How to use the @cumulus/ingest/granule.moveGranuleFile function in @cumulus/ingest

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const s3ObjAlreadyExists = await s3ObjectExists(target);
  log.debug(`file ${target.Key} exists in ${target.Bucket}: ${s3ObjAlreadyExists}`);

  const options = (bucketsConfig.type(file.bucket).match('public')) ? { ACL: 'public-read' } : null;
  let versionedFiles = [];
  if (s3ObjAlreadyExists) {
    if (markDuplicates) fileMoved.duplicate_found = true;
    // returns renamed files for 'version', otherwise empty array
    versionedFiles = await handleDuplicateFile({
      copyOptions: options,
  } else {
    await moveGranuleFile(source, target, options);

  // return both file moved and renamed files
  return [fileMoved]
    .concat( => ({
      bucket: f.Bucket,
      name: path.basename(f.Key),
      filename: buildS3Uri(f.Bucket, f.Key),
      filepath: f.Key,
      size: f.size,
      url_path: file.url_path