How to use the xpra.codecs.loader.get_codec function in xpra

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xpra examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def paint_webp(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, options, callbacks):
        dec_webp = get_codec("dec_webp")
        if dec_webp:
            return self.paint_webp_using_cwebp(img_data, x, y, width, height, options, callbacks)
        return self.paint_webp_using_webm(img_data, x, y, width, height, options, callbacks)
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def init_encodings(self):
        #core encodings: all the specific encoding formats we can encode:
        self.core_encodings = ["rgb24", "rgb32"]
        #encodings: the format families we can encode (same as core, except for rgb):
        self.encodings = ["rgb"]

        def add_encodings(encodings):
            for e in encodings:
                if e not in self.encodings:
                if e not in self.core_encodings:

        #video encoders (actual encodings supported are queried):
        for codec_name in ("enc_vpx", "enc_x264", "enc_nvenc"):
            codec = get_codec(codec_name)
            if codec:
                #codec.get_type()    #ie: "vpx", "x264" or "nvenc"
                log("init_encodings() codec %s found, adding: %s", codec.get_type(), codec.get_encodings())
                add_encodings(codec.get_encodings())  #ie: ["vp8"] or ["h264"]

        for module, encodings in {
                              "enc_webp"  : ["webp"],
                              "PIL"       : ["png", "png/L", "png/P", "jpeg"],
            if not has_codec(module):
                log("init_encodings() codec module %s is missing, not adding: %s", module, encodings)

        self.lossless_encodings = [x for x in self.core_encodings if (x.startswith("png") or x.startswith("rgb"))]
        self.lossless_mode_encodings = []
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def webp_encode(self, coding, image, options):
        enc_webp = get_codec("enc_webp")
        webp_handlers = get_codec("webp_bitmap_handlers")
        assert enc_webp and webp_handlers, "webp components are missing"

        BitmapHandler = webp_handlers.BitmapHandler
        handler_encs = {
                    "RGB" : (BitmapHandler.RGB,     "EncodeRGB",  "EncodeLosslessRGB",  False),
                    "BGR" : (BitmapHandler.BGR,     "EncodeBGR",  "EncodeLosslessBGR",  False),
                    "RGBA": (BitmapHandler.RGBA,    "EncodeRGBA", "EncodeLosslessRGBA", True),
                    "RGBX": (BitmapHandler.RGBA,    "EncodeRGBA", "EncodeLosslessRGBA", False),
                    "BGRA": (BitmapHandler.BGRA,    "EncodeBGRA", "EncodeLosslessBGRA", True),
                    "BGRX": (BitmapHandler.BGRA,    "EncodeBGRA", "EncodeLosslessBGRA", False),
        pixel_format = image.get_pixel_format()
        h_e = handler_encs.get(pixel_format)
        assert h_e is not None, "cannot handle rgb format %s with webp!" % pixel_format
        bh, lossy_enc, lossless_enc, has_alpha = h_e
        q = self.get_current_quality()
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def paint_with_video_decoder(self, decoder_name, coding, img_data, x, y, width, height, options, callbacks):
        assert x==0 and y==0
        decoder_module = get_codec(decoder_name)
        assert decoder_module, "decoder module not found for %s" % decoder_name
        assert hasattr(decoder_module, "Decoder"), "decoder module %s does not have 'Decoder' factory function!" % decoder_module
        assert hasattr(decoder_module, "get_colorspaces"), "decoder module %s does not have 'get_colorspaces' function!" % decoder_module
        factory = getattr(decoder_module, "Decoder")
        get_colorspaces = getattr(decoder_module, "get_colorspaces")
            if self._backing is None:
                log("window %s is already gone!", self.wid)
                fire_paint_callbacks(callbacks, False)
                return  False
            enc_width, enc_height = options.get("scaled_size", (width, height))
            input_colorspace = options.get("csc")
            if not input_colorspace:
                # Backwards compatibility with pre 0.10.x clients
                # We used to specify the colorspace as an avutil PixelFormat constant
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def init_csc_option(self, csc_name):
        csc_module = get_codec(csc_name)
        debug("init_csc_option(%s) module=%s", csc_name, csc_module)
        if csc_module is None:
        csc_type = csc_module.get_type()
        except Exception, e:
            log.warn("cannot use %s module %s: %s", csc_type, csc_module, e, exc_info=True)
        in_cscs = csc_module.get_input_colorspaces()
        for in_csc in in_cscs:
            csc_specs = self._csc_encoder_specs.setdefault(in_csc, [])
            out_cscs = csc_module.get_output_colorspaces(in_csc)
            debug("init_csc_option(..) %s.get_output_colorspaces(%s)=%s", csc_module.get_type(), in_csc, out_cscs)
            for out_csc in out_cscs:
                spec = csc_module.get_spec(in_csc, out_csc)
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def paint_webp(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, options, callbacks):
        """ can be called from any thread """
        dec_webp = get_codec("dec_webp")
        assert dec_webp is not None, "webp decoder not found"
        if options.get("has_alpha", False):
            decode = dec_webp.DecodeRGBA
            rowstride = width*4
            paint_rgb = self.do_paint_rgb32
            decode = dec_webp.DecodeRGB
            rowstride = width*3
            paint_rgb = self.do_paint_rgb24
        if DRAW_DEBUG:
  "paint_webp(%s) using decode=%s, paint=%s",
                 ("%s bytes" % len(img_data), x, y, width, height, options, callbacks), decode, paint_rgb)
        rgb_data = decode(img_data)
        pixels = str(rgb_data.bitmap)
        self.idle_add(paint_rgb, pixels, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options, callbacks)
        return  False
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def init_video_encoder_option(self, encoder_name):
        encoder_module = get_codec(encoder_name)
        debug("init_video_encoder_option(%s) module=%s", encoder_name, encoder_module)
        if not encoder_module:
        encoder_type = encoder_module.get_type()
        except Exception, e:
            log.warn("cannot use %s module %s: %s", encoder_type, encoder_module, e, exc_info=True)
        colorspaces = encoder_module.get_colorspaces()
        debug("init_video_encoder_option(%s) %s input colorspaces=%s", encoder_module, encoder_type, colorspaces)
        encodings = encoder_module.get_encodings()
        debug("init_video_encoder_option(%s) %s encodings=%s", encoder_module, encoder_type, encodings)
        for encoding in encodings:
            encoder_specs = self._video_encoder_specs.setdefault(encoding, {})
            for colorspace in colorspaces:
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def init_encodings(self):
        def add_encodings(encodings):
            for ce in encodings:
                e = {"rgb32" : "rgb", "rgb24" : "rgb"}.get(ce, ce)
                if e not in self.encodings:
                if ce not in self.core_encodings:

        add_encodings(["rgb24", "rgb32"])

        #video encoders (empty when first called - see threaded_init)
        add_encodings(getVideoHelper().get_encodings())  #ie: ["vp8", "h264"]
        #Pithon Imaging Libary:
        PIL = get_codec("PIL")
        if PIL:
        #webp: only check for "enc_webm" because "enc_webp" needs a fallback (either "PIL" or "enc_webm")
        if has_codec("enc_webm"):

        self.lossless_encodings = [x for x in self.core_encodings if (x.startswith("png") or x.startswith("rgb"))]
        self.lossless_mode_encodings = []
        if has_codec("enc_webm_lossless"):

        self.default_encoding = [x for x in PREFERED_ENCODING_ORDER if x in self.encodings][0]
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def paint_webp(self, img_data, x, y, width, height, options, callbacks):
        """ can be called from any thread """
        dec_webp = get_codec("dec_webp")
        assert dec_webp is not None, "webp decoder not found"
        if options.get("has_alpha", False):
            decode = dec_webp.DecodeRGBA
            rowstride = width*4
            paint_rgb = self.do_paint_rgb32
            decode = dec_webp.DecodeRGB
            rowstride = width*3
            paint_rgb = self.do_paint_rgb24
        log("paint_webp(%s) using decode=%s, paint=%s",
             ("%s bytes" % len(img_data), x, y, width, height, options, callbacks), decode, paint_rgb)
        rgb_data = decode(img_data)
        pixels = str(rgb_data.bitmap)
        self.idle_add(paint_rgb, pixels, x, y, width, height, rowstride, options, callbacks)
        return  False
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def init_encoders(self):
        self._encoders["rgb24"] = self.rgb_encode
        self._encoders["rgb32"] = self.rgb_encode
        for x in get_PIL_encodings(get_codec("PIL")):
            if x in self.server_core_encodings:
                self._encoders[x] = self.PIL_encode
        #prefer this one over PIL supplied version:
        if "webp" in self.server_core_encodings:
            self._encoders["webp"] = self.webp_encode
        if self._mmap and self._mmap_size>0:
            self._encoders["mmap"] = self.mmap_encode