How to use the xalpha.cons.myround function in xalpha

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github refraction-ray / xalpha / xalpha / View on Github external
def status_gen(self, date):
        # 过滤交易日这一需求,交给各个类自由裁量,这里网格类就需要过掉非交易日干扰,
        # 而定投类中则不过掉,遇到非交易日顺延定投更合理些
        if date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") not in opendate:
            return 0

        if date == self.start:
            if self.buypercent[0] == 0:
                self.pos += 1
                return myround(self.totmoney / self.division)
                return 0
        value = self.price[self.price["date"] <= date].iloc[-1].loc["netvalue"]
        valueb = self.price[self.price["date"] <= date].iloc[-2].loc["netvalue"]
        action = 0
        for i, buypt in enumerate(self.buypts):
            if (value - buypt) <= 0 and (valueb - buypt) > 0 and self.pos <= i:
                self.pos += 1
                action += myround(self.totmoney / self.division)
        for j, sellpt in enumerate(self.sellpts):
            if (value - sellpt) >= 0 and (valueb - sellpt) < 0 and self.pos > j:
                action += -1 / self.pos
                self.pos += -1
        return action
github refraction-ray / xalpha / xalpha / View on Github external
for i, term in enumerate(
            if (
                judge * (value - term[0]) <= 0 < judge * (valueb - term[0])
                and self.pos + sum([it[1] for it in[i:]]) <= 1
                self.pos += term[1]
                action += myround(self.totmoney * term[1])
                self.selllevel = 0
        if self.sell is not None:
            for i, term in enumerate(self.sell):
                if (
                    judge * (value - term[0]) >= 0 > judge * (valueb - term[0])
                    and self.pos > 0
                    and self.selllevel <= i
                    deltaaction = myround(
                        term[1] / sum([it[1] for it in self.sell[i:]])
                    action -= (1 + action) * deltaaction  # 需考虑一日卖出多仓的情形
                    self.pos = (1 - deltaaction) * self.pos
                    self.selllevel = i + 1

        return action
github refraction-ray / xalpha / xalpha / View on Github external
def trans(remc, coef, date):

    :param coef: the factor shown in comment column of fundinfo().price, but with positive value
    :param date: string in date form or datetime obj
    :returns: new rem after converting
    rem = copy(remc)
    date = convert_date(date)
    if len(rem) == 0:
        return []
    if (date - rem[-1][0]).days <= 0:
        raise Exception(_errmsg)
    newrem = [[item[0], myround(item[1] * coef)] for item in rem]
    return newrem
github refraction-ray / xalpha / xalpha / View on Github external
def buy(remc, share, date):
    :param remc: array of two-elements arrays, eg [[pd.Timestamp(), 50],[pd.Timestamp(), 30]
        the first element in tuple is pandas.Timestamp object for date while the second
        element is positive float for remaining shares, tuples in rem MUST be time ordered.
    :param share: positive float, only 2 decimal is meaningful.
    :param date: string in the date form or datetime object
    :returns: new rem after the buying
    rem = copy(remc)
    share = myround(share)
    date = convert_date(date)
    if len(rem) == 0:
        return [[date, share]]
    elif (date - rem[-1][0]).days > 0:
        rem.append([date, share])
        return rem
    elif (date - rem[-1][0]).days == 0:
        rem[-1][1] = rem[-1][1] + share
        return rem
        raise Exception(_errmsg)
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def sell(remc, share, date):
    :returns: tuple, (sold rem, new rem)
        sold rem is the positions being sold while new rem is the positions being held
    rem = copy(remc)
    share = myround(share)
    date = convert_date(date)
    totposition = sum([pos[1] for pos in rem])  # the remaining shares
    if totposition == 0:
        return ([], [])
    if (date - rem[-1][0]).days < 0:
        raise Exception(_errmsg)
    if share > totposition:
        share = totposition  # not raise error when you sell more than you buy
    soldrem = []
    newrem = []
    for i, pos in enumerate(rem):
        if share > myround(sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i + 1)])):
        elif share == myround(sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i + 1)])):
        elif share < myround(sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i + 1)])):
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date = convert_date(date)
    totposition = sum([pos[1] for pos in rem])  # the remaining shares
    if totposition == 0:
        return ([], [])
    if (date - rem[-1][0]).days < 0:
        raise Exception(_errmsg)
    if share > totposition:
        share = totposition  # not raise error when you sell more than you buy
    soldrem = []
    newrem = []
    for i, pos in enumerate(rem):
        if share > myround(sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i + 1)])):
        elif share == myround(sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i + 1)])):
        elif share < myround(sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i + 1)])):
            if share > sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i)]):
                soldrem.append([rem[i][0], share - sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i)])])
                    [rem[i][0], sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i + 1)]) - share]
            elif share <= sum([rem[j][1] for j in range(i)]):
    return (soldrem, newrem)
github refraction-ray / xalpha / xalpha / View on Github external
if len(rows) == 1:
            return 0
        value = rows.iloc[-1].loc[self.col]
        valueb = rows.iloc[-2].loc[self.col]
        action = 0
        if self.buylow is True:
            judge = 1
            judge = -1
        for i, term in enumerate(
            if (
                judge * (value - term[0]) <= 0 < judge * (valueb - term[0])
                and self.pos + sum([it[1] for it in[i:]]) <= 1
                self.pos += term[1]
                action += myround(self.totmoney * term[1])
                self.selllevel = 0
        if self.sell is not None:
            for i, term in enumerate(self.sell):
                if (
                    judge * (value - term[0]) >= 0 > judge * (valueb - term[0])
                    and self.pos > 0
                    and self.selllevel <= i
                    deltaaction = myround(
                        term[1] / sum([it[1] for it in self.sell[i:]])
                    action -= (1 + action) * deltaaction  # 需考虑一日卖出多仓的情形
                    self.pos = (1 - deltaaction) * self.pos
                    self.selllevel = i + 1

        return action