How to use the weasyprint.formatting_structure.boxes.ParentBox function in weasyprint

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"""Box for elements with ``display: inline-table``"""

class TableRowGroupBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-row-group``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    tabular_container = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox)

    # Default values. May be overriden on instances.
    is_header = False
    is_footer = False

class TableRowBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-row``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    tabular_container = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox, TableRowGroupBox)

class TableColumnGroupBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-column-group``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox)

    # Default value. May be overriden on instances.
    span = 1
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        if self.current_page in store[name]:
            # A value was assigned on this page
            first_string = store[name][self.current_page][0]
            last_string = store[name][self.current_page][-1]
            if keyword == 'first':
                return first_string
            elif keyword == 'start':
                element = page
                while element:
                    if['string_set'] != 'none':
                        for (string_name, _) in['string_set']:
                            if string_name == name:
                                return first_string
                    if isinstance(element, boxes.ParentBox):
                        if element.children:
                            element = element.children[0]
            elif keyword == 'last':
                return last_string
            elif keyword == 'first-except':
        # Search backwards through previous pages
        for previous_page in range(self.current_page - 1, 0, -1):
            if previous_page in store[name]:
                return store[name][previous_page][-1]
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margin_left = 0
    margin_right = 0

    padding_top = 0
    padding_bottom = 0
    padding_left = 0
    padding_right = 0

    def get_cells(self):
        """Return cells that originate in the group's columns."""
        return [
            cell for column in self.children for cell in column.get_cells()]

# Not really a parent box, but pretending to be removes some corner cases.
class TableColumnBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-column``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox, TableColumnGroupBox)

    # Default value. May be overriden on instances.
    span = 1

    # Columns never have margins or paddings
    margin_top = 0
    margin_bottom = 0
    margin_left = 0
    margin_right = 0

    padding_top = 0
    padding_bottom = 0
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start_value = start_box.page_values()[0] or start_value
            end_value = end_box.page_values()[1] or end_value
        return start_value, end_value

class BlockLevelBox(Box):
    """A box that participates in an block formatting context.

    An element with a ``display`` value of ``block``, ``list-item`` or
    ``table`` generates a block-level box.

    clearance = None

class BlockContainerBox(ParentBox):
    """A box that contains only block-level boxes or only line boxes.

    A box that either contains only block-level boxes or establishes an inline
    formatting context and thus contains only line boxes.

    A non-replaced element with a ``display`` value of ``block``,
    ``list-item``, ``inline-block`` or 'table-cell' generates a block container


class BlockBox(BlockContainerBox, BlockLevelBox):
    """A block-level box that is also a block container.

    A non-replaced element with a ``display`` value of ``block``, ``list-item``
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proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox)

    # Default values. May be overriden on instances.
    is_header = False
    is_footer = False

class TableRowBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-row``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    tabular_container = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox, TableRowGroupBox)

class TableColumnGroupBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-column-group``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox)

    # Default value. May be overriden on instances.
    span = 1

    # Columns groups never have margins or paddings
    margin_top = 0
    margin_bottom = 0
    margin_left = 0
    margin_right = 0

    padding_top = 0
    padding_bottom = 0
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def translate(self, dx=0, dy=0, ignore_floats=False):
        if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
        self.column_positions = [
            position + dx for position in self.column_positions]
        return super(TableBox, self).translate(dx, dy, ignore_floats)

    def page_values(self):
        return (['page'],['page'])

class InlineTableBox(TableBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: inline-table``"""

class TableRowGroupBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-row-group``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    tabular_container = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox)

    # Default values. May be overriden on instances.
    is_header = False
    is_footer = False

class TableRowBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-row``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    tabular_container = True
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``table`` generates a block-level replaced box.


class InlineReplacedBox(ReplacedBox, AtomicInlineLevelBox):
    """A box that is both replaced and inline-level.

    A replaced element with a ``display`` value of ``inline``,
    ``inline-table``, or ``inline-block`` generates an inline-level replaced


class TableBox(BlockLevelBox, ParentBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table``"""
    # Definitions for the rules generating anonymous table boxes
    tabular_container = True

    def all_children(self):
        return itertools.chain(self.children, self.column_groups)

    def translate(self, dx=0, dy=0, ignore_floats=False):
        if dx == 0 and dy == 0:
        self.column_positions = [
            position + dx for position in self.column_positions]
        return super(TableBox, self).translate(dx, dy, ignore_floats)

    def page_values(self):
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"""Box for elements with ``display: table-cell``"""
    internal_table_or_caption = True

    # Default values. May be overriden on instances.
    colspan = 1
    rowspan = 1

class TableCaptionBox(BlockBox):
    """Box for elements with ``display: table-caption``"""
    proper_table_child = True
    internal_table_or_caption = True
    proper_parents = (TableBox, InlineTableBox)

class PageBox(ParentBox):
    """Box for a page.

    Initially the whole document will be in the box for the root element.
    During layout a new page box is created after every page break.

    def __init__(self, page_type, style):
        self.page_type = page_type
        # Page boxes are not linked to any element.
        super(PageBox, self).__init__(
            element_tag=None, style=style, children=[])

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<%s %s>' % (type(self).__name__, self.page_type)
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def dispatch_children(box):
            if not isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox):
                return box

            new_children = []
            for child in box.children:
                result = dispatch(child)
                if result is not None:
            box.children = new_children
            return box
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def find_in_flow_baseline(box, last=False, baseline_types=(boxes.LineBox,)):
    Return the absolute Y position for the first (or last) in-flow baseline
    if any, or None.
    if isinstance(box, baseline_types):
        return box.position_y + box.baseline
    if isinstance(box, boxes.ParentBox) and not isinstance(
            box, boxes.TableCaptionBox):
        children = reversed(box.children) if last else box.children
        for child in children:
            if child.is_in_normal_flow():
                result = find_in_flow_baseline(child, last, baseline_types)
                if result is not None:
                    return result