How to use the @dojo/webpack-contrib/bootstrap-plugin/BootstrapPlugin function in @dojo/webpack-contrib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @dojo/webpack-contrib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github dojo / cli-build-app / src / base.config.ts View on Github external
__DOJO_SCOPE: `'${libraryName}'`
			!isExperimentalSpeed &&
				new OptimizeCssAssetsPlugin({
					cssProcessor: cssnano,
					cssProcessorOptions: {
						map: {
							inline: false
					cssProcessorPluginOptions: {
						preset: ['default', { calc: false }]
			!singleBundle &&
				new BootstrapPlugin({
					entryPath: mainEntryPath,
					shimModules: [
							module: '@dojo/framework/shim/IntersectionObserver',
							has: 'intersection-observer'
							module: '@dojo/framework/shim/ResizeObserver',
							has: 'resize-observer'
							module: '@dojo/framework/shim/WebAnimations',
							has: 'web-animations'
							module: '@dojo/framework/shim/fetch',