How to use the yt.units.yt_array.YTArray function in yt

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github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
a2 = array([4., 5., 6.])
    a3 = [4, 5, 6]
    answer1 = YTArray([0.25, 0.4, 0.5], 'cm')
    answer2 = YTArray([4, 2.5, 2], '1/cm')

    operate_and_compare(a1, a2, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a2, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a2, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a2, a1, np.divide, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, np.divide, answer2)

    # Both dimensionless quantities
    a1 = YTArray([1., 2., 3.])
    a2 = array([4., 5., 6.])
    a3 = [4, 5, 6]
    answer1 = YTArray([0.25, 0.4, 0.5])
    answer2 = YTArray([4, 2.5, 2])

    operate_and_compare(a1, a2, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a2, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, op, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, op, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, np.divide, answer2)
    operate_and_compare(a1, a3, np.divide, answer1)
    operate_and_compare(a3, a1, np.divide, answer2)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_ones_and_zeros_like():
    data = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')
    zd = np.zeros_like(data)
    od = np.ones_like(data)

    assert_equal(zd, YTArray([0, 0, 0], 'cm'))
    assert_equal(zd.units, data.units)
    assert_equal(od, YTArray([1, 1, 1], 'cm'))
    assert_equal(od.units, data.units)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_copy():
    quan = YTQuantity(1, 'g')
    arr = YTArray([1, 2, 3], 'cm')

    assert_equal(copy.copy(quan), quan)
    assert_array_equal(copy.copy(arr), arr)

    assert_equal( copy.deepcopy(quan), quan)
    assert_array_equal(copy.deepcopy(arr), arr)

    assert_equal(quan.copy(), quan)
    assert_array_equal(arr.copy(), arr)

    assert_equal(np.copy(quan), quan)
    assert_array_equal(np.copy(arr), arr)
github yt-project / unyt / tests / View on Github external
def test_ufuncs():
    for ufunc in unary_operators:
        if ufunc is None:
        unary_ufunc_comparison(ufunc, YTArray([.3, .4, .5], 'cm'))
        unary_ufunc_comparison(ufunc, YTArray([12, 23, 47], 'g'))
        unary_ufunc_comparison(ufunc, YTArray([2, 4, -6], 'erg/m**3'))

    for ufunc in binary_operators:
        if ufunc is None:
        # arr**arr is undefined for arrays with units because
        # each element of the result would have different units.
        if ufunc is np.power:
            a = YTArray([.3, .4, .5], 'cm')
            b = YTArray([.1, .2, .3], 'dimensionless')
            c = np.array(b)
            d = YTArray([1., 2., 3.], 'g')
            binary_ufunc_comparison(ufunc, a, b)
            binary_ufunc_comparison(ufunc, a, c)
            assert_raises(YTUnitOperationError, ufunc, a, d)

        a = YTArray([.3, .4, .5], 'cm')
        b = YTArray([.1, .2, .3], 'cm')
        c = YTArray([.1, .2, .3], 'm')
        d = YTArray([.1, .2, .3], 'g')
        e = YTArray([.1, .2, .3], 'erg/m**3')

        for pair in itertools.product([a, b, c, d, e], repeat=2):
            binary_ufunc_comparison(ufunc, pair[0], pair[1])
github yt-project / yt / yt / units / View on Github external
for k, v in [(k, v) for k, v in lut.items() if len(v) == 2]:
                lut[k] = v + (0.0, r'\rm{' + k.replace('_', '\ ') + '}')
        registry = UnitRegistry(lut=lut, add_default_symbols=False)
        self.units = Unit(unit, registry=registry)

    def __deepcopy__(self, memodict=None):
        """copy.deepcopy implementation

        This is necessary for stdlib deepcopy of arrays and quantities.
        if memodict is None:
            memodict = {}
        ret = super(YTArray, self).__deepcopy__(memodict)
        return type(self)(ret, copy.deepcopy(self.units))

class YTQuantity(YTArray):
    A scalar associated with a unit.


