Putting container security in the hands of developers

Escrito por:
Leigh Moore
Leigh Moore

12 de novembro de 2019

0 minutos de leitura

Developers love containers. Adopting containers makes building, sharing, and running applications easier and faster than ever.

By 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production (Gartner). Alongside the widespread adoption, there has been a surge in container vulnerabilities, with a 4X increase in reported operating system vulnerabilities in 2018. And yet 80% of developers say they don’t test their container images during development – it’s either not their responsibility, or they are accustomed to someone down the road catching the issues - which makes scaling container security a challenge for fast-growing businesses.

Snyk is excited to announce that today we are launching Snyk Container, a new product that helps developers easily find and fix vulnerabilities in their container applications.

Snyk Container gives modern security and development teams an easy and scalable solution to find and fix container vulnerabilities. With the volume of vulnerabilities found in container images and Kubernetes workloads growing so quickly, it’s hard to know where they are, how to prioritize, and how to quickly fix them without slowing down development. By integrating directly with developer workflows and existing tools, from source control, to CI/CD, container registries and Kubernetes, Snyk Container gives developers the tools they need to build and secure containers on demand. Snyk Container helps developers perform regular,  rapid scans for open source and operating systems vulnerabilities and verify Kubernetes workloads are securely configured.

By automating the scanning and vulnerability identification, this new product enables developers to automatically “pass the security test” for their applications before they reach the first gate, freeing up developers to develop faster and not get bogged down by security.

Check out more details on the new Container Security solution here, or open a free account. We’d be glad to show you the new product — schedule a demo!

Snyk é uma plataforma de segurança para desenvolvedores. Integrando-se diretamente a ferramentas de desenvolvimento, fluxos de trabalhos e pipelines de automação, a Snyk possibilita que as equipes encontrem, priorizem e corrijam mais facilmente vulnerabilidades em códigos, dependências, contêineres e infraestrutura como código. Com o suporte do melhor aplicativo do setor e inteligência em segurança, a Snyk coloca a experiência em segurança no kit de ferramentas de todo desenvolvedor.

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