How to use the wgpu.utils.get_default_device function in wgpu

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few wgpu examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_write_texture2():
    device = wgpu.utils.get_default_device()

    nx, ny, nz = 100, 1, 1
    data0 = (ctypes.c_float * 100)(*[random.random() for i in range(nx * ny * nz)])
    data1 = (ctypes.c_float * 100)()
    nbytes = ctypes.sizeof(data1)
    bpp = nbytes // (nx * ny * nz)
    texture_format = wgpu.TextureFormat.r32float
    texture_dim = wgpu.TextureDimension.d1

    # Create buffers and textures
    tex3 = device.create_texture(
        size=(nx, ny, nz),
        usage=wgpu.TextureUsage.COPY_SRC | wgpu.TextureUsage.COPY_DST,
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def test_write_buffer3():
    device = wgpu.utils.get_default_device()
    nbytes = 12

    # Create buffer
    buf4 = device.create_buffer(
        size=nbytes, usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.COPY_DST | wgpu.BufferUsage.MAP_READ

    # Upload from CPU to buffer, using bytes
    device.create_command_encoder()  # we seem to need to create one
    device.default_queue.write_buffer(buf4, 0, b"abcdefghijkl", 0, nbytes)

    # Download from buffer to CPU
    assert buf4.read_data().tobytes() == b"abcdefghijkl"
github almarklein / wgpu-py / tests / View on Github external
def test_shader_module_creation():

    device = wgpu.utils.get_default_device()

    code1 = compute_shader.to_spirv()
    assert isinstance(code1, bytes)
    code2 = type("CodeObject", (object,), {"to_bytes": lambda: code1})
    code3 = type("CodeObject", (object,), {"to_spirv": lambda: code1})
    code4 = type("CodeObject", (object,), {})

    m1 = device.create_shader_module(code=code1)
    m2 = device.create_shader_module(code=code2)
    m3 = device.create_shader_module(code=code3)

    for m in (m1, m2, m3):
        assert m.compilation_info() == []

    with raises(TypeError):
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def test_struct_checking():
    func =

    # This works
    func("ProgrammableStageDescriptor", {"module": None, "entry_point": None})

    # This does not
    with raises(ValueError) as e:
        func("ProgrammableStageDescriptor", {"module": None, "foo": None})
    assert "Unexpected keys" in str(e.value)

    if not can_use_wgpu_lib:

    # Neither does this
    device = wgpu.utils.get_default_device()
    with raises(ValueError) as e:
            layout=None, compute_stage={"module": None, "foo": None}
    assert "Unexpected keys" in str(e.value)
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def test_compute_indirect():
    def compute_shader(
        index: ("input", "GlobalInvocationId", i32),
        data1: ("buffer", 0, Array(i32)),
        data2: ("buffer", 1, Array(i32)),
        data2[index] = data1[index] + 1

    # Create an array of 100 random int32
    n = 100
    in1 = [int(random.uniform(0, 100)) for i in range(n)]
    in1 = (c_int32 * n)(*in1)

    # Create device and shader object
    device = wgpu.utils.get_default_device()
    cshader = device.create_shader_module(code=compute_shader)

    # Create input buffer and upload data to in
    buffer1 = device.create_buffer_with_data(data=in1, usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.STORAGE)

    # Create output buffer
    buffer2 = device.create_buffer(
        usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.STORAGE | wgpu.BufferUsage.MAP_READ,

    # Create buffer to hold the dispatch parameters for the indirect call
    params = (ctypes.c_int32 * 3)(n - 2, 1, 1)  # note the minus 2!
    buffer3 = device.create_buffer_with_data(
        data=params, usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.INDIRECT,
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# %% The short version, using numpy

# import numpy as np
# numpy_data = np.frombuffer(data, np.int32)
# out = compute_with_buffers({0: numpy_data}, {1: numpy_data.nbytes}, compute_shader, n=n)
# result = np.frombuffer(out[1], dtype=np.int32)
# print(result)

# %% The long version using the wgpu API

# Create device and shader object
device = wgpu.utils.get_default_device()
cshader = device.create_shader_module(code=compute_shader)

# Create buffer objects, input buffer is mapped.
buffer1 = device.create_buffer_with_data(data=data, usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.STORAGE)
buffer2 = device.create_buffer(
    size=data.nbytes, usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.STORAGE | wgpu.BufferUsage.MAP_READ

# Setup layout and bindings
binding_layouts = [
        "binding": 0,
        "visibility": wgpu.ShaderStage.COMPUTE,
        "type": wgpu.BindingType.storage_buffer,
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# Get nx, ny, nz from n
    if n is None:
        output_info = list(output_infos.values())[0]
        nx, ny, nz = output_info["length"], 1, 1
    elif isinstance(n, int):
        nx, ny, nz = int(n), 1, 1
    elif isinstance(n, tuple) and len(n) == 3:
        nx, ny, nz = int(n[0]), int(n[1]), int(n[2])
        raise TypeError("compute_with_buffers: n must be None, an int, or 3-int tuple.")
    if not (nx >= 1 and ny >= 1 and nz >= 1):
        raise ValueError("compute_with_buffers: n value(s) must be >= 1.")

    # Create a device and compile the shader
    device = wgpu.utils.get_default_device()
    cshader = device.create_shader_module(code=shader)

    # Create buffers for input and output arrays
    buffers = {}
    for index, array in input_arrays.items():
        usage = wgpu.BufferUsage.STORAGE | wgpu.BufferUsage.MAP_WRITE
        if index in output_arrays:
            usage |= wgpu.BufferUsage.MAP_READ
        buffer = device.create_buffer_with_data(data=array, usage=usage)
        buffers[index] = buffer
    for index, info in output_infos.items():
        if index in input_arrays:
            continue  # We already have this buffer
        usage = wgpu.BufferUsage.STORAGE | wgpu.BufferUsage.MAP_READ
        buffers[index] = device.create_buffer(size=info["nbytes"], usage=usage)