How to use the vispy.visuals function in vispy

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few vispy examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github alifelab / alife_book_src / test / View on Github external
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
        # Initialize the visual with a vertex shader and fragment shader
        visuals.Visual.__init__(self, vertex_shader, fragment_shader)

        # vertices for two triangles forming a rectangle
        self.vbo = gloo.VertexBuffer(np.array([
            [x, y], [x+w, y], [x+w, y+h],
            [x, y], [x+w, y+h], [x, y+h]
        ], dtype=np.float32))

        # Assign values to the $position and $color template variables in
        # the shaders. ModularProgram automatically handles generating the
        # necessary attribute and uniform declarations with unique variable
        # names.
        self.shared_program.vert['position'] = self.vbo
        self.shared_program.frag['color'] = (1, 0, 0, 1)
        self._draw_mode = 'triangles'
github aigamedev / nuclai16 / animation / View on Github external
            line = vispy.scene.Line(parent=self.view.scene, color=color, connect='strip', method='agg', width=path_width)
            line.transform = vispy.visuals.transforms.MatrixTransform()

        self.timer_toggle = True
        self.player_position = numpy.asarray([0,0])
        if not os.path.exists('dota2.csv'):
            print("ERROR: Please download and extract this file...\n\n")
            sys.exit(-1) = data.Data('dota2.csv', self.params)
        # init the searched point with some random value - after first mouse move it's a = ( ( numpy.random.rand(2) * 10 - 5 ) - numpy.asarray(self.canvas.size) / 2 ) * self.params.SCALE_FACTOR

        self.grid = vispy.scene.visuals.GridLines(parent=self.view.scene, color=(1, 1, 1, 1))
        self.grid.transform = vispy.visuals.transforms.MatrixTransform()
        self.grid.transform.translate(numpy.asarray(self.canvas.size) / 2)
        # HACK: Bug in VisPy 0.5.0-dev requires a click for layout to occur.

        def on_key_press(event):
            if == ' ':
                if self.timer_toggle: self.timer.stop()
                else: self.timer.start()
                self.timer_toggle = not self.timer_toggle

        def on_resize(event):
github napari / napari / napari / _vispy / scene / View on Github external
def create_visual_node(subclass):
    # Create a new subclass of Node.

    # Decide on new class name
    clsname = subclass.__name__
    if not (clsname.endswith('Visual') and
            issubclass(subclass, visuals.BaseVisual)):
        raise RuntimeError('Class "%s" must end with Visual, and must '
                           'subclass BaseVisual' % clsname)
    clsname = clsname[:-6]

    # Generate new docstring based on visual docstring
        doc = generate_docstring(subclass, clsname)
    except Exception:
        # If parsing fails, just return the original Visual docstring
        doc = subclass.__doc__

    # New __init__ method
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        parent = kwargs.pop('parent', None)
        name = kwargs.pop('name', None) = name  # to allow __str__ before Node.__init__
github vispy / vispy / vispy / scene / View on Github external
GridMesh = create_visual_node(visuals.GridMeshVisual)
Histogram = create_visual_node(visuals.HistogramVisual)
Image = create_visual_node(visuals.ImageVisual)
InfiniteLine = create_visual_node(visuals.InfiniteLineVisual)
Isocurve = create_visual_node(visuals.IsocurveVisual)
Isoline = create_visual_node(visuals.IsolineVisual)
Isosurface = create_visual_node(visuals.IsosurfaceVisual)
Line = create_visual_node(visuals.LineVisual)
LinearRegion = create_visual_node(visuals.LinearRegionVisual)
LinePlot = create_visual_node(visuals.LinePlotVisual)
Markers = create_visual_node(visuals.MarkersVisual)
Mesh = create_visual_node(visuals.MeshVisual)
Plane = create_visual_node(visuals.PlaneVisual)
Polygon = create_visual_node(visuals.PolygonVisual)
Rectangle = create_visual_node(visuals.RectangleVisual)
RegularPolygon = create_visual_node(visuals.RegularPolygonVisual)
ScrollingLines = create_visual_node(visuals.ScrollingLinesVisual)
Spectrogram = create_visual_node(visuals.SpectrogramVisual)
Sphere = create_visual_node(visuals.SphereVisual)
SurfacePlot = create_visual_node(visuals.SurfacePlotVisual)
Text = create_visual_node(visuals.TextVisual)
Tube = create_visual_node(visuals.TubeVisual)
# Visual = create_visual_node(visuals.Visual)  # Should not be created
Volume = create_visual_node(visuals.VolumeVisual)
XYZAxis = create_visual_node(visuals.XYZAxisVisual)

__all__ = [name for (name, obj) in globals().items()
           if isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, VisualNode)]
github vispy / vispy / examples / basics / visuals / View on Github external
self._need_upload = False

class PointVisual(LineVisual):
    """Another simple visual class. 
    Due to the simplicity of these example classes, it was only necessary to
    subclass from LineVisual and set the draw mode to 'points'. A more
    fully-featured PointVisual class might not follow this approach.
    def __init__(self, pos=None, color=(1, 1, 1, 1)):
        LineVisual.__init__(self, pos, color)
        self._draw_mode = 'points'

class PlotLineVisual(visuals.CompoundVisual):
    """An example compound visual that draws lines and points.
    To the user, the compound visual behaves exactly like a normal visual--it
    has a transform system, draw() and bounds() methods, etc. Internally, the
    compound visual automatically manages proxying these transforms and methods
    to its sub-visuals.
    def __init__(self, pos=None, line_color=(1, 1, 1, 1),
                 point_color=(1, 1, 1, 1)):
        self._line = LineVisual(pos, color=line_color)
        self._point = PointVisual(pos, color=point_color)
        visuals.CompoundVisual.__init__(self, [self._line, self._point])

class PointCollectionVisual(visuals.Visual):
    """Thin wrapper around a point collection.
github vispy / vispy / examples / tutorial / visuals / View on Github external
def __init__(self, x, y, w, h):
        # Initialize the visual with a vertex shader and fragment shader
        visuals.Visual.__init__(self, vertex_shader, fragment_shader)
        # vertices for two triangles forming a rectangle
        self.vbo = gloo.VertexBuffer(np.array([
            [x, y], [x+w, y], [x+w, y+h],
            [x, y], [x+w, y+h], [x, y+h]
        ], dtype=np.float32))