    input_scalar : an integer or floating point scalar
        The scalar to attach units to
    input_units : String unit specification, unit symbol object, or astropy units
        The units of the quantity. Powers must be specified using python syntax
        (cm**3, not cm^3).
    registry : A UnitRegistry object
        The registry to create units from. If input_units is already associated
        with a unit registry and this is specified, this will be used instead of
        the registry associated with the unit object.
    dtype : data-type
github yt-project / yt / yt / units / View on Github external
def coerce_iterable_units(input_object):
    if isinstance(input_object, np.ndarray):
        return input_object
    if iterable(input_object):
        if any([isinstance(o, YTArray) for o in input_object]):
            ff = getattr(input_object[0], 'units', NULL_UNIT, )
            if any([ff != getattr(_, 'units', NULL_UNIT) for _ in input_object]):
                raise YTIterableUnitCoercionError(input_object)
            # This will create a copy of the data in the iterable.
            return YTArray(input_object)
        return input_object
        return input_object
github yt-project / yt / yt / frontends / ytdata / View on Github external
The hdf5 file or group to which the data will be written.
    field : str
        The name of the field to be saved.
    data : YTArray
        The data array to be saved.

    dataset : hdf5 dataset
        The created hdf5 dataset.

    dataset = fh.create_dataset(str(field), data=data)
    units = ""
    if isinstance(data, YTArray):
        units = str(data.units)
    dataset.attrs["units"] = units
    return dataset
github yt-project / yt / yt / analysis_modules / photon_simulator / View on Github external
mspec_l = np.zeros(self.nchan)
        cspec_r = np.zeros(self.nchan)
        mspec_r = np.zeros(self.nchan)
        tindex = np.searchsorted(self.Tvals, kT)-1
        if tindex >= self.Tvals.shape[0]-1 or tindex < 0:
            return YTArray(cspec_l, "cm**3/s"), YTArray(mspec_l, "cm**3/s")
        dT = (kT-self.Tvals[tindex])/self.dTvals[tindex]
        # First do H,He, and trace elements
        for elem in self.cosmic_elem:
            cspec_l += self._make_spectrum(kT, elem, tindex+2)
            cspec_r += self._make_spectrum(kT, elem, tindex+3)
        # Next do the metals
        for elem in self.metal_elem:
            mspec_l += self._make_spectrum(kT, elem, tindex+2)
            mspec_r += self._make_spectrum(kT, elem, tindex+3)
        cosmic_spec = YTArray(cspec_l*(1.-dT)+cspec_r*dT, "cm**3/s")
        metal_spec = YTArray(mspec_l*(1.-dT)+mspec_r*dT, "cm**3/s")
        return cosmic_spec, metal_spec
github yt-project / yt / yt / geometry / View on Github external
def fwidth(self):
        if self._fast_index is not None:
            ci = self._fast_index.select_fwidth(
                self.dobj.selector, self.data_size)
            ci = YTArray(ci, input_units = "code_length",
                         registry = self.dobj.ds.unit_registry)
            return ci
        ci = np.empty((self.data_size, 3), dtype='float64')
        ci = YTArray(ci, input_units = "code_length",
                     registry = self.dobj.ds.unit_registry)
        if self.data_size == 0: return ci
        ind = 0
        for obj in self._fast_index or self.objs:
            c = obj.select_fwidth(self.dobj)
            if c.shape[0] == 0: continue
            ci[ind:ind+c.shape[0], :] = c
            ind += c.shape[0]
        return ci
github yt-project / yt / yt / utilities / parallel_tools / View on Github external
recv = []
            for i in range(send.shape[0]):
                                                 total_size, offsets, sizes))
            recv = np.array(recv)
            return recv
        offset = offsets[self.comm.rank]
        tmp_send = send.view(self.__tocast)
        recv = np.empty(total_size, dtype=send.dtype)
        if isinstance(send, YTArray):
            # We assume send.units is consistent with the units
            # on the receiving end.
            if isinstance(send, ImageArray):
                recv = ImageArray(recv, input_units=send.units)
                recv = YTArray(recv, send.units)
        recv[offset:offset+send.size] = send[:]
        dtr = send.dtype.itemsize / tmp_send.dtype.itemsize # > 1
        roff = [off * dtr for off in offsets]
        rsize = [siz * dtr for siz in sizes]
        tmp_recv = recv.view(self.__tocast)
        self.comm.Allgatherv((tmp_send, tmp_send.size, MPI.CHAR),
                                  (tmp_recv, (rsize, roff), MPI.CHAR))
        return recv