How to use the @dojo/webpack-contrib/css-module-plugin/CssModulePlugin function in @dojo/webpack-contrib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @dojo/webpack-contrib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dojo / cli-build-app / src / base.config.ts View on Github external
/to have no more than (\d*) type selectors/g,
							'to not contain element selectors due to unsafe isolation'
							/to have no more than (\d*) universal selectors/g,
							'to not contain universal (*) selectors due to unsafe isolation'
				context: srcPath,
				files: ['**/*.m.css']
			singleBundle &&
				new webpack.optimize.LimitChunkCountPlugin({
					maxChunks: 1
			new CssModulePlugin(basePath),
			new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
				filename: '[name].css'
			(args.externals || isTest) &&
				new WrapperPlugin({
					test: singleBundle ? new RegExp(`${mainEntry}.*(\.js$)`) : new RegExp(`${bootstrapEntry}.*(\.js$)`),
					footer: `\ntypeof define === 'function' && define.amd && require(['${libraryName}']);`
			args.locale &&
				new I18nPlugin({
					defaultLocale: args.locale,
					supportedLocales: args.supportedLocales,
					cldrPaths: args.cldrPaths,
					target: mainEntryPath
			new webpack.DefinePlugin({