How to use the @ditojs/utils.clone function in @ditojs/utils

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @ditojs/utils examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / query / QueryBuilder.js View on Github external
const { uidProp, uidRefProp } = this.modelClass()

    walkGraph(data, (value, path) => {
      if (isObject(value)) {
        const { [uidProp]: id, [uidRefProp]: ref } = value
        if (id) {
          identifiers[id] = path.join('/')
        } else if (ref) {
          references[path.join('/')] = ref

    // Now clone the data and delete all references from it, for the initial
    // upsert.
    const cloned = clone(data)
    for (const path of Object.keys(references)) {
      const parts = parseDataPath(path)
      const key = parts.pop()
      const parent = getDataPath(cloned, parts)
      delete parent[key]

    // TODO: The model isn't necessarily fetched with data in the same order as
    // `cloned` defines, e.g. if there is sorting in the database. A solid
    // implementation of this would take care of that and map entries from
    // `model` back to `cloned`, so that the `setDataPath` calls below would
    // still work in such cases.
    const model = await this.clone().upsertGraphAndFetch(cloned, options)

    // Now for each identifier, create an object containing only the final id in
    // the fetched model data:
github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / app / Validator.js View on Github external
validate({ json, model, ctx, options }) {
    const { jsonSchema } = ctx
    if (jsonSchema) {
      // We need to clone the input json if we are about to set default values.
      if (
        !options.mutable &&
        !options.patch &&
      ) {
        json = clone(json)
      // Get the right Ajv instance for the given patch and async options
      const validate = this.getAjv(options).getSchema(jsonSchema.$id)
      // Use `call()` to pass ctx as context to Ajv, see passContext:
      const res =, json)
      const handleErrors = errors => {
        if (errors) {
          // NOTE: The conversion from Ajv errors to Objection errors happen in
          // Model.createValidationError(), which calls Validator.parseError()
          throw model.constructor.createValidationError({
            type: 'ModelValidation',
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inheritedData() {
      // Data inherited from parent, and cloned to protect against reactive
      // changes until changes are applied through setSourceData(), unless
      // `sourceSchema.mutate` is true, in which case data is mutated directly.
      if (
        this.isTransient &&
        this.clonedData === undefined &&
        this.sourceData &&
        this.sourceKey !== null
      ) {
        let data = this.sourceData[this.sourceKey]
        if (!this.doesMutate) {
          // Use a trick to store cloned inherited data in clonedData, to make
          // it reactive and prevent it from being cloned multiple times.
          this.clonedData = data = clone(data)
        if (
          data === null &&
          !this.isCreating &&
        ) {
          // If data of an object source is null, redirect to its create route.
          this.$router.push({ path: 'create', append: true })
        return data
      return this.clonedData
github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / query / QueryBuilder.js View on Github external
function addEagerScope(modelClass, expr, scopes, modifiers, isRoot = true) {
  if (isRoot) {
    expr = clone(expr)
  } else {
    // Only add the scope if it's not already defined by the eager statement and
    // if it's actually available as a modifier in the model's modifiers list.
    for (const scope of scopes) {
      if (!expr.$modify?.includes(scope) &&
          (modelClass.modifiers[scope] || modifiers?.[scope])) {
  const relations = modelClass.getRelations()
  for (const key in expr) {
    // All enumerable properties that don't start with '$' are child nodes.
    if (key[0] !== '$') {
      const child = expr[key]
      const relation = relations[child.$relation || key]
github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / app / Validator.js View on Github external
processSchema(jsonSchema, options = {}) {
    const { patch, async } = options
    const schema = clone(jsonSchema, value => {
      if (isObject(value)) {
        if (patch) {
          // Remove all required keywords and formats from schema for patch
          // validation.
          delete value.required
          if (value.format === 'required') {
            delete value.format
        // Convert async `validate()` keywords to `validateAsync()`:
        if (isAsync(value.validate)) {
          value.validateAsync = value.validate
          delete value.validate
        if (!async) {
          // Remove all async keywords for synchronous validation.
github ditojs / dito / packages / server / src / app / Validator.js View on Github external
beforeValidate({ json, model, ctx, options }) {
    // Add validator instance, app and options to context
    ctx.validator = this =
    ctx.options = options
    ctx.jsonSchema = model.constructor.getJsonSchema()
    const { $beforeValidate } = model
    if ($beforeValidate !== objection.Model.prototype.$beforeValidate) {
      // TODO: Consider adding hooks for 'before:validate' and 'after:validate',
      // and if so, decide what to do about modifying / returning json-schema.
      // Probably we shouldn't allow it there.

      // Only clone jsonSchema if the handler actually receives it.
      if ($beforeValidate.length > 0) {
        ctx.jsonSchema = clone(ctx.jsonSchema)
      const ret = model.$beforeValidate(ctx.jsonSchema, json, options)
      if (ret !== undefined) {
        ctx.jsonSchema = ret