How to use visidata - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few visidata examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def drawColHeader(self, scr, y, h, vcolidx):
        'Compose and draw column header for given vcolidx.'
        col = self.visibleCols[vcolidx]

        # hdrattr highlights whole column header
        # sepattr is for header separators and indicators
        sepcattr = colors.get_color('color_column_sep')

        hdrcattr = self._colorize(col, None)
        if vcolidx == self.cursorVisibleColIndex:
            hdrcattr = update_attr(hdrcattr, colors.color_current_hdr, 2)

        C = options.disp_column_sep
        if (self.keyCols and col is self.keyCols[-1]) or vcolidx == self.rightVisibleColIndex:
            C = options.disp_keycol_sep

        x, colwidth = self.visibleColLayout[vcolidx]

        # AnameTC
        T = getType(col.type).icon
        if T is None:  # still allow icon to be explicitly non-displayed ''
            T = '?'

        hdrs ='\n')
        for i in range(h):
            name = ' '  # save room at front for LeftMore
            if h-i-1 < len(hdrs):
                name += hdrs[::-1][h-i-1]
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T = '?'

        hdrs ='\n')
        for i in range(h):
            name = ' '  # save room at front for LeftMore
            if h-i-1 < len(hdrs):
                name += hdrs[::-1][h-i-1]

            if len(name) > colwidth-1:
                name = name[:colwidth-len(options.disp_truncator)] + options.disp_truncator

            if i == h-1:
                hdrattr = hdrattr.update_attr(colors.color_bottom_hdr, 5)

            clipdraw(scr, y+i, x, name, hdrattr.attr, colwidth)
            vd.onMouse(scr, y+i, x, 1, colwidth, BUTTON3_RELEASED='rename-col')

            if C and x+colwidth+len(C) < self.windowWidth:
                scr.addstr(y+i, x+colwidth, C, sepattr)

        clipdraw(scr, y+h-1, x+colwidth-len(T), T, hdrattr.attr, len(T))

            if vcolidx == self.leftVisibleColIndex and col not in self.keyCols and self.nonKeyVisibleCols.index(col) > 0:
                A = options.disp_more_left
                scr.addstr(y, x, A, sepattr)
        except ValueError:  # from .index
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from visidata import BaseSheet, Sheet, Column, fail, confirm, CellColorizer, RowColorizer, asyncthread, options, saveSheets, inputPath, getDefaultSaveName, warning, status, Path, copy, Progress, option

option('color_add_pending', 'green', 'color for rows pending add')
option('color_change_pending', 'reverse yellow', 'color for cells pending modification')
option('color_delete_pending', 'red', 'color for rows pending delete')

# deferred cached
Sheet.init('_deferredAdds', dict) # [s.rowid(row)] -> row
Sheet.init('_deferredMods', dict) # [s.rowid(row)] -> (row, { [col] -> val })
Sheet.init('_deferredDels', dict) # [s.rowid(row)] -> row

Sheet.colorizers += [
        CellColorizer(8, 'color_change_pending', lambda s,c,r,v: s.changed(c, r)),
        RowColorizer(9, 'color_delete_pending', lambda s,c,r,v: s.rowid(r) in s._deferredDels),
        RowColorizer(9, 'color_add_pending', lambda s,c,r,v: s.rowid(r) in s._deferredAdds),

def reset(self, *rows):
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import shlex
            args = []
            lmr = LazyMapRow(self.source, row)
            for arg in shlex.split(self.expr):
                if arg.startswith('$'):

            p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            return p.communicate()
        except Exception as e:

class DirSheet(Sheet):
    'Sheet displaying directory, using ENTER to open a particular file.  Edited fields are applied to the filesystem.'
    rowtype = 'files' # rowdef: Path
    columns = [
            getter=lambda col,row: row.parent.relpath(col.sheet.source.resolve()),
            setter=lambda col,row,val: col.sheet.moveFile(row, val)),
            getter=lambda col,row: + row.ext,
            setter=lambda col,row,val: col.sheet.renameFile(row, val)),
        DeferredSetColumn('pathname', width=0,
            getter=lambda col,row: row.resolve(),
            setter=lambda col,row,val: os.rename(row.resolve(), val)),
        Column('ext', getter=lambda col,row: row.is_dir() and '/' or row.suffix),
        DeferredSetColumn('size', type=int,
            getter=lambda col,row: row.stat().st_size,
            setter=lambda col,row,val: os.truncate(row.resolve(), int(val))),
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cmdparts = cmd.split()
        if cmdparts[0] == 'git':
            cmdparts = cmdparts[1:]
        self.cmd = cmdparts + list(args)

    def calcValue(self, r):
        return list(vgit.git_lines('--git-dir', r.path.joinpath('.git'), *self.cmd))

class GitAllColumn(GitLinesColumn):
    def calcValue(self, r):
        return vgit.git_all('--git-dir', r.path.joinpath('.git'), *self.cmd).strip()

class GitOverview(Sheet):
    rowtype = 'repos'  # rowdef: GitRepo
    columns = [
        ColumnAttr('repo', 'path', type=str),
        GitLinesColumn('stashes', 'git stash list', type=vlen),
        GitLinesColumn('cached', 'git diff --cached', type=vlen),
        GitLinesColumn('branches', 'git branch --no-color', type=vlen),
        GitAllColumn('branch', 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'),
        Column('modtime', type=date, getter=lambda c,r: modtime(r.path)),
    nKeys = 1

    def reload(self):
        import glob
        import os.path
        self.rows = []
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if rowid not in col.sheet._deferredMods:
                rowmods = {}
                col.sheet._deferredMods[rowid] = (row, rowmods)
                _, rowmods = col.sheet._deferredMods[rowid]
            rowmods[col] = val
        col._dm_setValue(row, val)

