Introducing service accounts: API tokens for your org

Escrito por:
Anna Debenham
Anna Debenham

12 de junho de 2018

0 minutos de leitura

One of our most frequent feature requests recently has been for the ability to generate an API token that isn’t tied to a particular user. Our existing support of API tokens tied to users was problematic for some customers who wanted more flexibility with tokens, so we’ve been working hard on building something better.

We’re really excited to be able to now offer our pro and enterprise customers the ability to create service accounts – a special type of user that has an API token associated with it.


Once you create a service account, you’ll be shown a token that applies to your org. These tokens can be used for CI and other automation purposes without using an actual Snyk user’s token. You can create as many service accounts as you like for different purposes, and you also have the ability to revoke a token at any time.

To get set up with service accounts, check out our documentation.

Snyk é uma plataforma de segurança para desenvolvedores. Integrando-se diretamente a ferramentas de desenvolvimento, fluxos de trabalhos e pipelines de automação, a Snyk possibilita que as equipes encontrem, priorizem e corrijam mais facilmente vulnerabilidades em códigos, dependências, contêineres e infraestrutura como código. Com o suporte do melhor aplicativo do setor e inteligência em segurança, a Snyk coloca a experiência em segurança no kit de ferramentas de todo desenvolvedor.

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