Celebrate International Women’s Day with Snyk

Écrit par:
Hayley Denbraver
Hayley Denbraver

8 mars 2019

0 minutes de lecture

Happy International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated around the globe to mark the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. IWD has been observed for more than 100 years! It is also a day to advocate for gender parity—in business, politics, media, and home.

In that spirit, Snyk wants to take a moment to celebrate the contributions of the women in our company and to invite our community in London to our International Women’s Day event — Women’s Day 2019: Candid conversations with top role models on 13 March, in partnership with the Circle Community.

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Women at Snyk

Diversity and Inclusions efforts are continual, not something that can be accomplished then checked off of a list. While Snyk has room to grow with respect to building a diverse and inclusive team, we are proud of the ways that women at Snyk enable people to use open source and stay secure through their work in product, security engineering, sales, development, legal, and more!

Women at Snyk are leaders, managers, writers, speakers, developers, athletes, artists, musicians, and explorers. We are valued by our teammates, our families, and our friends. We are multicultural, multilingual, and multidisciplinary.

Celebrate International Women’s Day with Snyk

If you are in the London area, you are invited to our joint event: Women’s Day 2019: Candid conversations with top role models . Our own Ellen van Keulen, VP of Customer Success will be joined by other top professionals to discuss their career journeys and offer advice. There will be time to network and to enjoy some refreshments.

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Join the team

Have you heard that we are hiring? Snyk is a company with a friendly team, a useful product, and a positive culture. Check out our job postings and apply today!

If you are curious about our current statistics for gender diversity:

  • Overall 35% of our employees are women

  • Our management team is 28% women

  • Our development team is 21% women

We actively want to close these gaps and would love to talk to you about our open positions.

Curious about what it is like to join Snyk? Read this account from a recent hire.

Snyk est une plateforme de sécurité des développeurs. S’intégrant directement aux outils, workflows et pipelines de développement, Snyk facilite la détection, la priorisation et la correction des failles de sécurité dans le code, les dépendances, les conteneurs et l’infrastructure en tant que code (IaC). Soutenu par une intelligence applicative et sécuritaire de pointe, Snyk intègre l'expertise de la sécurité au sein des outils de chaque développeur.

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