How to use the zat.utils.cache.Cache function in zat

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few zat examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github SuperCowPowers / zat / zat / utils / View on Github external
def test():
    """Test for the Cache class"""

    # Create the Cache
    my_cache = Cache(max_size=5, timeout=1)
    my_cache.set('foo', 'bar')

    # Test storage
    assert my_cache.get('foo') == 'bar'

    # Test timeout
    assert my_cache.get('foo') is None

    # Test max_size
    my_cache = Cache(max_size=5)
    for i in range(6):
        my_cache.set(str(i), i)

    # So the '0' key should no longer be there FIFO
    assert my_cache.get('0') is None
github SuperCowPowers / zat / zat / utils / View on Github external
def test():
    """Test for the Cache class"""

    # Create the Cache
    my_cache = Cache(max_size=5, timeout=1)
    my_cache.set('foo', 'bar')

    # Test storage
    assert my_cache.get('foo') == 'bar'

    # Test timeout
    assert my_cache.get('foo') is None

    # Test max_size
    my_cache = Cache(max_size=5)
    for i in range(6):
        my_cache.set(str(i), i)

    # So the '0' key should no longer be there FIFO
    assert my_cache.get('0') is None
    assert my_cache.get('5') is not None

    # Make sure size is working
    assert my_cache.size == 5

    # Dump the cache

    # Test storing 'null' values
    my_cache.set(0, 'foo')
    my_cache.set(0, 'bar')
github SuperCowPowers / zat / zat / utils / View on Github external
my_cache = Cache(max_size=5, timeout=1)
    for i in range(5):
        my_cache.set(str(i), i)
    my_cache._compression_timer = 1
    assert my_cache.size == 5

    # Make sure compression is working
    assert my_cache.size == 0

    # Also make sure compression call is throttled
    my_cache._compress()  # Should not output a compression message

    # Test persistance functionality
    my_cache = Cache(load='my_test_cache')
    for i in range(5):
        my_cache.set(str(i), i)
    assert my_cache.size == 5

    del my_cache

    load_cache = Cache(load='my_test_cache')
    assert load_cache.size == 5