How to use the wikidataintegrator.wdi_core.WDBaseDataType function in wikidataintegrator

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'value': self.value,
            'type': 'string'

        super(WDUrl, self).set_value(value=self.value)

    def from_json(cls, jsn):
        if jsn['snaktype'] == 'novalue' or jsn['snaktype'] == 'somevalue':
            return cls(value=None, prop_nr=jsn['property'], snak_type=jsn['snaktype'])

        return cls(value=jsn['datavalue']['value'], prop_nr=jsn['property'])

class WDMonolingualText(WDBaseDataType):
    Implements the Wikidata data type for Monolingual Text strings
    DTYPE = 'monolingualtext'

    def __init__(self, value, prop_nr, language='en', is_reference=False, is_qualifier=False, snak_type='value',
                 references=None, qualifiers=None, rank='normal', check_qualifier_equality=True):
        Constructor, calls the superclass WDBaseDataType
        :param value: The language specific string to be used as the value
        :type value: str
        :param prop_nr: The WD item ID for this claim
        :type prop_nr: str with a 'P' prefix followed by digits
        :param language: Specifies the WD language the value belongs to
        :type language: str
        :param is_reference: Whether this snak is a reference
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datetime.datetime.strptime(self.time, '+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ValueError('Wrong data format, date format must be +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

    def from_json(cls, jsn):
        if jsn['snaktype'] == 'novalue' or jsn['snaktype'] == 'somevalue':
            return cls(time=None, prop_nr=jsn['property'], snak_type=jsn['snaktype'])

        value = jsn['datavalue']['value']
        return cls(time=value['time'], prop_nr=jsn['property'], precision=value['precision'],
                   timezone=value['timezone'], calendarmodel=value['calendarmodel'])

class WDUrl(WDBaseDataType):
    Implements the Wikidata data type for URL strings
    DTYPE = 'url'
    sparql_query = '''
        SELECT * WHERE {{
            ?item_id p:{0}/ps:{0} <{1}> .

    def __init__(self, value, prop_nr, is_reference=False, is_qualifier=False, snak_type='value', references=None,
                 qualifiers=None, rank='normal', check_qualifier_equality=True):
        Constructor, calls the superclass WDBaseDataType
        :param value: The URL to be used as the value
        :type value: str
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for si in stated_in_value:
                        if si in new_ref_si_values:
                            keep_block[count] = False

                refs = [x for c, x in enumerate(old_references) if keep_block[c]]

        # sort the incoming data according to the WD property number z: z.get_prop_nr().lower())

        # collect all statements which should be deleted
        statements_for_deletion = []
        for item in
            if item.get_value() == '' and isinstance(item, WDBaseDataType):

        if self.create_new_item:
            self.statements = copy.copy(
            for stat in
                prop_nr = stat.get_prop_nr()

                prop_data = [x for x in self.statements if x.get_prop_nr() == prop_nr]
                prop_pos = [x.get_prop_nr() == prop_nr for x in self.statements]
                insert_pos = len(prop_pos) - (prop_pos.index(True) if any(prop_pos) else 0)

                # If value should be appended, check if values exists, if not, append
                if prop_nr in self.append_value:
                    equal_items = [stat == x for x in prop_data]
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self.json_representation['datavalue'] = {
            'value': self.value,
            'type': 'string'

        super(WDMath, self).set_value(value=value)

    def from_json(cls, jsn):
        if jsn['snaktype'] == 'novalue' or jsn['snaktype'] == 'somevalue':
            return cls(value=None, prop_nr=jsn['property'], snak_type=jsn['snaktype'])
        return cls(value=jsn['datavalue']['value'], prop_nr=jsn['property'])

class WDExternalID(WDBaseDataType):
    Implements the Wikidata data type 'external-id'
    DTYPE = 'external-id'

