How to use the xdoctest.directive.RuntimeState function in xdoctest

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few xdoctest examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def normalize(got, want, runstate=None):
    Adapated from from the nltk project:

    Further extended to also support byte literals.

        >>> want = "...\n(0, 2, {'weight': 1})\n(0, 3, {'weight': 2})"
        >>> got = "(0, 2, {'weight': 1})\n(0, 3, {'weight': 2})"
    if runstate is None:
        runstate = directive.RuntimeState()

    def remove_prefixes(regex, text):
        return re.sub(regex, r'\1\2', text)

    def visible_text(lines):
        # TODO: backspaces
        # Any lines that end with only a carrage return are erased
        return [line for line in lines if not line.endswith('\r')]

    # Remove terminal colors
    if True:
        got = utils.strip_ansi(got)
        want = utils.strip_ansi(want)

    if True:
        # normalize python 2/3 byte/unicode prefixes
github Erotemic / xdoctest / xdoctest / View on Github external
def check_output(got, want, runstate=None):
    Does the actual comparison between `got` and `want`
    if not want:  # nocover
        return True
    if want:
        # Try default
        if got == want:
            return True

        if runstate is None:
            runstate = directive.RuntimeState()

        got, want = normalize(got, want, runstate)
        return _check_match(got, want, runstate)
    return False
github Erotemic / xdoctest / testing / View on Github external
def test_blankline_not_accept():
    # Check that blankline is not normalized away when
    runstate = directive.RuntimeState({'DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE': True})
    got = 'foo\n\nbar'
    want = 'foo\n\nbar'
    assert not checker.check_output(got, want, runstate)
github Erotemic / xdoctest / xdoctest / View on Github external
def output_repr_difference(self, runstate=None):
        Constructs a repr difference with minimal normalization.
        minimal_got =
        minimal_want = self.want.rstrip()

        if runstate is None:
            runstate = directive.RuntimeState()

        # Don't normalize because it usually removes the newlines
        runstate_ = runstate.to_dict()

        if not runstate_['DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE']:
            minimal_want = remove_blankline_marker(minimal_want)

        lines = [
            ('Repr Difference:'),
            # TODO: get a semi-normalized output before showing repr?
            ('    got  = {!r}'.format(minimal_got)),
            ('    want = {!r}'.format(minimal_want)),
        return '\n'.join(lines)
github Erotemic / xdoctest / testing / View on Github external
def test_blankline_accept():
    pytest testing/
    # Check that blankline is normalized away
    runstate = directive.RuntimeState({'DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE': False})
    got = 'foo\n\nbar'
    want = 'foo\n\nbar'
    assert checker.check_output(got, want, runstate)
github Erotemic / xdoctest / xdoctest / View on Github external
def output_difference(self, runstate=None, colored=True):
        Return a string describing the differences between the expected output
        for a given example (`example`) and the actual output (`got`).
        The `runstate` contains option flags used to compare `want` and `got`.

            This does not check if got matches want, it only outputs the raw
            differences. Got/Want normalization may make the differences appear
            more exagerated than they are.
        got =
        want = self.want

        if runstate is None:
            runstate = directive.RuntimeState()

        # Don't normalize because it usually removes the newlines
        runstate_ = runstate.to_dict()

        # Don't normalize whitespaces in report for better visibility
        runstate_['NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE'] = False
        runstate_['IGNORE_WHITESPACE'] = False
        got, want = normalize(got, want, runstate_)

        # If s are being used, then replace blank lines
        # with  in the actual output string.
        # if not runstate['DONT_ACCEPT_BLANKLINE']:
        #     got = re.sub('(?m)^[ ]*(?=\n)', BLANKLINE_MARKER, got)

        got = utils.ensure_unicode(got)