How to use the xhtml2pdf.context.pisaContext function in xhtml2pdf

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xhtml2pdf examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_add_cell_styles_will_add_lineafter_style_if_borderright_attrs_set_on_context_frag(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.borderRightStyle = "solid"
        context.frag.borderRightWidth = "3px"
        context.frag.borderRightColor = "black"
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="tr")
        self.assertEqual(instance.styles[0], ('LINEAFTER', (3, 1), (3, 5), '3px', 'black', 'squared'))
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def test_add_cell_styles_will_add_linebelow_style_if_borderbottom_attrs_set_on_context_frag(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.borderBottomStyle = "solid"
        context.frag.borderBottomWidth = "3px"
        context.frag.borderBottomColor = "black"
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="tr")
        self.assertEqual(instance.styles[0], ('LINEBELOW', (0, 5), (3, 5), '3px', 'black', 'squared'))
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def test_add_cell_styles_will_not_add_lineafter_style_if_borderright_width_set_to_zero_on_context_frag(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.borderRightStyle = "solid"
        context.frag.borderRightWidth = 0
        context.frag.borderRightColor = "black"
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="tr")
        self.assertNotEqual(instance.styles[0][0], 'LINEAFTER')
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def test_add_cell_styles_will_not_add_linebelow_style_if_borderbottom_color_not_set_on_context_frag(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.borderBottomStyle = "solid"
        context.frag.borderBottomWidth = "3px"
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="tr")
        self.assertNotEqual(instance.styles[0][0], 'LINEBELOW')
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def test_add_cell_styles_will_add_padding_styles_based_on_frag_padding_attrs(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.paddingRight = 5
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="td")
        self.assertEqual(instance.styles[0], ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 1), (3, 5), 0))
        self.assertEqual(instance.styles[1], ('RIGHTPADDING', (0, 1), (3, 5), 5))
        self.assertEqual(instance.styles[2], ('TOPPADDING', (0, 1), (3, 5), 0))
        self.assertEqual(instance.styles[3], ('BOTTOMPADDING', (0, 1), (3, 5), 0))
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def test_add_cell_styles_will_not_add_linebefore_style_if_borderleft_width_set_to_zero_on_context_frag(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.borderLeftStyle = "solid"
        context.frag.borderLeftWidth = 0
        context.frag.borderLeftColor = "black"
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="tr")
        self.assertNotEqual(instance.styles[0][0], 'LINEBEFORE')
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def test_td_tag_doesnt_collapse_when_empty(self):
        dom = minidom.parseString("")
        element = dom.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]
        attrs = AttrContainer({
            'align': None,
            'colspan': None,
            'rowspan': None,
            'width': None,
            'valign': None,
        context = pisaContext([])
        table_data = tables.TableData()
        table_data.col = 0
        table_data.row = 0
        table_data.colw = []
        table_data.rowh = []
        context.tableData = table_data
        context.frag.paddingLeft = 0
        context.frag.paddingRight = 0

        instance = tables.pisaTagTD(element, attrs)

        self.assertEqual(context.tableData.colw, [None])
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def test_add_cell_styles_will_not_add_linebelow_style_if_borderbottom_width_set_to_zero_on_context_frag(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.borderBottomStyle = "solid"
        context.frag.borderBottomWidth = 0
        context.frag.borderBottomColor = "black"
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="tr")
        self.assertNotEqual(instance.styles[0][0], 'LINEBELOW')
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def test_add_cell_styles_will_not_add_lineabove_style_if_bordertop_style_not_set_on_context_frag(self):
        context = pisaContext([])
        context.frag.borderTopWidth = "3px"
        context.frag.borderTopColor = "black"
        instance = self.sut()
        instance.add_cell_styles(context, (0, 1), (3, 5), mode="tr")
        self.assertNotEqual(instance.styles[0][0], 'LINEABOVE')
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def pisaStory(src, path=None, link_callback=None, debug=0, default_css=None,
              xhtml=False, encoding=None, context=None, xml_output=None,
    # Prepare Context
    if not context:
        context = pisaContext(path, debug=debug)
        context.pathCallback = link_callback

    # Use a default set of CSS definitions to get an expected output
    if default_css is None:
        default_css = DEFAULT_CSS

    # Parse and fill the story
    pisaParser(src, context, default_css, xhtml, encoding, xml_output)

    # Avoid empty documents
    if not context.story:
        context.story = [Spacer(1, 1)]

    if context.indexing_story: