How to use the @mathigon/core.last function in @mathigon/core

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github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / functions.js View on Github external
$ut.on('pointerenter', function() {
      if (!map.drawing || currentUtility === $ut) return;
      map.p = null;
      if ( === dataType) {
        if (dataType === 'house') {
        } else {
      } else {
        let sector = ( === 'house') ?
          $('.' + $, currentUtility) : $('.' +, $ut);
        sector.css('opacity', 1);
        sectors.set(last(map.paths), sector);
      // TODO Error on connect twice
github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / functions.ts View on Github external
map.p = undefined;
      if ( === dataType) {
        last(map.paths).css('stroke', '#C00');
        if (dataType === 'house') {
        } else {
      } else {
        let sector = ( === 'house') ?
                     $('.' + $, currentUtility)! :
                     $('.' +, $ut)!;
        sector.css('opacity', 1);
        sectors.set(last(map.paths), sector);
      // TODO Error on connect twice
github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / functions.js View on Github external
$ut.on('pointerenter', function() {
      if (!map.drawing || currentUtility === $ut) return;
      map.p = null;
      if ( === dataType) {
        if (dataType === 'house') {
        } else {
      } else {
        let sector = ( === 'house') ?
          $('.' + $, currentUtility) : $('.' +, $ut);
        sector.css('opacity', 1);
        sectors.set(last(map.paths), sector);
      // TODO Error on connect twice
github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / functions.ts View on Github external
$ut.on('pointerenter', () => {
      if (!map.drawing || currentUtility === $ut) return;
      map.p = undefined;
      if ( === dataType) {
        last(map.paths).css('stroke', '#C00');
        if (dataType === 'house') {
        } else {
      } else {
        let sector = ( === 'house') ?
                     $('.' + $, currentUtility)! :
                     $('.' +, $ut)!;
        sector.css('opacity', 1);
        sectors.set(last(map.paths), sector);
      // TODO Error on connect twice
github mathigon / textbooks / probability / functions.js View on Github external
function generatePossibilities(len) {
    if (len <= 1) return [['R', 'B']];
    let prev = generatePossibilities(len - 1);
    prev.push(last(prev).map(x => x + 'R').concat(last(prev).map(x => x + 'B')));
    return prev;
github mathigon / textbooks / content / sequences / functions.ts View on Github external
while (n0 > 0) {
    let r1 = x - triangleNumber(n0);
    if (!r1) return [n0, 0, 0];
    let n1 = Math.min(n0, Math.floor((Math.sqrt(8 * r1 + 1) - 1) / 2));
    while (n1 > 0) {
      let r2 = r1 - triangleNumber(n1);
      if (!r2) results.push([n0, n1, 0]);
      let n2 = Math.min(n1, Math.floor((Math.sqrt(8 * r2 + 1) - 1) / 2));
      if (r2 === triangleNumber(n2)) results.push([n0, n1, n2]);
      n1 -= 1;
    n0 -= 1;

  sortBy(results, r => total( => x * x)));
  return last(results);
github mathigon / textbooks / content / graph-theory / components / sketch.ts View on Github external
checkForIntersects() {
    if (!this.options.intersect || this.paths.length <= 1) return;

    let path1 = last(this.paths);
    let points1 = path1.points as Point[];
    let line1 = new Segment(points1[points1.length - 2],
        points1[points1.length - 1]);

    for (let i = 0; i < this.paths.length - 1; ++i) {
      let path2 = this.paths[i];
      let points2 = path2.points as Point[];
      for (let j = 1; j < points2.length - 2; ++j) {
        let line2 = new Segment(points2[j], points2[j + 1]);
        let t = Segment.intersect(line1, line2);
        if (t) {
          this.trigger('intersect', {point: t, paths: [path1, path2]});
github mathigon / boost.js / src / sketch.js View on Github external
checkForIntersects() {
    if (!this.options.intersect || this.paths.length <= 1) return;

    let path1 = last(this.paths);
    let points1 = path1.points;
    let line1 = new Line(points1[points1.length-2], points1[points1.length-1]);

    for (let i = 0; i < this.paths.length - 1; ++i) {
      let path2 = this.paths[i];
      let points2 = path2.points;
      for (let j = 1; j < points2.length - 2; ++j) {
        let line2 = new Line(points2[j], points2[j + 1]);
        let t = Line.intersect(line1, line2);
        if (t) {
          this.trigger('intersect', { point: t, paths: [path1, path2] });