How to use @iobroker/adapter-react - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @iobroker/adapter-react examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ioBroker / ioBroker.javascript / src / src / Editor.js View on Github external
// if anything except source was changed
                    if (JSON.stringify(commonLocal) !== JSON.stringify(this.objects[id].common)) {
                        this.scripts[id] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.objects[id].common));
                        this.scripts[id].source = oldSource;

                    if (oldSource !== this.objects[id].common.source) {
                        // take new script if it not yet changed
                        if (!this.state.changed[id]) {
                            // just use new value
                            this.scripts[id].source = this.objects[id].common.source;
                        } else {
                            if (this.objects[id].from && this.objects[id].from.startsWith('system.adapter.javascript.')) {
                                this.objects[id].from = 'system.adapter.admin.0';
                                // show that script was changed from outside
                                this.setState({toast: I18n.t('Script %s was modified on disk.', id.split('.').pop())});
                    } else {
                        if (this.state.changed[id]) {
                            newState.changed = newState.changed || JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.changed));
                            newState.changed[id] = false;
                            _changed = true;
                } else {
                    delete this.scripts[id];
                    if (this.state.selected === id) {
                        if (this.state.editing.indexOf(id) !== -1) {
                            const editing = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.editing));
                            const pos = editing.indexOf(id);
                            if (pos !== -1) {
github ioBroker / ioBroker.javascript / src / src / Editor.js View on Github external
onConvert2JS() {
        this.showConfirmDialog(I18n.t('It will not be possible to revert this operation.'), result => {
            if (result) {
                this.scripts[this.state.selected].engineType = 'Javascript/js';
                let source = this.scripts[this.state.selected].source;
                const lines = source.split('\n');
                this.scripts[this.state.selected].source = lines.join('\n');
                const nowSelected = this.state.selected;

                const changed = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.state.changed));
                changed[this.state.selected] = true;

                this.setState({changed, blockly: false, selected: ''}, () => {
                    // force update of the editor
                    setTimeout(() => this.setState({selected: nowSelected}), 100);
github ioBroker / ioBroker.iot / src / src / Tabs / Enums.js View on Github external
renderEnum(obj) {
        let smartName = Utils.getSmartNameFromObj(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);
        // convert old format
        if (smartName && typeof smartName === 'object') {
            smartName = smartName[I18n.getLanguage()] || smartName.en || '';
        let name = Utils.getObjectNameFromObj(obj);

        return (<div style="{{background:">
            <span style="{{opacity:">{smartName || null}{smartName ? (<span> ({name})</span>) : name}</span>
            <span style="{{opacity:">{obj._id}</span>
github ioBroker / ioBroker.iot / src / src / Tabs / Enums.js View on Github external
renderEnum(obj) {
        let smartName = Utils.getSmartNameFromObj(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);
        // convert old format
        if (smartName &amp;&amp; typeof smartName === 'object') {
            smartName = smartName[I18n.getLanguage()] || smartName.en || '';
        let name = Utils.getObjectNameFromObj(obj);

        return (<div style="{{background:">
            <span style="{{opacity:">{smartName || null}{smartName ? (<span> ({name})</span>) : name}</span>
            <span style="{{opacity:">{obj._id}</span>
github ioBroker / ioBroker.javascript / src / src / Components / Schedule.js View on Github external
        if (schedule.period.years) {
            if (schedule.period.years === 1) {
            } else {
                desc.push(I18n.t('sch_desc_everyNYears', schedule.period.years));
            desc.push(I18n.t('sch_desc_onDate', schedule.period.yearDate, schedule.period.yearMonth ? I18n.t(MONTHS[schedule.period.yearMonth - 1]) : I18n.t('sch_desc_everyMonth')));

