How to use the @ditojs/utils.getDataPath function in @ditojs/utils

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github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / controllers / CollectionController.js View on Github external
(files, model) => {
              const data = asArray(getDataPath(model, dataPath, () => null))
              // Use flatten() as dataPath may contain wildcards, resulting in
              // nested files arrays.
              files.push(...flatten(data).filter(file => !!file))
              return files
github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / query / QueryBuilder.js View on Github external
const parent = getDataPath(cloned, parts)
      delete parent[key]

    // TODO: The model isn't necessarily fetched with data in the same order as
    // `cloned` defines, e.g. if there is sorting in the database. A solid
    // implementation of this would take care of that and map entries from
    // `model` back to `cloned`, so that the `setDataPath` calls below would
    // still work in such cases.
    const model = await this.clone().upsertGraphAndFetch(cloned, options)

    // Now for each identifier, create an object containing only the final id in
    // the fetched model data:
    const links = {}
    for (const [identifier, path] of Object.entries(identifiers)) {
      const { id } = getDataPath(model, path)
      links[identifier] = { id }

    // And finally replace all references with the final ids, before upserting
    // once again:
    for (const [path, reference] of Object.entries(references)) {
      const link = links[reference]
      if (link) {
        setDataPath(model, path, link)

    return model
github ditojs / dito / packages / admin / src / utils / data.js View on Github external
export function getParentItem(rootItem, dataPath, isValue) {
  const path = parseDataPath(dataPath)
  if (path) {
    // Remove the first path token if the path is not to an item's value:
    if (isValue) path.pop()
    // Remove the parent token. If it's a number, then we're dealing with an
    // array and need to remove more tokens until we meet the actual parent:
    let token
    do {
      token = path.pop()
    } while (token != null && !isNaN(token))
    // If the removed token is valid, we can get the parent data:
    if (token != null) {
      return getDataPath(rootItem, path)
  return null
github ditojs / dito / packages / admin / src / mixins / DitoMixin.js View on Github external
      { type, default: def, schema = this.schema } = {}
    ) {
      const types = type && asArray(type)
      // For performance reasons, only support dataPaths in array format:
      let value = schema
        ? isArray(keyOrDataPath)
          ? getDataPath(schema, keyOrDataPath, () => undefined)
          : schema[keyOrDataPath]
        : undefined

      let params = null
      const getParams = () => params || (params = getItemParams(this))

      if (value === undefined && def !== undefined) {
        if (isFunction(def) && !isMatchingType(types, def)) {
          // Support `default()` functions for any type except `Function`:
          def =, getParams())
        return def

      if (isMatchingType(types, value)) {
        return value
github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / query / QueryBuilder.js View on Github external
const { [uidProp]: id, [uidRefProp]: ref } = value
        if (id) {
          identifiers[id] = path.join('/')
        } else if (ref) {
          references[path.join('/')] = ref

    // Now clone the data and delete all references from it, for the initial
    // upsert.
    const cloned = clone(data)
    for (const path of Object.keys(references)) {
      const parts = parseDataPath(path)
      const key = parts.pop()
      const parent = getDataPath(cloned, parts)
      delete parent[key]

    // TODO: The model isn't necessarily fetched with data in the same order as
    // `cloned` defines, e.g. if there is sorting in the database. A solid
    // implementation of this would take care of that and map entries from
    // `model` back to `cloned`, so that the `setDataPath` calls below would
    // still work in such cases.
    const model = await this.clone().upsertGraphAndFetch(cloned, options)

    // Now for each identifier, create an object containing only the final id in
    // the fetched model data:
    const links = {}
    for (const [identifier, path] of Object.entries(identifiers)) {
      const { id } = getDataPath(model, path)
      links[identifier] = { id }
github ditojs / dito / packages / admin / src / utils / data.js View on Github external
export function getItem(rootItem, dataPath, isValue) {
  const path = parseDataPath(dataPath)
  // Remove the first path token if the path is not to an item's value, and see
  // if it's valid:
  return path && (!isValue || path.pop() != null)
    ? getDataPath(rootItem, path)
    : null