Sheet.addCommand('^S', 'commit-sheet', 'commit()')
Sheet.bindkey('g^S', 'save-sheet')
BaseSheet.addCommand('^R', 'reload-sheet', '_dm_reload(); recalc(); status("reloaded")'),
Sheet.addCommand('z^R', 'reload-row', 'undoMod(cursorRow)')
Sheet.addCommand('z^R', 'reload-row', 'undoMod(cursorRow)')
Sheet.addCommand('gz^R', 'reload-rows', 'for r in selectedRows: undoMod(r)')

JoinSheet.trackmods = False
vd.cmdlog.trackmods = False
ColumnsSheet.trackmods = False
OptionsSheet.trackmods = False
PivotSheet.trackmods = False
IndexSheet.trackmods = False
MeltedSheet.trackmods = False
TransposeSheet.trackmods = False

Sheet.addCommand('d', 'delete-row', 'vd.cliprows = [(sheet, cursorRowIndex, deleteRows([cursorRow]))]; not sheet.defermods or cursorDown(1)')
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if self.thread.profile:
            self.thread.profile.dump_stats(options.profile + str(self.profileNumber))

        if exc_val:
            self.thread.exception = exc_val
            # remove very-short-lived async actions
            if elapsed_s(self.thread) < min_thread_time_s:

class ProfileSheet(Sheet):
    columns = [
        Column('funcname', getter=lambda col,row: codestr(row.code)),
        Column('filename', getter=lambda col,row: os.path.split(row.code.co_filename)[-1] if not isinstance(row.code, str) else ''),
        Column('linenum', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.code.co_firstlineno if not isinstance(row.code, str) else None),

        Column('inlinetime_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.inlinetime*1000000),
        Column('totaltime_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.totaltime*1000000),
        ColumnAttr('callcount', type=int),
        Column('avg_inline_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.inlinetime*1000000/row.callcount),
        Column('avg_total_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.totaltime*1000000/row.callcount),
        ColumnAttr('reccallcount', type=int),
        Column('callers', getter=lambda col,row: col.sheet.callers[row.code]),


    def reload(self):
        self.rows = self.source
        self.orderBy(self.column('inlinetime_us'), reverse=True)
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def putChanges(sheet, path, adds, changes, deletes):
    'Commit changes to path.  adds/changes/deletes are a diffset to apply to the last load from or commit to path.  By default this overwrites completely, saving as filetype to path, with filetype from path ext.'
    if sheet.defermods:
        saveSheets(path, sheet, confirm_overwrite=False)
        saveSheets(inputPath("save to: ", value=sheet.getDefaultSaveName()), sheet, confirm_overwrite=options.confirm_overwrite)

    # clear after save, to ensure cstr (in commit()) is aware of deletes
    # specifically, for the case where deletes are committed automatically (defermods = False)
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from visidata import BaseSheet, Sheet, Column, fail, confirm, CellColorizer, RowColorizer, asyncthread, options, saveSheets, inputPath, getDefaultSaveName, warning, status, Path, copy, Progress, option

option('color_add_pending', 'green', 'color for rows pending add')
option('color_change_pending', 'reverse yellow', 'color for cells pending modification')
option('color_delete_pending', 'red', 'color for rows pending delete')

# deferred cached
Sheet.init('_deferredAdds', dict) # [s.rowid(row)] -> row
Sheet.init('_deferredMods', dict) # [s.rowid(row)] -> (row, { [col] -> val })
Sheet.init('_deferredDels', dict) # [s.rowid(row)] -> row

Sheet.colorizers += [
        CellColorizer(8, 'color_change_pending', lambda s,c,r,v: s.changed(c, r)),
        RowColorizer(9, 'color_delete_pending', lambda s,c,r,v: s.rowid(r) in s._deferredDels),
        RowColorizer(9, 'color_add_pending', lambda s,c,r,v: s.rowid(r) in s._deferredAdds),

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if exc_val:
            self.thread.exception = exc_val
            # remove very-short-lived async actions
            if elapsed_s(self.thread) < min_thread_time_s:

class ProfileSheet(Sheet):
    columns = [
        Column('funcname', getter=lambda col,row: codestr(row.code)),
        Column('filename', getter=lambda col,row: os.path.split(row.code.co_filename)[-1] if not isinstance(row.code, str) else ''),
        Column('linenum', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.code.co_firstlineno if not isinstance(row.code, str) else None),

        Column('inlinetime_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.inlinetime*1000000),
        Column('totaltime_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.totaltime*1000000),
        ColumnAttr('callcount', type=int),
        Column('avg_inline_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.inlinetime*1000000/row.callcount),
        Column('avg_total_us', type=int, getter=lambda col,row: row.totaltime*1000000/row.callcount),
        ColumnAttr('reccallcount', type=int),
        Column('callers', getter=lambda col,row: col.sheet.callers[row.code]),


    def reload(self):
        self.rows = self.source
        self.orderBy(self.column('inlinetime_us'), reverse=True)
        self.callers = collections.defaultdict(list)  # [row.code] -> list(code)

        for r in self.rows:
            calls = getattr(r, 'calls', None)