How to use the @hint/utils-compat-data.isSupported function in @hint/utils-compat-data

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hint/utils-compat-data examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github webhintio / hint / packages / hint-meta-theme-color / src / hint.ts View on Github external
*  supported everywhere `theme-color` is. Also, values
             *  such as `currentcolor` don't make sense, but they
             *  will be catched by the above check.
             *  See also:
             *   *
             *   *

            // TODO: Use `isSupported` for all color syntax checks.

            // `RGBA` support depends on the browser.
            return (color.model === 'rgb' &&
                hexWithAlphaRegex.test(normalizedColorValue) &&
                !isSupported({ property: 'color', value: '#00000000' }, context.targetedBrowsers)) ||

                // `HWB` is not supported anywhere (?).
                color.model === 'hwb';
github webhintio / hint / packages / hint-manifest-is-valid / src / hint.ts View on Github external
*  supported everywhere `theme-color` is. Also, values
             *  such as `currentcolor` don't make sense, but they
             *  will be catched by the above check.
             *  See also:
             *   *
             *   *

            // TODO: Use `isSupported` for all color syntax checks.

            // `RGBA` support depends on the browser.
            return (color.model === 'rgb' &&
                hexWithAlphaRegex.test(normalizedColorValue) &&
                !isSupported({ property: 'color', value: '#00000000' }, context.targetedBrowsers)) ||

                // `HWB` is not supported anywhere (?).
                color.model === 'hwb';
github webhintio / hint / packages / hint-disown-opener / src / hint.ts View on Github external
!elementHrefHasRequiredProtocol(element) ||
                !checkSameOrigin(resource, element)) {


            checkForRelValue(resource, element, 'noopener', Severity.error);

             * If no browsers were targeted, or `noopener`
             * is not supported by all targeted browsers,
             * also check for 'noreferrer'.

            // TODO: Fix `isSupported` so `element` can be `a`.
            if (!context.targetedBrowsers.length || !isSupported({ attribute: 'rel', element: 'link', value: 'noopener' }, context.targetedBrowsers)) {
                checkForRelValue(resource, element, 'noreferrer', Severity.warning);


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