How to use the @jsii/spec.isInterfaceType function in @jsii/spec

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @jsii/spec examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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public static toNativeReference(type: spec.Type) {
    const [,] = type.fqn.split('.');
    const resolvedName = name.join('.');
    const result: { typescript: string, javascript?: string } = {
      typescript: `import { ${resolvedName} } from '${type.assembly}';`
    if (!spec.isInterfaceType(type)) {
      result.javascript = `const { ${resolvedName} } = require('${type.assembly}');`;
    } else {
      result.javascript = `// ${resolvedName} is an interface`;
    return result;
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private _tryTypeInfoForProperty(property: string, classFqn: string, interfaces: string[] = []): spec.Property | undefined {
    for (const fqn of [classFqn, ...interfaces]) {
      if (fqn === wire.EMPTY_OBJECT_FQN) { continue; }
      const typeInfo = this._typeInfoForFqn(fqn);

      let properties;
      let bases;

      if (spec.isClassType(typeInfo)) {
        const classTypeInfo = typeInfo as spec.ClassType;
        properties =;
        bases = classTypeInfo.base ? [classTypeInfo.base] : [];
      } else if (spec.isInterfaceType(typeInfo)) {
        const interfaceTypeInfo = typeInfo as spec.InterfaceType;
        properties =;
        bases = interfaceTypeInfo.interfaces ?? [];
      } else {
        throw new Error(`Type of kind ${typeInfo.kind} does not have properties`);

      for (const p of properties ?? []) {
        if ( === property) {
          return p;

      // recurse to parent type (if exists)
      for (const baseFqn of bases) {
        const ret = this._tryTypeInfoForProperty(property, baseFqn);
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this._deferUntilTypesAvailable(fqn, jsiiType.interfaces ?? [], type.symbol.valueDeclaration, (...bases: spec.Type[]) => {
      if ((jsiiType.methods ?? []).length === 0) {
        jsiiType.datatype = true;

      for (const base of bases) {
        if (spec.isInterfaceType(base) && !base.datatype) {
          jsiiType.datatype = undefined;

      const interfaceName = isInterfaceName(;

      // If it's not a datatype the name must start with an "I".
      if (!jsiiType.datatype && !interfaceName) {
          `Interface contains behavior: name should be "I${}"`);

      // If the name starts with an "I" it is not intended as a datatype, so switch that off.
      if (jsiiType.datatype && interfaceName) {
        jsiiType.datatype = undefined;
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if (jsiiType.datatype) {
        for (const prop of ?? []) {
          if (!prop.immutable) {
            const p = type.getProperty(!;
              `The property '${}' in data type '${}' must be 'readonly' since data is passed by-value`);

            // force property to be "readonly" since jsii languages will pass this by-value
            prop.immutable = true;
      } else {
        // This is *NOT* a data type, so it may not extend something that is one.
        for (const base of bases) {
          if (!spec.isInterfaceType(base)) {
            // Invalid type we already warned about earlier, just ignoring it here...
          if (base.datatype) {
              `Attempted to extend struct ${base.fqn} from regular interface ${jsiiType.fqn}`);
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this._deferUntilTypesAvailable(, [lastParamTypeRef], lastParamSymbol!.declarations[0], (lastParamType) => {
        if (!spec.isInterfaceType(lastParamType) || !lastParamType.datatype) { return; }

        // Liftable datatype, make sure no parameter names match any of the properties in the datatype
        const propNames = this.allProperties(lastParamType);
        const paramNames = new Set(parameters.slice(0, parameters.length - 1).map(x =>;
        const sharedNames = intersection(propNames, paramNames);

        if (sharedNames.size > 0) {
            `Name occurs in both function arguments and in datatype properties, rename one: ${Array.from(sharedNames).join(', ')}`);
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function recurse(this: Assembler, int: spec.InterfaceType) {
      for (const property of ?? []) {

      for (const baseRef of int.interfaces ?? []) {
        const base = this._dereference(baseRef, null);
        if (!base) { throw new Error('Impossible to have unresolvable base in allProperties()'); }
        if (!spec.isInterfaceType(base)) { throw new Error('Impossible to have non-interface base in allProperties()'); }, base);
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this._deferUntilTypesAvailable(fqn, [typeRef], decl, (deref) => {
        if (!spec.isInterfaceType(deref)) {
            `Inheritance clause of ${fqn} uses ${spec.describeTypeReference(typeRef)} as an interface`);