How to use the @jsii/spec.TypeKind function in @jsii/spec

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github aws / jsii / packages / jsii-pacmak / lib / targets / dotnet / dotnettyperesolver.ts View on Github external
public toNativeFqn(fqn: string): string {
    const type = this.findType(fqn);
    let typeName = '';
    switch (type.kind) {
      case spec.TypeKind.Interface:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertInterfaceName(type);
      case spec.TypeKind.Class:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertClassName(type as spec.ClassType);
      case spec.TypeKind.Enum:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertTypeName(;
        throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`);
    const [mod] = fqn.split('.');
    const depMod = this.findModule(mod);
    const dotnetNamespace = depMod.targets?.dotnet?.namespace;
    if (!dotnetNamespace) {
      throw new Error('The module does not have a dotnet.namespace setting');
    if (type.namespace) {
      // If the type is declared in an additional namespace.
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public toNativeFqn(fqn: string): string {
    const type = this.findType(fqn);
    let typeName = '';
    switch (type.kind) {
      case spec.TypeKind.Interface:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertInterfaceName(type);
      case spec.TypeKind.Class:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertClassName(type as spec.ClassType);
      case spec.TypeKind.Enum:
        typeName = this.nameutils.convertTypeName(;
        throw new Error(`Unknown type: ${type}`);
    const [mod] = fqn.split('.');
    const depMod = this.findModule(mod);
    const dotnetNamespace = depMod.targets?.dotnet?.namespace;
    if (!dotnetNamespace) {
      throw new Error('The module does not have a dotnet.namespace setting');
    if (type.namespace) {
      // If the type is declared in an additional namespace.
      const namespaceFqn = `${}.${type.namespace}`;
      const associatedNamespace = this.assembly.types?.[namespaceFqn];
      if (associatedNamespace) {
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function _isAbstract(symbol: ts.Symbol, declaringType: spec.ClassType | spec.InterfaceType): boolean {
  // everything is abstract in interfaces
  if (declaringType.kind === spec.TypeKind.Interface) {
    return true;

  return !!symbol.valueDeclaration
    && (ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(symbol.valueDeclaration) & ts.ModifierFlags.Abstract) !== 0;
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private emitInterfaceProxy(ifc: spec.InterfaceType | spec.ClassType): void {
    // No need to slugify for a proxy
    const name = `${this.nameutils.convertTypeName(}Proxy`;
    const namespace = ifc.namespace ? `${this.assembly.targets!.dotnet!.namespace}.${ifc.namespace}` : this.assembly.targets!.dotnet!.namespace;
    const isNested = this.isNested(ifc);
    this.openFileIfNeeded(name, namespace, isNested);

    const interfaceFqn = this.typeresolver.toNativeFqn(ifc.fqn);
    const suffix = ifc.kind === spec.TypeKind.Interface ? `: DeputyBase, ${interfaceFqn}`
      : `: ${interfaceFqn}`;
    this.code.openBlock(`internal sealed class ${name} ${suffix}`);

    // Create the private constructor
    this.code.openBlock(`private ${name}(ByRefValue reference): base(reference)`);

    // We have already output a member (constructor), setting the first member flag to true

    const datatype = false;
    const proxy = true;
    this.emitInterfaceMembersForProxyOrDatatype(ifc, datatype, proxy);

    this.closeFileIfNeeded(name, namespace, isNested);
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private isOptionalPrimitive(optionalValue: spec.OptionalValue | undefined): boolean {
    if (!optionalValue || !optionalValue.optional) {
      return false;

    // If the optional type is an enum then we need to flag it as ?
    const typeref = optionalValue.type as spec.NamedTypeReference;
    let isOptionalEnum = false;
    if (typeref && typeref.fqn) {
      const type = this.findType(typeref.fqn);
      isOptionalEnum = type.kind === spec.TypeKind.Enum;

    return (spec.isPrimitiveTypeReference(optionalValue.type)
            // In .NET, string or object is a reference type, and can be nullable
            && optionalValue.type.primitive !== spec.PrimitiveType.String
            && optionalValue.type.primitive !== spec.PrimitiveType.Any
            && optionalValue.type.primitive !== spec.PrimitiveType.Json) // Json is not a primitive in .NET
            || isOptionalEnum;
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private emitMethod(cls: spec.ClassType | spec.InterfaceType, method: spec.Method, emitForProxyOrDatatype = false): void {
    const returnType = method.returns ? this.typeresolver.toDotNetType(method.returns.type) : 'void';
    let staticKeyWord = '';
    let overrideKeyWord = '';
    let virtualKeyWord = '';

    let definedOnAncestor = false;
    // In the case of the source being a class, we check if it is already defined on an ancestor
    if (cls.kind === spec.TypeKind.Class) {
      definedOnAncestor = this.isMemberDefinedOnAncestor(cls, method);
    // The method is an override if it's defined on the ancestor, or if the parent is a class and we are generating a proxy or datatype class
    let overrides = definedOnAncestor || (cls.kind === spec.TypeKind.Class && emitForProxyOrDatatype);
    // We also inspect the jsii model to see if it overrides a class member.
    if (method.overrides) {
      const overrideType = this.findType(method.overrides);
      if (overrideType.kind === spec.TypeKind.Class) {
        // Overrides a class, needs overrides keyword
        overrides = true;
    if (method.static) {
      staticKeyWord = 'static ';
    } else if (overrides) {
      // Add the override key word if the method is emitted for a proxy or data type or is defined on an ancestor
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private _findCtor(fqn: string, args: any[]): { ctor: any, parameters?: spec.Parameter[] } {
    if (fqn === wire.EMPTY_OBJECT_FQN) {
      return { ctor: Object };

    const typeinfo = this._typeInfoForFqn(fqn);

    switch (typeinfo.kind) {
      case spec.TypeKind.Class:
        const classType = typeinfo as spec.ClassType;
        this._validateMethodArguments(classType.initializer, args);
        return { ctor: this._findSymbol(fqn), parameters: classType.initializer && classType.initializer.parameters };

      case spec.TypeKind.Interface:
        throw new Error(`Cannot create an object with an FQN of an interface: ${fqn}`);

        throw new Error(`Unexpected FQN kind: ${fqn}`);
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const flags = ts.getCombinedModifierFlags(decl);
    if (flags & ts.ModifierFlags.Const) {
        "Exported enum cannot be declared 'const'");

    const docs = this._visitDocumentation(symbol, ctx);

    const typeContext = ctx.replaceStability(docs?.stability);
    const members = type.isUnion() ? type.types : [type];

    const jsiiType: spec.EnumType = {
      fqn: `${[, ...ctx.namespace].join('.')}.${}`,
      kind: spec.TypeKind.Enum,
      members: => ({
        docs: this._visitDocumentation(m.symbol, typeContext),
      namespace: ctx.namespace.length > 0 ? ctx.namespace.join('.') : undefined,

    return Promise.resolve(jsiiType);