch
        const revocationEntry: UnverifiedDeviceRevocation = entry;
        return this._unlockedVerifySingleUserDeviceRevocation(user, revocationEntry);
        throw new InternalError(`Assertion error: unexpected nature ${entry.nature}`);
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / SynchronizedEventEmitter.js View on Github external
async removeListener(id: number) {
    const synchronizedListener = this.synchronizedListeners[id];

    if (!synchronizedListener)
      throw new InternalError(`could not find synchronizedListener with id=${id}`);

    this.subEmitter.removeListener(synchronizedListener.eventName, synchronizedListener.listener);

    await synchronizedListener.disable();

    delete this.synchronizedListeners[id];
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Groups / Serialize.js View on Github external
function checkGroupEncryptedKeyV2(blockType: string, key: GroupEncryptedKeyV2): void {
  if (key.user_id.length !== tcrypto.HASH_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError(`Assertion error: invalid ${blockType} recipient user id size`);
  if (key.public_user_encryption_key.length !== tcrypto.ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError(`Assertion error: invalid ${blockType} recipient user public key size`);
  if (key.encrypted_group_private_encryption_key.length !== tcrypto.SEALED_ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError(`Assertion error: invalid ${blockType} encrypted group private encryption key size`);
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / DataProtection / DataProtector.js View on Github external
async _simpleEncryptDataWithResourceId(clearData: Data, sharingOptions: SharingOptions, outputOptions: OutputOptions, progressOptions: ProgressOptions, b64ResourceId: b64string): Promise {
    const encryption = getSimpleEncryptionWithFixedResourceId();

    const clearSize = getDataLength(clearData);
    const encryptedSize = encryption.getEncryptedSize(clearSize);
    const progressHandler = new ProgressHandler(progressOptions).start(encryptedSize);

    const castClearData = await castData(clearData, { type: Uint8Array });
    if (typeof b64ResourceId !== 'string')
      throw new InternalError('Assertion error: called _simpleEncryptDataWithResourceId without a resourceId');
    const resourceId = utils.fromBase64(b64ResourceId);
    const key = await this._resourceManager.findKeyFromResourceId(resourceId);
    const encryptedData = encryption.serialize(encryption.encrypt(key, castClearData, resourceId));
    const castEncryptedData = await castData(encryptedData, outputOptions);;

    return castEncryptedData;
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Groups / Serialize.js View on Github external
return { ...userGroupAction, author, signature, nature, hash, index };
  if (block.nature === NATURE.user_group_creation_v2) {
    const userGroupAction = unserializeUserGroupCreationV2(block.payload);
    return { ...userGroupAction, author, signature, nature, hash, index };
  if (block.nature === NATURE.user_group_addition_v1) {
    const userGroupAction = unserializeUserGroupAdditionV1(block.payload);
    return { ...userGroupAction, author, signature, nature, hash, index };
  if (block.nature === NATURE.user_group_addition_v2) {
    const userGroupAction = unserializeUserGroupAdditionV2(block.payload);
    return { ...userGroupAction, author, signature, nature, hash, index };

  throw new InternalError('Assertion error: wrong type for getGroupEntryFromBlock');
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Groups / Serialize.js View on Github external
export function serializeUserGroupCreationV2(userGroupCreation: UserGroupCreationRecordV2): Uint8Array {
  if (userGroupCreation.public_signature_key.length !== tcrypto.SIGNATURE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user group creation group public signature key size');
  if (userGroupCreation.public_encryption_key.length !== tcrypto.ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user group creation group public encryption key size');
  if (userGroupCreation.encrypted_group_private_signature_key.length !== tcrypto.SEALED_SIGNATURE_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user group creation encrypted group private signature key size');
  userGroupCreation.encrypted_group_private_encryption_keys_for_users.forEach(k => checkGroupEncryptedKeyV2('user group creation V2', k));
  userGroupCreation.encrypted_group_private_encryption_keys_for_provisional_users.forEach(k => checkProvisionalGroupEncryptedKeyV2('user group creation V2', k));
  if (userGroupCreation.self_signature.length !== tcrypto.SIGNATURE_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user group creation group self signature size');

  return utils.concatArrays(
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Users / Serialize.js View on Github external
export function serializeDeviceRevocationV2(deviceRevocation: DeviceRevocationRecord): Uint8Array {
  if (deviceRevocation.device_id.length !== tcrypto.HASH_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid device revocation device_id size');
  if (!deviceRevocation.user_keys)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user device user keys');
  if (deviceRevocation.user_keys.public_encryption_key.length !== tcrypto.ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user device user public encryption key size');
  if (deviceRevocation.user_keys.previous_public_encryption_key.length !== tcrypto.ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user device user previous public encryption key size');
  if (deviceRevocation.user_keys.encrypted_previous_encryption_key.length !== tcrypto.SEALED_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user device user previous encrypted private encryption key size');
  for (const key of deviceRevocation.user_keys.private_keys) {
    if (key.recipient.length !== tcrypto.HASH_SIZE)
      throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user device encrypted key recipient size');
    if (key.key.length !== tcrypto.SEALED_KEY_SIZE)
      throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid user device user encrypted private encryption key size');

  return utils.concatArrays(
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Trustchain / TrustchainVerifier.js View on Github external
async _unlockedVerifySingleUserDeviceRevocation(targetUser: ?User, entry: DeviceRevocationEntry): Promise {
    if (!targetUser)
      throw new InternalError('Cannot revoke device of non existing user');
    verifyDeviceRevocation(entry, targetUser);
    return entry;
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Session / ProvisionalIdentity / Serialize.js View on Github external
export function serializeProvisionalIdentityClaim(provisionalIdentityClaim: ProvisionalIdentityClaimRecord): Uint8Array {
  if (provisionalIdentityClaim.user_id.length !== tcrypto.HASH_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid claim provisional user id size');
  if (provisionalIdentityClaim.app_provisional_identity_signature_public_key.length !== tcrypto.SIGNATURE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid claim provisional app public key size');
  if (provisionalIdentityClaim.tanker_provisional_identity_signature_public_key.length !== tcrypto.SIGNATURE_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid claim provisional tanker public key size');
  if (provisionalIdentityClaim.author_signature_by_app_key.length !== tcrypto.SIGNATURE_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid claim provisional app signature size');
  if (provisionalIdentityClaim.author_signature_by_tanker_key.length !== tcrypto.SIGNATURE_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid claim provisional tanker signature size');
  if (provisionalIdentityClaim.recipient_user_public_key.length !== tcrypto.ENCRYPTION_PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid claim provisional recipient key size');
  if (provisionalIdentityClaim.encrypted_provisional_identity_private_keys.length !== tcrypto.ENCRYPTION_PRIVATE_KEY_SIZE * 2
                                                            + tcrypto.SEAL_OVERHEAD)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid claim provisional encrypted keys size');

  return utils.concatArrays(
github TankerHQ / sdk-js / packages / core / src / Blocks / payloads.js View on Github external
export function serializeBlock(block: Block): Uint8Array {
  if ( !== hashSize)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid block author size');
  if (block.signature.length !== signatureSize)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid block signature size');
  if (block.trustchain_id.length !== trustchainIdSize)
    throw new InternalError('Assertion error: invalid block trustchain_id size');

  return utils.concatArrays(
    new Uint8Array(varint.encode(currentVersion)),
    new Uint8Array(varint.encode(block.index)),
    new Uint8Array(varint.encode(block.nature)),