
6 via 20 paths







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high severity

Denial of Service (DoS)

  • Vulnerable module: com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor
  • Introduced through: com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 and info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor@2.6.7
    Remediation: Upgrade to com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.12.715.
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor@2.6.7
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor@2.6.7
    Remediation: Upgrade to info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.3.1.
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor@2.6.7


Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS). Unchecked allocation of byte buffer can cause a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception.


Denial of Service (DoS) describes a family of attacks, all aimed at making a system inaccessible to its intended and legitimate users.

Unlike other vulnerabilities, DoS attacks usually do not aim at breaching security. Rather, they are focused on making websites and services unavailable to genuine users resulting in downtime.

One popular Denial of Service vulnerability is DDoS (a Distributed Denial of Service), an attack that attempts to clog network pipes to the system by generating a large volume of traffic from many machines.

When it comes to open source libraries, DoS vulnerabilities allow attackers to trigger such a crash or crippling of the service by using a flaw either in the application code or from the use of open source libraries.

Two common types of DoS vulnerabilities:

  • High CPU/Memory Consumption- An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to take a disproportionate amount of time to process. For example, commons-fileupload:commons-fileupload.

  • Crash - An attacker sending crafted requests that could cause the system to crash. For Example, npm ws package


Upgrade com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor to version 2.11.4, 2.12.1 or higher.


high severity

Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling

  • Vulnerable module:
  • Introduced through: com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 and info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645


Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling via the deserialization of Ion text encoded data or the IonValue model processing. An attacker can cause a StackOverflowError by crafting malicious Ion data that triggers excessive resource consumption when loaded or processed. This is only exploitable if the application deserializes Ion data from an untrusted source or data that could have been tampered with.


According to the file of this package, its domain changed from to Please be aware that this vulnerability affects versions of both domains of this package.

For a fix, please check the advisory on the maintained package.


This vulnerability can be mitigated by not loading data from untrusted sources or that could have been tampered with.


A fix was pushed into the master branch but not yet published.


medium severity

Directory Traversal

  • Vulnerable module: com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3
  • Introduced through: com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 and info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645
    Remediation: Upgrade to com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.12.715.
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645
    Remediation: Upgrade to info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.3.1.


Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Directory Traversal via the downloadDirectory method of the TransferManager component. Exploiting this vulnerability is possible due to improper input validation for key names in the leavesRoot function. Under certain conditions, this vulnerability could permit the attackers to retrieve a directory from their S3 bucket that is one level up in the filesystem from their working directory.

Note: The exploitation scope is limited to directories whose name prefix matches the destinationDirectory. E.g. for destination directory/tmp/foo, the actor can cause a download to /tmp/foo-bar, but not /tmp/bar.


When calling pass a KeyFilter that forbids S3ObjectSummary objects that getKey method return a string containing the substring .. .


A Directory Traversal attack (also known as path traversal) aims to access files and directories that are stored outside the intended folder. By manipulating files with "dot-dot-slash (../)" sequences and its variations, or by using absolute file paths, it may be possible to access arbitrary files and directories stored on file system, including application source code, configuration, and other critical system files.

Directory Traversal vulnerabilities can be generally divided into two types:

  • Information Disclosure: Allows the attacker to gain information about the folder structure or read the contents of sensitive files on the system.

st is a module for serving static files on web pages, and contains a vulnerability of this type. In our example, we will serve files from the public route.

If an attacker requests the following URL from our server, it will in turn leak the sensitive private key of the root user.

curl http://localhost:8080/public/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/root/.ssh/id_rsa

Note %2e is the URL encoded version of . (dot).

  • Writing arbitrary files: Allows the attacker to create or replace existing files. This type of vulnerability is also known as Zip-Slip.

One way to achieve this is by using a malicious zip archive that holds path traversal filenames. When each filename in the zip archive gets concatenated to the target extraction folder, without validation, the final path ends up outside of the target folder. If an executable or a configuration file is overwritten with a file containing malicious code, the problem can turn into an arbitrary code execution issue quite easily.

