How to use the @hint/utils-compat-data.getUnsupportedDetails function in @hint/utils-compat-data

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @hint/utils-compat-data examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github webhintio / hint / packages / hint-compat-api / src / css.ts View on Github external
const validateDeclValue = (node: Declaration, context: Context): ReportData | null => {
    const unsupported = getUnsupportedDetails({ property: node.prop, value: node.value }, context.browsers);

    if (unsupported) {
        const formatFeature = (value: string) => {
            return `${node.prop}: ${value}`;

        return { feature: formatFeature(node.value), formatFeature, isValue: true, node, unsupported };

    return null;
github webhintio / hint / packages / hint-compat-api / src / html.ts View on Github external
const validateElement = (node: HTMLElement, context: Context) => {
    const element = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();

    if (context.ignore.has(element)) {

    const unsupported = getUnsupportedDetails({ element }, context.browsers);

    if (unsupported) {{ feature: element, unsupported });
    } else {
        for (let i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
            validateAttribute(element, node.attributes[i], context);
github webhintio / hint / packages / hint-compat-api / src / html.ts View on Github external
const validateAttributeValue = (element: string, attr: HTMLAttribute, context: Context) => {
    if (context.ignore.has(`${element}[${}=${attr.value}]`)) {

    const unsupported = getUnsupportedDetails({ attribute:, element, value: attr.value }, context.browsers);

    if (unsupported) {{ feature: `${element}[${}=${attr.value}]`, unsupported });


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