How to use the @cumulus/ingest/granule.duplicateHandlingType function in @cumulus/ingest

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few @cumulus/ingest examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github nasa / cumulus / tasks / sync-granule / index.js View on Github external
exports.syncGranule = function syncGranule(event) {
  const config = event.config;
  const input = event.input;
  const stack = config.stack;
  const buckets = config.buckets;
  const provider = config.provider;
  const collection = config.collection;
  const forceDownload = config.forceDownload || false;
  const downloadBucket = config.downloadBucket;

  const duplicateHandling = duplicateHandlingType(event);

  // use stack and collection names to suffix fileStagingDir
  const fileStagingDir = path.join(
    (config.fileStagingDir || 'file-staging'),

  if (!provider) {
    const err = new errors.ProviderNotFound('Provider info not provided');
    return Promise.reject(err);

  const IngestClass = granuleSelector('ingest', provider.protocol);
  const ingest = new IngestClass(
github nasa / cumulus / tasks / move-granules / index.js View on Github external
async function moveGranules(event) {
  // we have to post the meta-xml file of all output granules
  // first we check if there is an output file
  const config = event.config;
  const bucketsConfig = new BucketsConfig(config.buckets);
  const moveStagedFiles = get(config, 'moveStagedFiles', true);
  const cmrGranuleUrlType = get(config, 'cmrGranuleUrlType', 'distribution');

  const duplicateHandling = duplicateHandlingType(event);

  const granulesInput = event.input.granules;
  const cmrFiles = granulesToCmrFileObjects(granulesInput);
  const granulesByGranuleId = keyBy(granulesInput, 'granuleId');

  let movedGranules;

  if (cmrGranuleUrlType === 'distribution' && !config.distribution_endpoint) {
    throw new Error('cmrGranuleUrlType is distribution, but no distribution endpoint is configured.');

  // allows us to disable moving the files
  if (moveStagedFiles) {
    // update allGranules with aspirational metadata (where the file should end up after moving.)
    const granulesToMove = await updateGranuleMetadata(
      granulesByGranuleId, config.collection, cmrFiles, bucketsConfig