How to use the yellowbrick.exceptions.ModelError function in yellowbrick

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github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / tests / test_classifier / View on Github external
def test_binary_macro_error(self):
        Test ROCAUC to see if _binary_decision with macro = True raises an error
        # Create visualizer with a linear model to force a binary decision
        visualizer = ROCAUC(LinearSVC(random_state=42), macro=True), self.binary.y.train)

        # Ensure score raises error (macro curves aren't defined for binary decisions)
        with pytest.raises(ModelError):
            visualizer.score(self.binary.X.test, self.binary.y.test)
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / tests / test_classifier / View on Github external
def test_classes_greater_than_indices(self):
        Assert error when y and y_pred contain zero values for
        one of the specified classess
        X, y = load_occupancy(return_dataset=True).to_numpy()
        classes = ["unoccupied", "occupied", "partytime"]

        model = LinearSVC(random_state=42), y)
        with pytest.raises(ModelError):
            visualizer = ClassPredictionError(model, classes=classes)
            visualizer.score(X, y)
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / tests / test_classifier / View on Github external
def test_binary_micro_error(self):
        Test ROCAUC to see if _binary_decision with micro = True raises an error
        # Create visualizer with a linear model to force a binary decision
        visualizer = ROCAUC(LinearSVC(random_state=42), micro=True), self.binary.y.train)

        # Ensure score raises error (micro curves aren't defined for binary decisions)
        with pytest.raises(ModelError):
            visualizer.score(self.binary.X.test, self.binary.y.test)
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / tests / test_classifier / View on Github external
def test_extra_classes(self):
        Assert that any extra classes raise an exception
        model = LogisticRegression(random_state=93)
        cm = ConfusionMatrix(model, classes=[0, 1, 2, 11])

        with pytest.raises(ModelError, match="could not decode"):
  , self.digits.y.train)
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / yellowbrick / features / View on Github external
X : array-like of shape (n, m)
            A matrix or data frame with n instances and m features

        y : array-like of shape (n,), optional
            A vector or series with target values for each instance in X. This
            vector is used to determine the color of the points in X.
        self : Manifold
            Returns the visualizer object.
        if not hasattr(self.manifold, 'transform'):
            name = self.manifold.__class__.__name__
            raise ModelError((
                "{} requires data to be simultaneously fit and transformed, "
                "use fit_transform instead").format(name)

        # Call super to compute features, classes, colors, etc.
        super(Manifold, self).fit(X, y)
        return self
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / yellowbrick / features / View on Github external
        This method does not work with MDS, TSNE and SpectralEmbedding because 
        it is yet to be implemented in sklearn.
        # Because some manifolds do not have transform we cannot call super
            Xp = self.manifold.transform(X)
            self.draw(Xp, y)
            return Xp
        except NotFittedError:
             raise NotFitted.from_estimator(self, 'transform')
        except AttributeError:
            name = self.manifold.__class__.__name__
            raise ModelError((
                "{} requires data to be simultaneously fit and transformed, "
                "use fit_transform instead").format(name)
        return Xp
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / yellowbrick / classifier / View on Github external
# Return the first resolved function
        for attr in attrs:
                method = getattr(self.estimator, attr, None)
                if method:
                    return method(X)
            except AttributeError:
                # Some Scikit-Learn estimators have both probability and
                # decision functions but override __getattr__ and raise an
                # AttributeError on access.
                # Note that because of the ordering of our attrs above,
                # estimators with both will *only* ever use probability.

        # If we've gotten this far, raise an error
        raise ModelError(
            "ROCAUC requires estimators with predict_proba or "
            "decision_function methods."
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / yellowbrick / classifier / View on Github external
# Compute the predictions for the test data
        y_pred = self._get_y_scores(X)

        # Note: In the above, _get_y_scores calls either a decision_function or
        # predict_proba, which should return a 2D array. But in a binary
        # classification using an estimator with only a decision_function, y_pred
        # will instead be 1D, meaning only one curve can be plotted. In this case,
        # we set the _binary_decision attribute to True to ensure only one curve is
        # computed and plotted later on.
        if y_pred.ndim == 1:
            self._binary_decision = True

            # Raise an error if it's a binary decision and user has set micro,
            # macro, or per_class to True
            if self.micro or self.macro or self.per_class:
                raise ModelError(
                    "Micro, macro, and per-class scores are not defined for "
                    "binary classification for estimators with only "
                    "decision_function methods; set micro, macro, and "
                    "per-class params to False."
            self._binary_decision = False
            # If it's not a binary decision, at least one of micro, macro, or
            # per_class must be True
            if not self.micro and not self.macro and not self.per_class:
                raise YellowbrickValueError(
                    "no curves will be drawn; specify micro, macro, or per_class"

        # Classes may be label encoded so only use what's in y to compute.
        # The self.classes_ attribute will be used as names for labels.
github DistrictDataLabs / yellowbrick / yellowbrick / classifier / View on Github external
if hasattr(self.encoder, "inverse_transform"):
                    return self.encoder.inverse_transform(y)
                except ValueError:
                    y_labels = np.unique(y)
                    raise ModelError(
                        "could not decode {} y values to {} labels".format(
                            y_labels, self._labels()

            # Otherwise, treat as a dictionary
                return np.asarray([self.encoder[yi] for yi in y])
            except KeyError as e:
                raise ModelError(
                        "cannot decode class {} to label, "
                        "key not specified by encoder"

        if self.classes is not None:
            # Determine indices to perform class mappings on
            yp = np.asarray(y)
            if yp.dtype.kind in {"i", "u"}:
                idx = yp
                # Use label encoder to get indices by sorted class names
                idx = LabelEncoder().fit_transform(yp)

            # Use index mapping for classes