How to use the @mathigon/ function in @mathigon/core

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @mathigon/core examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / components / graph.js View on Github external
this.vertices = list(vertices).map((v) => {
      let x = posn ? (posn[v][0] || posn[v].x) : this.width  * (0.3 + 0.4 * Math.random());
      let y = posn ? (posn[v][1] || posn[v].y) : this.height * (0.3 + 0.4 * Math.random());

      let $el = this.options.icon ?
        $N('path', { 'class': 'node', d: this.options.icon }, this.$vertices) :
        $N('circle', { 'class': 'node', r: this.options.r || 5 }, this.$vertices);
      if (this.options.vertex) $el.css('fill', run(this.options.vertex, v));
      return { $el: $el, posn: { x: x, y: y }, neighbours: [], v: { x: 0, y: 0 } };
github mathigon / boost.js / src / router.js View on Github external
function loadView(router, view, params = {}, url = '') {
  router.$viewport.css({ opacity: 0.4, 'pointer-events': 'none' });
  const template = run(view.template, params) || loadUrl(url);

  if (template.then) {
    template.then(response => renderView(router, view, response, params));
  } else {
    renderView(router, view, template, params);
github mathigon / fermat.js / src / vector.js View on Github external
    return new Vector(new Array(n).map((_, i) => run(value, i)));
github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / components / graph.ts View on Github external
this.vertices = list(vertices).map((v) => {
      let x = posn ? posn[v].x : this.width * (0.3 + 0.4 * Math.random());
      let y = posn ? posn[v].y : this.height * (0.3 + 0.4 * Math.random());

      let $el = (this.options.icon ?
                 $N('path', {'class': 'node', d: this.options.icon}, this.$vertices) :
                 $N('circle', {'class': 'node', r: this.options.r || 5}, this.$vertices)) as SVGView;
      if (this.options.vertex) $el.css('fill', run(this.options.vertex, v));
      return {$el: $el, posn: {x: x, y: y}, neighbours: [], v: {x: 0, y: 0}};
github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / components / graph.js View on Github external
this.edges = => {
      let v1 = this.vertices[e[0]];
      let v2 = this.vertices[e[1]];

      let type = (v1 === v2) || this.options.arc ? 'path' : 'line';
      let $el = $N(type, { 'class': 'link' }, this.$edges);
      if (this.options.directed) $el.setAttr('marker-end', 'url(#arrow-head)');
      if (this.options.edge) $el.css('stroke', run(this.options.edge, e[0], e[1]));

      let edge = { $el: $el, vertices: [v1, v2] };

      return edge;
github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / components / graph.ts View on Github external
this.edges =[a, b]) => {
      let v1 = this.vertices[a];
      let v2 = this.vertices[b];

      let type = (v1 === v2) || this.options.arc ? 'path' : 'line';
      let $el = $N(type, {'class': 'link'}, this.$edges) as SVGView;
      if (this.options.directed) $el.setAttr('marker-end', 'url(#arrow-head)');
      if (this.options.edge) $el.css('stroke', run(this.options.edge, a, b));

      let edge = {$el: $el, vertices: [v1, v2] as [Vertex, Vertex]};

      return edge;