        // time
        if (schedule.time.exactTime) {
            if (ASTRO.indexOf(schedule.time.start) !== -1) {
                // at sunset
                desc.push(I18n.t('sch_desc_atTime', I18n.t('sch_astro_' + schedule.time.start)));
            } else {
                // at HH:MM
                desc.push(I18n.t('sch_desc_atTime', schedule.time.start));
        } else {
            if (schedule.time.mode === PERIODS.minutes) {
                if (schedule.time.interval === 1) {
                    // every minute
                } else {
                    // every N minutes
                    desc.push(I18n.t('sch_desc_everyNMinutes', schedule.time.interval));
            } else {
                if (schedule.time.interval === 1) {
                    // every minute
github ioBroker / ioBroker.javascript / src / src / Components / BlocklyEditor.js View on Github external
getToolbox() {
        // Interpolate translated messages into toolbox.
        let toolboxText = window.document.getElementById('toolbox').outerHTML;
        toolboxText = toolboxText.replace(/{(\w+)}/g, (m, p1) =&gt; window.MSG[p1]);

        let blocks = '';
        const lang = I18n.getLanguage();
        for (let cb = 0; cb &lt; this.Blockly.CustomBlocks.length; cb++) {
            const name = this.Blockly.CustomBlocks[cb];
            // add blocks
            blocks += '';
            for (const _b in this.Blockly[name].blocks) {
                if (this.Blockly[name].blocks.hasOwnProperty(_b)) {
                    blocks += this.Blockly[name].blocks[_b];
            blocks += '';
        toolboxText = toolboxText.replace('%%CUSTOM_BLOCKS%%', blocks);
        return toolboxText;
github ioBroker / ioBroker.iot / src / src / Tabs / Enums.js View on Github external
onToggleEnum(id) {
        let obj = this.state.funcs.find(e => e._id === id) || this.state.rooms.find(e => e._id === id);

        let smartName = Utils.getSmartNameFromObj(obj);
        obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
        if (smartName !== false) {
            Utils.disableSmartName(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);
        } else {
            Utils.removeSmartName(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);


        this.props.socket.setObject(id, obj)
            .then(() => {
                // update obj
                this.updateObjInState(id, obj);

                setTimeout(() => this.removeChanged(id), 500);
github ioBroker / ioBroker.iot / src / src / Tabs / Enums.js View on Github external
onToggleEnum(id) {
        let obj = this.state.funcs.find(e => e._id === id) || this.state.rooms.find(e => e._id === id);

        let smartName = Utils.getSmartNameFromObj(obj);
        obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
        if (smartName !== false) {
            Utils.disableSmartName(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);
        } else {
            Utils.removeSmartName(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);


        this.props.socket.setObject(id, obj)
            .then(() => {
                // update obj
                this.updateObjInState(id, obj);

                setTimeout(() => this.removeChanged(id), 500);
github ioBroker / ioBroker.iot / src / src / Tabs / Enums.js View on Github external
onToggleEnum(id) {
        let obj = this.state.funcs.find(e => e._id === id) || this.state.rooms.find(e => e._id === id);

        let smartName = Utils.getSmartNameFromObj(obj);
        obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
        if (smartName !== false) {
            Utils.disableSmartName(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);
        } else {
            Utils.removeSmartName(obj, this.props.adapterName + '.' + this.props.instance, this.props.native.noCommon);


        this.props.socket.setObject(id, obj)
            .then(() => {
                // update obj
                this.updateObjInState(id, obj);

                setTimeout(() => this.removeChanged(id), 500);
github ioBroker / ioBroker.javascript / src / src / App.js View on Github external
logHorzLayout: window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('App.logHorzLayout') === 'true' : false,
            runningInstances: {},
            confirm: '',
            importFile: false,
            message: '',
            searchText: '',
            themeType: window.localStorage ? window.localStorage.getItem('App.theme') || 'light' : 'light',
        // this.logIndex = 0;
        this.logSize = window.localStorage ? parseFloat(window.localStorage.getItem('App.logSize')) || 150 : 150;
        this.menuSize = window.localStorage ? parseFloat(window.localStorage.getItem('App.menuSize')) || 500 : 500;
        this.scripts = {};
        this.hosts = [];
        this.importFile = null;

        this.socket = new Connection({
            autoSubscribes: ['script.*', 'system.adapter.javascript.*'],
            autoSubscribeLog: true,
            onProgress: progress => {
                if (progress === PROGRESS.CONNECTING) {
                    this.setState({connected: false});
                } else if (progress === PROGRESS.READY) {
                    this.setState({connected: true, progress: 100});
                } else {
                    this.setState({connected: true, progress: Math.round(PROGRESS.READY / progress * 100)});
            onReady: (objects, scripts) => {
                window.systemLang = this.socket.systemLang;
                this.onObjectChange(objects, scripts, true);