    def __init__(self, value, prop_nr, is_reference=False, is_qualifier=False, snak_type='value', references=None,
                 qualifiers=None, rank='normal', check_qualifier_equality=True):
        Constructor, calls the superclass WDBaseDataType
        :param value: The string to be used as the value
        :type value: str
        :param prop_nr: The WD item ID for this claim
        :type prop_nr: str with a 'P' prefix followed by digits
        :param is_reference: Whether this snak is a reference
        :type is_reference: boolean
        :param is_qualifier: Whether this snak is a qualifier
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if not __debug__:
                print('no matches')
            return True

        qid = matching_qids.pop()
        self.current_qid = qid
        reconstructed_statements = []

        for prop_nr, dt in self.prop_data[qid].items():
            all_uids = set([x['s2'] for x in dt])
            q_props = set([x['pr'] for x in dt if 'pr' in x])
            for q_prop in q_props:
                if q_prop not in self.prop_dt_map:
                    self.prop_dt_map.update({q_prop: FastRunContainer.get_prop_datatype(prop_nr=q_prop)})
            for uid in all_uids:
                qualifiers = [[x for x in wdi_core.WDBaseDataType.__subclasses__() if x.DTYPE ==
                               self.prop_dt_map[y['pr']]][0](value=y['q'], prop_nr=y['pr'], is_qualifier=True)
                              for y in dt if y['s2'] == uid and 'q' in y]

                stmts = [[x for x in wdi_core.WDBaseDataType.__subclasses__() if x.DTYPE ==
                          self.prop_dt_map[prop_nr]][0](value=y['v'], prop_nr=prop_nr, qualifiers=qualifiers)
                         for y in dt if y['s2'] == uid][0]


        tmp_rs = copy.deepcopy(reconstructed_statements)

        # handle append properties
        for p in append_props:
            app_data = [x for x in data if x.get_prop_nr() == p]
            rec_app_data = [x for x in tmp_rs if x.get_prop_nr() == p]
            comp = [True for x in app_data for y in rec_app_data if x == y]
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self.json_representation['datavalue'] = {
            'value': self.value,
            'type': 'string'

        super(WDMath, self).set_value(value=value)

    def from_json(cls, jsn):
        if jsn['snaktype'] == 'novalue' or jsn['snaktype'] == 'somevalue':
            return cls(value=None, prop_nr=jsn['property'], snak_type=jsn['snaktype'])
        return cls(value=jsn['datavalue']['value'], prop_nr=jsn['property'])

class WDExternalID(WDBaseDataType):
    Implements the Wikidata data type 'external-id'
    DTYPE = 'external-id'

    def __init__(self, value, prop_nr, is_reference=False, is_qualifier=False, snak_type='value', references=None,
                 qualifiers=None, rank='normal', check_qualifier_equality=True):
        Constructor, calls the superclass WDBaseDataType
        :param value: The string to be used as the value
        :type value: str
        :param prop_nr: The WD item ID for this claim
        :type prop_nr: str with a 'P' prefix followed by digits
        :param is_reference: Whether this snak is a reference
        :type is_reference: boolean
        :param is_qualifier: Whether this snak is a qualifier
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'id': 'Q{}'.format(self.value)
            'type': 'wikibase-entityid'

        super(WDItemID, self).set_value(value=value)

    def from_json(cls, jsn):
        if jsn['snaktype'] == 'novalue' or jsn['snaktype'] == 'somevalue':
            return cls(value=None, prop_nr=jsn['property'], snak_type=jsn['snaktype'])
        return cls(value=jsn['datavalue']['value']['numeric-id'], prop_nr=jsn['property'])

class WDProperty(WDBaseDataType):
    Implements the Wikidata data type with value 'property'
    DTYPE = 'wikibase-property'
    sparql_query = '''
        SELECT * WHERE {{
            ?item_id p:{0}/ps:{0} wd:P{1} .

    def __init__(self, value, prop_nr, is_reference=False, is_qualifier=False, snak_type='value', references=None,
                 qualifiers=None, rank='normal', check_qualifier_equality=True):
        Constructor, calls the superclass WDBaseDataType
        :param value: The WD property number to serve as a value
        :type value: str with a 'P' prefix, followed by several digits or only the digits without the 'P' prefix