        # Assign values to the $position and $color template variables in 
        # the shaders. ModularProgram automatically handles generating the 
        # necessary attribute and uniform declarations with unique variable
        # names.
        self.shared_program.vert['position'] = self.vbo
        self.shared_program.frag['color'] = (1, 0, 0, 1)
        self._draw_mode = 'triangles'
github EtienneCmb / visbrain / visbrain / vbrain / visuals / View on Github external
void main()
    v_color = $a_color;
    gl_Position = $transform(vec4($a_position, 1));

fragment_shader = """
varying vec4 v_color;
void main() {
    gl_FragColor = v_color;

class ConnectVisual(visuals.Visual):

    def __init__(self, pos, connect, select=None, colorby='strength',
                 dynamic=None, cmap='viridis', vmin=None, vmax=None,
                 under=None, over=None, clim=None):

        visuals.Visual.__init__(self, vertex_shader, fragment_shader)

        # Save variables :
        self.pos = pos
        self.connect = connect = select
        self.colorby = colorby
        self.dynamic = dynamic
        self._cmap = cmap
github vispy / vispy / examples / tutorial / visuals / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        visuals.Visual.__init__(self, vertex_shader, fragment_shader)

        # Create an interesting mesh shape for demonstration.
        fname = io.load_data_file('orig/triceratops.obj.gz')
        vertices, faces, normals, tex = io.read_mesh(fname)

        self._ibo = gloo.IndexBuffer(faces)

        self.shared_program.vert['position'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(vertices)
        # self.program.vert['normal'] = gloo.VertexBuffer(normals)
        self.set_gl_state('additive', cull_face=False)
        self._draw_mode = 'triangles'
        self._index_buffer = self._ibo
github vispy / vispy / vispy / scene / View on Github external
# Docstrings are _not_ looked up correctly by IDEs, since they
# are attached programatically in the create_visual_node call.
# However, help(vispy.scene.FooVisual) still works

Arrow = create_visual_node(visuals.ArrowVisual)
Axis = create_visual_node(visuals.AxisVisual)
Box = create_visual_node(visuals.BoxVisual)
ColorBar = create_visual_node(visuals.ColorBarVisual)
Compound = create_visual_node(visuals.CompoundVisual)
Cube = create_visual_node(visuals.CubeVisual)
Ellipse = create_visual_node(visuals.EllipseVisual)
Graph = create_visual_node(visuals.GraphVisual)
GridLines = create_visual_node(visuals.GridLinesVisual)
GridMesh = create_visual_node(visuals.GridMeshVisual)
Histogram = create_visual_node(visuals.HistogramVisual)
Image = create_visual_node(visuals.ImageVisual)
InfiniteLine = create_visual_node(visuals.InfiniteLineVisual)
Isocurve = create_visual_node(visuals.IsocurveVisual)
Isoline = create_visual_node(visuals.IsolineVisual)
Isosurface = create_visual_node(visuals.IsosurfaceVisual)
Line = create_visual_node(visuals.LineVisual)
LinearRegion = create_visual_node(visuals.LinearRegionVisual)
LinePlot = create_visual_node(visuals.LinePlotVisual)
Markers = create_visual_node(visuals.MarkersVisual)
Mesh = create_visual_node(visuals.MeshVisual)
Plane = create_visual_node(visuals.PlaneVisual)
Polygon = create_visual_node(visuals.PolygonVisual)
Rectangle = create_visual_node(visuals.RectangleVisual)
RegularPolygon = create_visual_node(visuals.RegularPolygonVisual)
ScrollingLines = create_visual_node(visuals.ScrollingLinesVisual)
Spectrogram = create_visual_node(visuals.SpectrogramVisual)
Sphere = create_visual_node(visuals.SphereVisual)
github vispy / vispy / examples / basics / visuals / View on Github external
def __init__(self):
        app.Canvas.__init__(self, keys='interactive', size=(800, 550))

        self.meshes = []
        self.rotation = MatrixTransform()

        # Generate some data to work with
        global mdata
        mdata = create_sphere(20, 40, 1.0)

        # Mesh with pre-indexed vertices, uniform color
        self.meshes.append(visuals.MeshVisual(meshdata=mdata, color='b'))

        # Mesh with pre-indexed vertices, per-face color
        # Because vertices are pre-indexed, we get a different color
        # every time a vertex is visited, resulting in sharp color
        # differences between edges.
        verts = mdata.get_vertices(indexed='faces')
        nf = verts.size//9
        fcolor = np.ones((nf, 3, 4), dtype=np.float32)
        fcolor[..., 0] = np.linspace(1, 0, nf)[:, np.newaxis]
        fcolor[..., 1] = np.random.normal(size=nf)[:, np.newaxis]
        fcolor[..., 2] = np.linspace(0, 1, nf)[:, np.newaxis]
        mesh = visuals.MeshVisual(vertices=verts, face_colors=fcolor)

        # Mesh with unindexed vertices, per-vertex color
        # Because vertices are unindexed, we get the same color