The following is an example of a zip archive with one benign file and one malicious file. Extracting the malicious file will result in traversing out of the target folder, ending up in /root/.ssh/ overwriting the authorized_keys file:

2018-04-15 22:04:29 .....           19           19  good.txt
2018-04-15 22:04:42 .....           20           20  ../../../../../../root/.ssh/authorized_keys


Upgrade com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3 to version 1.12.261 or higher.


medium severity

Directory Traversal

  • Vulnerable module: io.vertx:vertx-core
  • Introduced through: io.vertx:vertx-core@3.8.3 and info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 io.vertx:vertx-core@3.8.3
    Remediation: Upgrade to io.vertx:vertx-core@3.9.4.
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 io.vertx:vertx-core@3.8.3


io.vertx:vertx-core is a tool-kit for building reactive applications on the JVM.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Directory Traversal. StaticHandler doesn't correctly processes backslashes on Windows Operating systems, allowing, escape the webroot folder to the current working directory.


A Directory Traversal attack (also known as path traversal) aims to access files and directories that are stored outside the intended folder. By manipulating files with "dot-dot-slash (../)" sequences and its variations, or by using absolute file paths, it may be possible to access arbitrary files and directories stored on file system, including application source code, configuration, and other critical system files.

Directory Traversal vulnerabilities can be generally divided into two types:

  • Information Disclosure: Allows the attacker to gain information about the folder structure or read the contents of sensitive files on the system.

st is a module for serving static files on web pages, and contains a vulnerability of this type. In our example, we will serve files from the public route.

If an attacker requests the following URL from our server, it will in turn leak the sensitive private key of the root user.

curl http://localhost:8080/public/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/%2e%2e/root/.ssh/id_rsa

Note %2e is the URL encoded version of . (dot).

  • Writing arbitrary files: Allows the attacker to create or replace existing files. This type of vulnerability is also known as Zip-Slip.

One way to achieve this is by using a malicious zip archive that holds path traversal filenames. When each filename in the zip archive gets concatenated to the target extraction folder, without validation, the final path ends up outside of the target folder. If an executable or a configuration file is overwritten with a file containing malicious code, the problem can turn into an arbitrary code execution issue quite easily.

The following is an example of a zip archive with one benign file and one malicious file. Extracting the malicious file will result in traversing out of the target folder, ending up in /root/.ssh/ overwriting the authorized_keys file:

2018-04-15 22:04:29 .....           19           19  good.txt
2018-04-15 22:04:42 .....           20           20  ../../../../../../root/.ssh/authorized_keys


Upgrade io.vertx:vertx-core to version 3.9.4 or higher.


medium severity

Improper Input Validation

  • Vulnerable module: org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient
  • Introduced through: com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 and info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9
    Remediation: Upgrade to com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.1034.
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9
    Remediation: Upgrade to com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.1034.
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9
    Remediation: Upgrade to info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.3.1.
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9
    Remediation: Upgrade to info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.3.1.


org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient is a HttpClient component of the Apache HttpComponents project.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Improper Input Validation. Apache HttpClient can misinterpret malformed authority component in request URIs passed to the library as object and pick the wrong target host for request execution.


Upgrade org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient to version 4.5.13 or higher.


low severity

Information Exposure

  • Vulnerable module: commons-codec:commons-codec
  • Introduced through: com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 and info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1

Detailed paths

  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9 commons-codec:commons-codec@1.11
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9 commons-codec:commons-codec@1.11
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9 commons-codec:commons-codec@1.11
  • Introduced through: ksclarke/vertx-pairtree@ksclarke/vertx-pairtree#9ba048e0dcd8edc55354d59b86e20d5503bd8987 info.freelibrary:vertx-super-s3@1.2.1 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-s3@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-kms@1.11.645 com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-core@1.11.645 org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient@4.5.9 commons-codec:commons-codec@1.11


commons-codec:commons-codec is a package that contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Information Exposure. When there is no byte array value that can be encoded into a string the Base32 implementation does not reject it, and instead decodes it into an arbitrary value which can be re-encoded again using the same implementation. This allows for information exposure exploits such as tunneling additional information via seemingly valid base 32 strings.


Upgrade commons-codec:commons-codec to version 1.13 or higher.
