How to use the xlrd.timemachine.REPR function in xlrd

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# result should be an instance of the Operand class
    kind = res.kind
    value = res.value
    if kind >= 0:
        # A scalar, or unknown ... you've seen all there is to see.
    elif kind == xlrd.oREL:
        # A list of Ref3D objects representing *relative* ranges
        for i in range(len(value)):
            ref3d = value[i]
            print("Range %d: %s ==> %s"% (i, REPR(ref3d.coords), REPR(xlrd.rangename3drel(book, ref3d))), file=f)
    elif kind == xlrd.oREF:
        # A list of Ref3D objects
        for i in range(len(value)):
            ref3d = value[i]
            print("Range %d: %s ==> %s"% (i, REPR(ref3d.coords), REPR(xlrd.rangename3d(book, ref3d))), file=f)
            if not show_contents:
            datemode = book.datemode
            for shx in range(ref3d.shtxlo, ref3d.shtxhi):
                sh = book.sheet_by_index(shx)
                print("   Sheet #%d (%s)" % (shx,, file=f)
                rowlim = min(ref3d.rowxhi, sh.nrows)
                collim = min(ref3d.colxhi, sh.ncols)
                for rowx in range(ref3d.rowxlo, rowlim):
                    for colx in range(ref3d.colxlo, collim):
                        cty = sh.cell_type(rowx, colx)
                        if cty == xlrd.XL_CELL_EMPTY and show_contents == 1:
                        cval = sh.cell_value(rowx, colx)
                        sval = showable_cell_value(cty, cval, datemode)
                        print("      (%3d,%3d) %-5s: %s"
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if options.onesheet:
                shx = int(options.onesheet)
            except ValueError:
                shx = bk.sheet_by_name(options.onesheet).number
            shxrange = [shx]
            shxrange = range(bk.nsheets)
        # print("shxrange", list(shxrange))
        for shx in shxrange:
            sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx)
            nrows, ncols = sh.nrows, sh.ncols
            colrange = range(ncols)
            anshow = min(nshow, nrows)
            print("sheet %d: name = %s; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" %
                (shx, REPR(, sh.nrows, sh.ncols))
            if nrows and ncols:
                # Beat the bounds
                for rowx in xrange(nrows):
                    nc = sh.row_len(rowx)
                    if nc:
                        _junk = sh.row_types(rowx)[nc-1]
                        _junk = sh.row_values(rowx)[nc-1]
                        _junk = sh.cell(rowx, nc-1)
            for rowx in xrange(anshow-1):
                if not printit and rowx % 10000 == 1 and rowx > 1:
                    print("done %d rows" % (rowx-1,))
                show_row(bk, sh, rowx, colrange, printit)
            if anshow and nrows:
                show_row(bk, sh, nrows-1, colrange, printit)
            if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx)
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def scope_as_string(book, scope):
    if 0 <= scope < book.nsheets:
        return "sheet #%d (%r)" % (scope, REPR(book.sheet_names()[scope]))
    if scope == -1:
        return "Global"
    if scope == -2:
        return "Macro/VBA"
    return "Unknown scope value (%r)" % REPR(scope)
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def show_name_object(book, nobj, show_contents=0, f=sys.stdout):
    print("\nName: %s, scope: %s (%s)"
        % (REPR(, REPR(nobj.scope), scope_as_string(book, nobj.scope)), file=f)
    res = nobj.result
    print("Formula eval result: %s" % REPR(res), file=f)
    if res is None:
    # result should be an instance of the Operand class
    kind = res.kind
    value = res.value
    if kind >= 0:
        # A scalar, or unknown ... you've seen all there is to see.
    elif kind == xlrd.oREL:
        # A list of Ref3D objects representing *relative* ranges
        for i in range(len(value)):
            ref3d = value[i]
            print("Range %d: %s ==> %s"% (i, REPR(ref3d.coords), REPR(xlrd.rangename3drel(book, ref3d))), file=f)
    elif kind == xlrd.oREF:
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% (REPR(, REPR(nobj.scope), scope_as_string(book, nobj.scope)), file=f)
    res = nobj.result
    print("Formula eval result: %s" % REPR(res), file=f)
    if res is None:
    # result should be an instance of the Operand class
    kind = res.kind
    value = res.value
    if kind >= 0:
        # A scalar, or unknown ... you've seen all there is to see.
    elif kind == xlrd.oREL:
        # A list of Ref3D objects representing *relative* ranges
        for i in range(len(value)):
            ref3d = value[i]
            print("Range %d: %s ==> %s"% (i, REPR(ref3d.coords), REPR(xlrd.rangename3drel(book, ref3d))), file=f)
    elif kind == xlrd.oREF:
        # A list of Ref3D objects
        for i in range(len(value)):
            ref3d = value[i]
            print("Range %d: %s ==> %s"% (i, REPR(ref3d.coords), REPR(xlrd.rangename3d(book, ref3d))), file=f)
            if not show_contents:
            datemode = book.datemode
            for shx in range(ref3d.shtxlo, ref3d.shtxhi):
                sh = book.sheet_by_index(shx)
                print("   Sheet #%d (%s)" % (shx,, file=f)
                rowlim = min(ref3d.rowxhi, sh.nrows)
                collim = min(ref3d.colxhi, sh.ncols)
                for rowx in range(ref3d.rowxlo, rowlim):
                    for colx in range(ref3d.colxlo, collim):
                        cty = sh.cell_type(rowx, colx)
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def show_name_object(book, nobj, show_contents=0, f=sys.stdout):
    print("\nName: %s, scope: %s (%s)"
        % (REPR(, REPR(nobj.scope), scope_as_string(book, nobj.scope)), file=f)
    res = nobj.result
    print("Formula eval result: %s" % REPR(res), file=f)
    if res is None:
    # result should be an instance of the Operand class
    kind = res.kind
    value = res.value
    if kind >= 0:
        # A scalar, or unknown ... you've seen all there is to see.
    elif kind == xlrd.oREL:
        # A list of Ref3D objects representing *relative* ranges
        for i in range(len(value)):
            ref3d = value[i]
            print("Range %d: %s ==> %s"% (i, REPR(ref3d.coords), REPR(xlrd.rangename3drel(book, ref3d))), file=f)
    elif kind == xlrd.oREF:
        # A list of Ref3D objects
        for i in range(len(value)):
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if options.onesheet:
                shx = int(options.onesheet)
            except ValueError:
                shx = bk.sheet_by_name(options.onesheet).number
            shxrange = [shx]
            shxrange = range(bk.nsheets)
        # print("shxrange", list(shxrange))
        for shx in shxrange:
            sh = bk.sheet_by_index(shx)
            nrows, ncols = sh.nrows, sh.ncols
            colrange = range(ncols)
            anshow = min(nshow, nrows)
            print("sheet %d: name = %s; nrows = %d; ncols = %d" %
                (shx, REPR(, sh.nrows, sh.ncols))
            if nrows and ncols:
                # Beat the bounds
                for rowx in xrange(nrows):
                    nc = sh.row_len(rowx)
                    if nc:
                        _junk = sh.row_types(rowx)[nc-1]
                        _junk = sh.row_values(rowx)[nc-1]
                        _junk = sh.cell(rowx, nc-1)
            for rowx in xrange(anshow-1):
                if not printit and rowx % 10000 == 1 and rowx > 1:
                    print("done %d rows" % (rowx-1,))
                show_row(bk, sh, rowx, colrange, printit)
            if anshow and nrows:
                show_row(bk, sh, nrows-1, colrange, printit)
            if bk.on_demand: bk.unload_sheet(shx)